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姓名 吳明豪(Ming -Hao Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 電池組裝製造廠之經營策略分析
★ 中國經濟發展對企業人資決策的影響★ 電容式觸控面板產業分析
★ 太陽光能矽晶之切削液回收再利用產業分析★ 台灣電視機產業分析
★ 中國耳機製造大廠之經營策略分析★ 臺灣銀行產業對中小企業放款之研究
★ 國籍航空客運服務業者之經營策略分析★ 中國有機農業肥料企業經營策略分析
★ 中國閥門產業分析★ 台北市不動產仲介經營分析
★ 中國發電產業之SCP分析★ 背光模組之SCP分析
★ 台灣染整企業之經營策略分析★ 台灣網路房屋交易平台產業分析
★ 台灣「建築陶瓷(磁磚)」產業分析★ 紡織污泥處理回收再利用產業分析
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摘要(中) 近年來電腦、通訊和消費類電子產品迅速發展且銷量十分驚人,而這些移動設備都需要電池來供給能量維持運作,隨著製造成本的提升與市場需求,生產基地逐漸都移轉至人力成本較低且同文同種的中國,而中資電池組裝廠也因為政府的扶持、外資的投資設廠、技術轉移與內部市場成熟,直、間接促使中資廠商能力逐漸提升,台資廠商許多訂單皆陸續被中資廠商搶走,導致市場佔有率逐步下降,再加上筆記型電腦與平板市場逐漸飽和與毛利逐漸降低,台資電池廠存在的競爭優勢逐漸降低,未來台資電池組裝廠如何轉型或創新扭轉局勢已是無可逃避的問題,本研究將針對台資新普、順達、加百裕與中資德賽、欣旺達以產業經濟學之結構-行為-績效分析手法進行研究,從產業的供給與需求開始進行分析後,延伸至市場結構分析,進而了解這市場的電池組裝廠市佔率、產品差異性、成本結構等,再依據廠商行為針對這產業的定價行為、研究與創新、設廠與投資等進行比較,最後以各家廠商的年報與財務報表進行績效水準分析比較台資與中資廠商的績效表現,研究結果可以了解,電池組裝廠商近年逐漸往車用、動力、儲能鋰電池組發展,加上許多產業分析機構預測,這些產品市場成長快速,若能提早投入將預期有不錯的收益,經分析此產業為高度寡佔市場,所以沒有擠入前幾大廠商行列,市場競爭力將大幅下降,此外台資與中資經營模式差異與政府輔助力度不同,導致台資廠商競爭力逐漸降低且面臨空前壓力,故台資廠商如可利用原有的優勢打入世界或中國前幾大移動設備、電動汽車品牌供應鏈,將可以持續維持原有的市場競爭力。
摘要(英) In recent years, computers, communications equipment and electronic products developed rapidly and sold a lot. These mobile devices require the battery to supply energy to keep the operation. With the increase in
manufacturing costs and market demand, the production base has gradually shifted to China with lower human resources costs where are of the same kind and the same language with Taiwan. At the same time, the government′s support, foreign investment, technology transfer and the maturity of the internal market are directly or indirectly promote the ability of Chinese manufacturers gradually increased. Therefore, many orders of Taiwan-funded manufacturers have been robbed by Chinese manufacturers. These phenomena led to the gradual decline in the market share of Taiwan-funded manufacturers. In addition, the notebook market and the Tablet PC market gradually saturated and notebook computers and tablet margins are gradually reduced. Now, Taiwan-funded battery factory′s competitive advantage is gradually reduced. Taiwan-funded battery assembly plant how to transform and how to reverse the situation with innovation is already a problem. This study uses the structure-conduct-performance analysis of industrial economics to study the Simplo(Taiwan-owned) , Dynapack(Taiwan-owned) , Celxpert(Taiwan-owned) and Desay(Chinese-owned) and Sunwoda(Chinese-owned). From the industry supply and demand analysis, extended to the market structure analysis, and then understand the battery assembly plant market share, product differentiation, cost structure and so on. The article compares the pricing behavior and research, innovation and the investment of different firms. Finally, the article compares the performance of Taiwan and Chinese companies through the performance of the annual statements and financial statements of the manufacturers. The results show that, battery assembly manufacturers gradually developed in the automotive, power, energy storage lithium battery in recent years. Many industry analysts predict that these fast-growing product markets will have a good income if they can be put into production early. Analysis pointed out that the industry is highly oligopolistic market, so there is no squeeze into the forefront of manufacturers will lead to a significant decline in market competitiveness. In addition, different business models and different government policies led to the gradual decline in the competitiveness of Taiwan-funded manufacturers and Taiwanese manufacturers to increase the pressure. Therefore, the Taiwan-funded manufacturers how to join world′s and China′s supply chain of mobile devices, electric car brand with the original advantages, will be able to maintain the original market competitiveness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電池組裝廠
★ 市場結構
★ 廠商行為
★ 績效水準
★ S-C-P
關鍵字(英) ★ Battery assembly plant
★ market structure
★ firm behavior
★ Performance level
★ structure-conduct-performance
論文目次 第一章緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究方法 1
1-4 研究架構 3
第二章文獻回顧 4
第三章電池組產業技術與發展近況 10
3-1 電池種類簡述與鋰電池發展史 10
3-2 電池組基本介紹 13
3-2 電池組材料發展 15
3-3 電池之無線充電、快速充電、車用鋰電池及其他電池產品介紹 16
3-3-1 無線充電: 16
3-3-2 快速充電: 16
3-3-3 新電池產品應用車用電池、儲能電池、綠色能源轉換儲存能量 16
3-3-4 其他電池產品: 17
第四章電池產業之S-C-P分析 18
4-1產業分析 18
4-1-1 供給面 18
4-1-2 需求面 21
4-2 市場結構 26
4-2-1 買方與賣方數量 26
4-2-2 產品差異性 29
4-2-3 進入障礙 29
4-2-4 成本結構 30
4-2-5 垂直整合與垂直分工 31
4-2-6 電池廠多角化發展現狀與展望 33
4-3 廠商行為 34
4-3-1定價行為 34
4-3-2 研究與創新 35
4-3-3 設廠與投資 36
4-3-4 產品策略與廣告 37
4-4 績效水準 38
4-4-1 純益率 38
4-4-2 總資產報酬率ROA 39
4-4-3 股東權益報酬率(ROE) 40
4-4-4 每股稅後盈餘 (EPS) 40
4-5 政府政策 42
4-5-1 租稅或補貼 42
4-5-2 各國安規規範 43
4-5-3 中國電池市場法規限制與影響 45
第五章結論與建議 46
5-1 結論 46
5-2 建議 47
5-2-1 朝自動化生產發展並自己開發自動化生產模組與技術 47
5-2-2 打入新型產品供應鏈獲得終端客戶技術移轉,維持競爭優勢 47
5-2-3 利用機會或各種方式打入世界或中國前幾大手機、電動汽車品牌供應鏈 47
5-2-4 開發不同領域的電池產品 48
5-3 研究限制 48
參考文獻 49
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 吳大任 審核日期 2017-6-2
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