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姓名 黃亦莙(Yi-Chun Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 物聯網時代隱私權問題探討 以平衡科技發展與個人資料保護為中心
(Information Privacy in the IoT Era Challenges and Preliminary Policy Suggestions)
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摘要(中) 隱私權為人的基本權利,在科技進步快速的發展下,隱私權的保護範疇與時俱進地受到關注,現今網際網路已相當普遍,電腦、智慧型手機皆是人們習以為常的上網工具,人際交流也比從前更加頻繁並在網路上留下活動的蹤跡,促成網路上充斥著大量個人資料,近年物聯網裝置已悄悄踏入人們的生活,大數據分析技術使物聯網裝置發揮更好的效用,除了一般個人資料外,個人敏感性資料也可輕易地在人無察覺下提供,物聯網時代的來臨讓科技產品帶來便利性,同時也暴露了個人的私密事物,隱私權與科技發展之間存在難以平衡的緊張關係。
In these times of rapid development of scientific and technological progress, the concern of protection of information privacy is very important today. With devices such as computers and smart phones with which people use to browse the internet becoming much more common and assessable, interpersonal communication has also become more frequent than ever before. In recent years, “Internet of Things”(IoT) have quietly impacted people’s lives. It leaves traces of activities resulting in large amount of personal information on the internet. Big data analysis technology allows for development of increasingly convenient devices. With the advent of the IoT, sensitive personal information can be readily accessed often without notice. It brings the convenience of technology products, but also exposes privacy. This results in a strong tension between privacy and technology development.
In the era of the IoT and the development of big data, there are information privacy issues such as data protection security concerns, low personal data autonomy, large numbers of sensitive personal information flow. This article attempts to discuss the principle of privacy protection in regard to the dilemma of the development of science and technology and privacy protection. To put forward ”privacy by design” and ”control of personal data” preliminary suggestions to encourage the implementation of a stronger anonymization techniques by enterprises to process personal information. From the design phase of technology products or services, enterprises should incorporate “privacy impact assessment” and the implementation of principles of traditional privacy protection such as ”data minimization principle”, ”purpose limitation principle”, and ” security safeguards principle”.
Through the implementation of a robust personal data autonomy control, enterprises may alleviate the limitations of the principles of ”data minimization” and ”purpose limitation” and establish the transparency of the collection, processing and utilization of personal data. To inform and enable individuals to choose to participate in System flows of personal data, and empower individuals ”feature analysis” applicable right of refusal, to avoid the impact on personal privacy due to the insufficiency of anonymization techniques provided by enterprises.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物聯網
★ 智慧聯網
★ 大數據
★ 巨量資料
★ 隱私
★ 個人資料
★ 特徵分析
★ 匿名化
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與問題意識 1
1.2 研究方法與限制 2
1.3 研究架構 3
2 隱私權之發展 4
2.1 國外隱私權保護之發展 4
2.1.1 美國隱私權保護之發展 4
2.1.2 經濟發展組織所發展之資訊隱私權保護 10
2.1.3 歐盟所發展之資訊隱私權保護 12
2.2 我國隱私權之相關法律規定 13
2.2.1 我國憲法之隱私權保護範疇 13
2.2.2 我國民法、刑法之隱私權規定及實務見解 15
2.2.3 我國之個人資料保護法 16
2.3 科技環境對資訊隱私之衝擊 17
3 物聯網引發之資訊隱私權保護問題 22
3.1 物聯網發展沿革 22
3.1.1 物聯網之概念 22
3.1.2 物聯網之架構 24
3.2 物聯網之應用 26
3.3 物聯網時代隱私權問題 35
3.3.1 物聯網之推手-大數據 36
3.3.2 物聯網裝置本身對隱私權的挑戰 53
4 物聯網時代對隱私權法制之衝擊 66
4.1 隱私權保護原則在物聯網時代適用上之困難 66
4.1.1 告知(Notice)與選擇(Choice) 66
4.1.2 資料最小化原則(Data minimization Principle) 70
4.1.3 目的限制原則 (Purpose Limitation Principle) 74
4.1.4 資料品質原則 (Data Quality Principle) 78
4.1.5 安全維護原則(Security Safeguards Principle) 80
4.1.6 公開透明原則(Openness Principle) 82
4.1.7 個人參與原則(Individual Participation Principle) 85
4.2 物聯網時代之個人資料定義再思考 88
4.2.1 個人資料之定義 88
4.2.2 主要去識別方式-匿名(Anonymization)與假名(Pseudonymization) 91
4.2.3 物聯網時代之個人資料於資料保護規範之適用 93
5 物聯網時代平衡科技發展與隱私權保護可能的方式 95
5.1 從設計階段保護隱私(PRIVACY BY DESIGN) 96
5.1.1 資料最小化(data minimization)與目的限制(purpose limitation) 98
5.1.2 資料安全保護措施 101
5.1.3 隱私衝擊評估(Privacy impact Assessments, PIA) 104
5.2 個人資料自主控制之落實 108
5.2.1 「告知」與「選擇」之簡化與「透明化」之建立 108
5.2.2 特徵分析(Profiling)適用之拒絕權與資料可攜帶的權利 112
6 結論 119
參考文獻 123
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指導教授 王明禮 審核日期 2017-8-25
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