摘要(英) |
In studying the influence of interparticle interaction on the magnetic characters of Ni nanoparticle. We controled the distance among particles by means of pressing the very loosely packed nanoparticle powder samples, characterized by the compacting density (CD) of the samples that ranging from 1 % to 70 % of the density of bulk Ni. Two main phenomena were observed. First, the saturation magnetization (Ms) of the sample increases as CD is increased up to a certain CD value, it then decreasing with the further increasing of CD. This behavior mainly associated with the interparticle interactions, which may take the form of magnetic dipole-dipole interaction. Second, there are noticeable deviations between the hysteresis curve and the Langevin behavior. The deviations only were cleanly revealed at low temperatures. The interparticle interaction, thermal energy, anisotropy, and size distribution can all be responsible for the occurrence of non-Langevin behavior. |
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