摘要(英) |
The main material of producing energy is coal and liquid gas in Taiwan. During the process of generating electricity, however, pollutions are discharged into the environment via chimneys. The main ingredient of pollution is particulate matter, PM, can’t be naturally excreted. It will have serious impact to human body, not to mention exposure to such an environment in long-term.
This study is based on the Extern E’s approach, which is European organization, “Impact pathway approach, IPA” to calculate two different kind of fuels for power plants. It can be quantify the externalities that will be generated during energy production. It could be distinguished the responsibility of pollution more accurately by TEDS.
The results of this study have found that although the total amount of compensation fee is sufficient to cover the human health impact of the pollutants. But the object of payment must be issued according to the emissions of pollutants in different regions of the concentration increase. On average, the compensation for coal-fired power generation is 70 times that of gas-fired power generation. Based on the social planner, gas-fired power is a better choice, although the cost wold be more expensive. Although the concentration of pollutants over the years showed a downward trend the pollutants harmed the human body over the decades. However, at the point of corporate, health costs should be included in the cost of electricity per unit of electricity, and the cost is measured. |
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