博碩士論文 104522015 詳細資訊

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姓名 林亭彣(Ting-Wen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 以雙重卷積神經網路實現容易更換前導者的跟隨自走車
(A double convolutional neural network for an automatic following navigation vehicle with easily changing guider)
★ 適用於大面積及場景轉換的視訊錯誤隱藏法★ 虛擬觸覺系統中的力回饋修正與展現
★ 多頻譜衛星影像融合與紅外線影像合成★ 腹腔鏡膽囊切除手術模擬系統
★ 飛行模擬系統中的動態載入式多重解析度地形模塑★ 以凌波為基礎的多重解析度地形模塑與貼圖
★ 多重解析度光流分析與深度計算★ 體積守恆的變形模塑應用於腹腔鏡手術模擬
★ 互動式多重解析度模型編輯技術★ 以小波轉換為基礎的多重解析度邊線追蹤技術(Wavelet-based multiresolution edge tracking for edge detection)
★ 基於二次式誤差及屬性準則的多重解析度模塑★ 以整數小波轉換及灰色理論為基礎的漸進式影像壓縮
★ 建立在動態載入多重解析度地形模塑的戰術模擬★ 以多階分割的空間關係做人臉偵測與特徵擷取
★ 以小波轉換為基礎的影像浮水印與壓縮★ 外觀守恆及視點相關的多重解析度模塑
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摘要(中) 近幾年來自走車是一項熱門的研究議題,希望能透過車輛自動駕駛來減少使用人的負擔及降低交通事故。小型慢速自走車的應用廣,並且保有裝載物品的空間,因此希望將車輛結合電腦視覺技術,讓車子能夠自動偵測並跟隨特定行人。在本研究中,我們將發展可跟隨前導者的自走車,協助貨物運送或協助區域性購物及觀光導覽等。由於相關應用領域可能需要頻繁性替換前導者,本系統將要能夠實現快速前導者替換,在應用上能更加便利。
在實驗中,我們以校園及實驗大樓拍攝的影片測試,在行人偵測方面,偵測率可達94%,誤判率為 4 × 10-7;在前導者確認方面,我們測試 2,200張影像,識別準確率可達94%。
Self-propelled vehicles have been a popular topic in the past few years. Self-propelled vehicle research aims at reducing human resources and traffic accidents. A small slowly self-propelled car is widely used and has the space to load the goods. Therefore we hope the self-propelled vehicle integrates self-propelled technology and computer vision would be able to automatically detect and follow a specific pedestrian. In this paper, we development of the automatic following guider vehicle that be used in the delivery service business, regional shopping and sightseeing tours, etc. Furthermore, due to the requirement that need high frequently switching guider in the relevant application areas, our system propose a convenient, fast and robustness system for the guider replacement.
The proposed system consists of two parts: pedestrian detection system for finding pedestrian location coordinates and guider identification system for comparing pedestrians and the pre-defined guider. It’s difficult to detect pedestrians in various environments. We have use a more accurate deep learning technique to achieve pedestrian detection. We are able to find variation-adapted features of pedestrians and promote detection rate by using a convolution neural network. The guider identification system uses another convolution neural network to compare the detected pedestrian and the pre-defined guider to identify the unique pedestrian.
In the experiments, we test several videos which are captured from campus streets and building lobby. In the pedestrian detection system, the detection rate can reach up to 94% and has only 4 × 10-7 false positive rate. We train the deep convolutional neural network model for identifying guider. In the case of 2200 images, the recognition accuracy rate reach up to 94%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 卷積神經網路
★ 深度學習
★ 行人偵測
★ 前導者辨識
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 系統概述 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 相關研究 4
2.1 行人偵測 4
2.2 前導者確認 10
第三章 行人偵測 13
3.1 SSD 網路架構 13
3.2 內定框生成 15
3.3 預測行人機率值及位置 17
3.4 訓練網路 18
3.5 系統偵測結果 23
第四章 前導者確認 24
4.1 Siamese模型原理 24
4.2 前導者確認系統 26
4.3 訓練資料集 28
4.4 實驗結果 31
第五章 自走車控制系統 33
5.1 前導者追蹤 33
5.2 自走車控制 34
第六章 實驗結果與討論 38
6.1 實驗設備介紹 38
6.2 行人偵測實驗結果與展示 38
6.3 前導者確認實驗結果與展示 43
第七章 結論及未來展望 50
參考文獻 51
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指導教授 曾定章(Din-Chang Tseng) 審核日期 2017-8-18
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