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姓名 林柏毅(Po-Yi Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 裝置間通訊環境下服務品質導向之資源及功率分配演算法研究
(QoS-Oriented Resource and Power Allocations in Device-to-Device Communication Environment)
★ 運用SIFT特徵進行光學影像目標識別★ 語音關鍵詞辨識擷取系統
★ 適用於筆記型電腦之WiMAX天線研究★ 應用於凱氏天線X頻段之低雜訊放大器設計
★ 適用於802.11a/b/g WLAN USB dongle曲折型單極天線設計改良★ 應用於行動裝置上的雙頻(GPS/BT)天線
★ SDH設備單體潛伏性障礙效能分析與維運技術★ 無風扇嵌入式觸控液晶平板系統小型化之設計
★ 自動化RFID海關通關系統設計★ 發展軟體演算實現線性調頻連續波雷達測距系統之設計
★ 近場通訊之智慧倉儲管理★ 在Android 平台上實現NFC 室內定位
★ Android應用程式開發之電子化設備巡檢★ 鏈路預算估測預期台灣衛星通訊的發展
★ 在中上衰落通道中分集結合技術之二階統計特性★ 先進長程演進系統中載波聚合技術的初始同步
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摘要(中) 近年來,隨著行動通訊技術的發展,人們對於行動通訊的需求日益增加,行動裝置的數量也呈現爆炸性的成長。過多的裝置用戶進行通訊也會造成中心網路壅塞的情形產生,因此不必透過基地台幫忙的裝置間通訊(Device-to-Device, D2D)被視為下世代通訊發展的重要技術。
摘要(英) In recent years, due to the revolution of communication technology, Requirements for mobile communication has been increasing day after day. The amount of user equipment will be growing explosively, which cause congestion problems for the central network when there are abundant users trying to communicate at the same time. Therefore, D2D that can transmit data directly without assistance of eNodeB is becoming the critical part of communication in next generation.
In this thesis, we discuss the issue of resource allocation in D2D communication underlying cellular networks. To make resource utilized effectively, non-orthogonal sharing mode is adopted. The eNodeB allocates resources according to the quality of service of each DUE. The proposed algorithm has a CUE share resources with two pairs of DUE, dealing with the severe mutual interference among the different users via power coordination. It can sustain the communication quality of DUE and ensure the basic transmit power of CUE simultaneously. The purpose of this thesis is to optimize the throughput as well as to enhance the service satisfaction degree of D2D.
We compare the proposed method to random and greedy algorithms, and numerical results show that the proposed algorithm can increase the throughput and obtain higher user satisfaction degree in D2D communication.
關鍵字(中) ★ 裝置間通訊
★ 資源分配
★ 功率分配
★ 服務品質
關鍵字(英) ★ Device-to-Device
★ Resource Allocation
★ Power Allocation
★ Quality of Service
第一章 緒論___________________________________________1
 1.1 背景與討論______________________________________1
 1.2 研究動機及目的_________________________________3
 1.3 論文架構_______________________________________4
第二章 裝置間通訊介紹_______________________________5
 2.1 裝置間直接通訊_________________________________5
 2.2 直接通訊無線資源管理__________________________9
 2.3 訊號干擾問題__________________________________10
 2.4 文獻探討______________________________________13
第三章 模擬系統架構________________________________15
 3.1 LTE環境架構__________________________________15
 3.2 模擬環境______________________________________18
 3.3 無線通道模型__________________________________19
第四章 服務品質導向資源及功率分配演算法__________25
 4.1 服務品質分類及使用者滿意度__________________25
 4.2 服務品質導向資源及功率分配演算法___________26
 4.3 比較演算法介紹________________________________31
第五章 模擬結果與討論_______________________________32
 5.1 模擬環境和參數_________________________________32
 5.2 模擬結果分析__________________________________33
第六章 結論__________________________________________36

圖 2.1 傳統蜂巢式通訊示意圖___________________________6
圖 2.2 LTE系統下的裝置間通訊示意圖__________________7
圖 2.3 LTE下行系統共用之異質干擾____________________10
圖 2.4 LTE上行系統共用之異質干擾____________________11
圖 3.1分時長期演進無線訊框架構______________________15
圖 3.2分頻長期演進無線訊框架構______________________16
圖 3.3 LTE上行資源網格_______________________________17
圖 3.4系統架構圖_____________________________________18
圖 4.1演算法流程圖___________________________________30
圖 5.1 D2D數量和其系統吞吐量之比較圖______________33
圖 5.2 D2D數量和其平均為差滿意度之比較圖_________34
圖 5.3 D2D傳輸距離和其系統中滿意度比值之分析圖___35

表 2.1藍芽、Wi-Fi及D2D通訊技術比較表_______________6
表 3.1 LTE規格參數____________________________________17
表 3.2不同環境的路徑損耗指數________________________22
表 4.1服務品質需求比較表_____________________________25
表 5.1系統模擬參數表__________________________________32
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指導教授 林嘉慶(Jia-Chin Lin) 審核日期 2017-7-4
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