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姓名 林哲揚(Che-Yang Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 統計研究所
論文名稱 離散資料中改良p-值之研究
(The study of the improved p-value test in discrete distributions.)
★ 邊際模式隱藏分類分析★ 2×2列聯表中雙尾檢定p-值之研究
★ 2×2列聯表多項分布獨立性檢定之研究★ 台灣地區暴力犯罪研究
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摘要(中) p-值在統計學上有相當廣泛的應用,
且為一 $alpha$ 水準檢定.
當原先信賴集合(區間)其真實信賴係數不低於名目水準 $1-alpha$ 時,
且保證覆蓋機率至少為 $1-alpha$.
使用均勻先驗分布與 Jeffreys 先驗分布推導部分後驗預測p-值,
摘要(英) The p-value is the most commonly used measure of compatibility of the null model in many applied statistics.
For the statistical inference in discrete data,
the null model often involves the nuisance parameters so that the property of the p-value is more complicated.
This paper considers a procedure which can improve tests used in discrete distributions.
If one constructs a test by a p-value,
the procedure takes such a p-value as a test statistic,
and uses the exact unconditional approach to construct an improved p-value test.
For testing the equality of two independent binomial proportions,
the improved p-value test, which is a level $alpha$ test, is at least as powerful as the original one when the original p-value is valid.
For the interval estimation of the odds ratio in two independent binomial samples,
the improved confidence set (interval) constructed by using the improved p-value test has improvement on interval length and coverage probability
if the original one has coverage probability above the nominal level $1-alpha$.
Also the actual confidence coefficient of the improved confidence set (interval) attains at least 1-$alpha$.
Especially, the improved p-value test and the improved confidence set (interval) significantly outperform the original ones
when the sample sizes are small or moderate.
From Bayesian point of view,
we use the uniform prior and Jeffreys prior to derive the partial posterior predictive p-values
as the data is sampling from the two independent binomial sampling scheme and the multinomial sampling scheme, respectively,
and the numerical studies show that the distribution of the partial posterior predictive p-value
is much closer to the uniform distribution than that of Fisher’’s p-value under the null model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二項抽樣
★ 正確條件方法
★ 正確非條件方法
★ 改良p-值
★ 信賴區間
★ 貝氏p-值
關鍵字(英) ★ Binomial sampling
★ exact conditional approach
★ exact unconditional approach
★ improved p-value
★ Bayesian p-value
★ confidence interval
論文目次 中文摘要.....i
第一章 研究動機與文獻回顧.......1
第二章 改良p-值的理論性質.......8
第三章 兩獨立二項抽樣母體成功機率之檢定............13
3.1 簡介................13
3.2 實例研究............19
3.3 檢定大小比較........21
3.4 檢定力比較..........25
第四章 兩獨立二項抽樣成功機率勝算比之區間估計......32
4.1 p-值與信賴區間...........32
4.2 勝算比的正確信賴區間.....36
4.3 實例研究.................43
4.4 區間長度比較.............45
4.5 覆蓋機率比較.............48
第五章 貝氏p-值..............51
5.1 簡介.....................51
5.2 兩獨立二項抽樣之應用.....56
5.3 多項抽樣之應用...........65
第六章 結論..................73
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指導教授 楊明宗(Ming-Chung Yang) 審核日期 2006-6-20
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