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姓名 陳柏均(Po-Chun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 設計思維應用於醫療器材組裝之研究
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摘要(中) 醫療器材的安全與品質直接攸關人身安全與避免病患造成二度傷害,「 風險管理 」為各國醫療器材核可上市的關鍵程序,因而醫療器材組裝首要為重視生產產品的品質。加上在全球化與網路時代的嚴峻衝擊下,競爭不斷加劇,企業的利潤也不斷降低。與面對中國大陸產業的崛起、美國新帝國主義的影響及各國政府對國內產業的保護措施推動,透過新產品研發與產品功能來提高利潤,結果仍相當有限。
為了提升產品品質與利潤,將設計思維運用到內部顧客製造組裝單位,除考量到消費者需求外,亦額外考慮到製造組裝人員需求。運用設計思維(Design Thinking)5大步驟「同理心(Empathy)」、「需求定義(Define)」、「創意動腦(Ideate)」、「製作原型(Prototype)」、「實際測試(Test)」。由人的角度觀察與探索製造組裝人員作業,找出潛藏在心理生產組裝需求,並發掘生產組裝人員未能發覺到的潛在需求。
本研究運用設計思維原理,延伸發展出以下一套系統性應用設計思維步驟1.觀察組立人員不便之組立作業、2. 彙整與確認歷史客訴與廠內檢驗之人為缺失、3.調查員工認為影響生產品質之項目為何?、4進行分析與歸類並提出改善方法與個案推動等四項步驟,進而改善生產製造組立產品品質的方法。
摘要(英) The safety and quality of medical equipment directly matter to the personal safety and to the prevention of the second damage to patients.Approved and practiced by the medical equipment industry all around the world, “Risk management” is a crucial procedure because the assembling of the medical equipment has a prime focus on the quality of outputs.With the globalization and severe impacts from the internet, company’s profits are decreasing in line with the increase in competition.While encountering the rise of Chinese industries, the impacts of new American imperialism and the governments’ protection for their domestic industries, companies have attempted to boost their profits by developing new products and new functions to their goods. However, the results are quite limited.To enhance the product qualities and the profits, companies apply Design Thinking and regard the units of production and assembling as the internal customers. That is, companies need to examine and weigh not only the needs of customers but also the employees of the production and assembling units.
By employing the five stages of Design Thinking – Empathy, Define, ideate, Prototype, and Test, companies observe and explore the processes involved in production and assembling through the humane viewpoints, so the companies can figure out the underlying psychological needs in the production and assembling and disclose the un-recognized, potential needs of employees of the production and assembling units.
By utilizing and expanding the Design Thinking principle, this research study has developed a system of applying Design Thinking process as follows:
1. Observe the inconvenient processes involved in assembling
2. Compile and confirm the complains in the past and examine the internal human mistakes
3. Conduct surveys of employees regarding to the items affecting the production quality
4. Analyze and sort the problems, provide the solutions, and conduct case studies
The aim of the system is to improve the methods in the course of production and assembling.
關鍵字(中) ★ 醫療器材
★ 組裝
關鍵字(英) ★ medical equipment
★ assembly
論文目次 第一章、緒論 1
第一節、產業分析 1
第二節、研究背景動機 3
第三節、研究目的 10
第四節、研究方法 12
第五節、研究範圍及流程 14
第六節、DFMA與Design thinking差異 15
第二章、文獻探討 17
第一節、史丹佛改造人生的創意課 17
第二節、可製造性設計(DFM) 18
第三節、設計思維 20
第三章、資料收集與分析 22
第一節、理論 22
第二節、影響人為組裝品質原因調查 22
第三節、設計思維5步驟 25
第四章、實驗結果 30
第一節、實驗 30
第二節、設計思維應用於組裝推動研究作業與改善效益統計 34
第五章、結論與建議 36
第一節、結論 36
第二節、建議 37
參考文獻及書籍 38
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指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2017-6-13
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