摘要(英) |
Managing construction occupational hazards is an important topic for all the community.In recent years, the rate of occupational hazards of the construction industry doesn’t decrease obviously, and the fatality in the industry account for almost half of that of all industries. This
fact reflects the significance of managing construction occupational hazards and thus, studying the causes of construction occupational hazards becomes a critical topic. The causes of construction occupational hazards can generally be categorized into basic causes (i.e.,
inappropriate safety management), indirect causes and immediate causes, and causal relationships exist between these three cause types. However, most of existing research focus on indirect cause analysis; seldom research analyzes basic causes. On the other hand, most of construction safety management-related research focus on the overall management system but fail to evaluate engineers competencies for managing construction occupational hazards. There are two key points for management competencies: one is that engineers are aware of their own competency level; the other is that they have sufficient confidence in deploying management actions.
Therefore, this research uses the degrees of awareness and confidence as indicators of competency evaluation and aims at using competency set analysis to establish a framework for evaluating engineers management competencies and to provide management suggestion according to quantified competencies. The analysis results show the degree of ignorance gradually decreases along with the increase of working experience for engineers with more than twenty years’ experiences; engineers with six to ten years’ experiences are over confident probably because of having insufficient experiences. Engineers with bachelor degree have lower degree of confidence, which represents that engineers with bachelor degree have higher possibility to accept suggestions from experts. Lastly, two basic causes (i.e., budgeting for workers safety and increasing safety awareness of site engineers) that are not seen in the
collected occupational hazard cases are additionally identified in this research and require more attention in site management. |
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