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姓名 陳書恆(Shu-Heng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 使用生成對抗學習的全卷積網路移除影像中的外嵌文字
(Removing Embedded Text in Images via Fully Convolutional Networks with Generative Adversarial Learning)
★ 適用於大面積及場景轉換的視訊錯誤隱藏法★ 虛擬觸覺系統中的力回饋修正與展現
★ 多頻譜衛星影像融合與紅外線影像合成★ 腹腔鏡膽囊切除手術模擬系統
★ 飛行模擬系統中的動態載入式多重解析度地形模塑★ 以凌波為基礎的多重解析度地形模塑與貼圖
★ 多重解析度光流分析與深度計算★ 體積守恆的變形模塑應用於腹腔鏡手術模擬
★ 互動式多重解析度模型編輯技術★ 以小波轉換為基礎的多重解析度邊線追蹤技術(Wavelet-based multiresolution edge tracking for edge detection)
★ 基於二次式誤差及屬性準則的多重解析度模塑★ 以整數小波轉換及灰色理論為基礎的漸進式影像壓縮
★ 建立在動態載入多重解析度地形模塑的戰術模擬★ 以多階分割的空間關係做人臉偵測與特徵擷取
★ 以小波轉換為基礎的影像浮水印與壓縮★ 外觀守恆及視點相關的多重解析度模塑
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摘要(中) 影像加上文字是網路上最普遍被使用的媒介之一。舉例來說,網民會製作大量的梗圖 (memes) 使用在許多的目的上。然而在某些情況下,這些外加的文字會破壞影像的美觀而且增加其他應用的難度,像是場景的辨識、物體的分類…等。因此,本研究主要的目標是提出一個能夠自動清除影像中外嵌文字並補全影像的系統。
An image embedded by texts is one of the most common 2D media in the web; for example, the netizen produce lots of this kind pictures or memes for different purposes. In some situations, the added texts make a beauty picture into a garbage. For example, we cannot use the image for some other purposes, such as scene recognition, object classification, …, etc. Therefore, in this study, we aim to propose a system that can clean texts automatically on a given image and inpaint or restore the image.
With novel generation of computer technology, the deep learning architecture can be applied on the inpainting problem and perform better results than several traditional methods. In the proposed system, we construct two modules using the latest and novel deep learning frameworks to get a great result. The first module, mask generation module, is used for detecting the embedded texts in a given image automatically and products the corresponding bitmap image mask. The second module, image completion module, can inpaint the corrupt images based on the given mask image.
In the experiments, we compare our results with two fully developed and without deep learning technique methods. We show that the proposed method can provide more natural and less flawed results than the classic image inpainting methods provided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 影像修復
★ 深度學習
★ 生成對抗網路
關鍵字(英) ★ image inpainting
★ deep learning
★ generative adversarial network
Abstract i
Table of Contents ii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 System overview 2
1.3 Thesis organization 4
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 Image inpainting 5
2.1.1 Diffusion-based methods 6
2.1.2 Examplar-based methods 6
2.1.3 Others 7
2.2 Deep learning 8
2.2.1 Convolutional neural networks 8
2.2.2 Fully convolutional networks 9
2.2.3 Generative adversarial nets 9
Chapter 3 Methods 11
3.1 System overview 11
3.1.1 Mask generation module 12
3.1.2 Image completion module 14
3.1.3 Overall Architecture 16
3.2 Training 17
3.2.1 Loss functions 17
3.2.2 Learning algorithm 18
Chapter 4 Experiments 20
4.1 Dataset 20
4.1.1 Build training dataset 20
4.1.2 Preprocessing 22
4.2 Environment setting 22
4.3 Results 23
4.3.1 Results on mask generation module 23
4.3.2 Results on image completion module 26
Chapter 5 Evaluation and Comparison 29
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Works 34
References 35
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指導教授 曾定章 審核日期 2017-8-22
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