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姓名 鄭羽婷(Cheng, Yu-Ting) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 資訊工程學系 論文名稱 使用Leap Motion進行即時布偶操作
(Using Leap Motion for Manipulating Real-time Digital Puppet Models)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 人機互動議題近幾年來尤為盛行,他也是未來離不開我們生活的一項技術,人類和電腦互動交流,只會更多不會更少。本論文提出即時虛擬布偶操作,希望將逐漸沒落的布偶戲,結合科技,展現全新的風貌,解決布偶戲高昂的戲偶舞台的支出,並且達到一人也可以輕鬆完成布偶戲的製作目的。我們採用了leap motion 作為我們手部偵測的唯一sensor,追蹤手部並且偵測特定動作,並將手指mapping 虛擬布偶的雙手和頭部,利用逆向運動學計算子關節旋轉角度,模擬連動關節自然姿態,呈現手部操作虛擬布偶的成果。再多樣舞台,提供不同的互動物件,例如開關門,或是利用特定手勢只是玩偶拾取物品等,讓布偶操作有更多的可能性。結果呈現有達到預期效果,也拍攝了示範影片,並且以簡單的設備和易上手的操作使用本系統。 摘要(英) Recent years, people it is urgent to look for a new method to interact directly with device. If you only use keyboard and mouse to control the device, you always feel indirect and not intuitive. You will want to interact more naturally with computer. So the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has become an important issue of computer science. The VR gives priority to the development in the future. The HCI makes people communicate with computers easier. The goal is presenting more interactive experience as better as possible.
Puppet play is often seen in many countries as a type of traditional show, which is a form of theater or performance that involves the control of puppets. Facing the audience, the actors rely on the story outline and add their own creative improvisation to complete a perfect performance. The PiLi glove puppetry is the most important one in Taiwan. It had been great memory of childhood of people. Recently, this traditional show is becoming less popular due to their high cost such as professional stage, expensive puppets and the preparation time for a show. If you want to start a show, you should setup the stage and prepare many kinds of puppets. This is very difficult to those who are the beginner. Young people always like to fashionable things. They don’t want to play this.
In this paper, we combine the puppet play and technology. We propose a method that user can play a puppet show on computer. You try to design a simply environment to provide to those who want to play the puppet play but don’t have enough equipment. The Leap Motion is an only sensor we use and it catches user’s hand gesture and shows result of controlling puppet in computer screen. The Unity is our performance of vision and we use Maya to design our model. We use finger mapping hands and head of puppet and calculate angle of joint by Inverse kinematics. Users can choose different puppets, scenes and music in our system. Anyone can play a real-time puppet show easily by themselves.關鍵字(中) ★ 布偶秀
★ 手部追蹤
★ 手勢
★ 及時關鍵字(英) ★ Puppet show
★ hand tracking
★ Gesture
★ Leap Motion
★ Inverse kinematics
★ Real-Time論文目次
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
1.3 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2. Related Work 6
2.1 Digital puppet show 6
2.2 The Leap Motion 9
2.2.1 Introduction 9
2.2.2 Observations 12
2.2.3 Finger data for Leap Motion 14
2.2.4 Features data for Leap Motion 16
2.3 The Leap Motion with HCI 17
2.4 The Leap Motion with the Unity 19
2.5 Inverse kinematics and forward kinematics 23
2.6 Our System 27
Chapter 3. Proposed Method 28
3.1 Finger and palm data 28
3.2 Control puppets 31
3.3 Different types of the result 45
3.4 The puppets and scenes 48
3.5 System pseudocode 49
Chapter 4. Experiment Results 50
4.1 Equipment 50
4.2 Inverse kinematics result 52
4.3 result of drama 53
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work 58
5.1 Conclusion 58
5.2 Future Work 58
References 59參考文獻
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