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姓名 徐智星(Chin-Hsing Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 垃圾清運車輛裝設濾煙器對排放污染物削減之研究
(Invstigation of Garbage Vehicles Installed Filter Smoke Device for Air Pullutions Reduction)
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摘要(中) 柴油引擎功率大,且具省油、高扭力及高經濟性等優點,所以被廣泛的應用在交通運輸,我國各縣市之垃圾清運車輛主要為柴油車,可能產生大量粒狀污染物影響環境空氣品質,因此本研究針對使用中之垃圾清運車輛加裝濾煙器進行評估,其對柴油車排放空氣污染物之影響。將裝設濾煙器之測試車輛置於動力計上模擬實際行車型態,並於濾煙器前、後端進行粒狀物、不透光、煙度及氣狀污染物檢測,藉以驗證濾煙器效能。
本研究垃圾清運車輛裝設濾煙器效能與減量效益,於裝設前煙度檢測平均值為9.1 %(無負載)、不透光率平均值為0.9 m-1,經新裝設後檢測煙度各負載狀態及不透光率結果污染度均趨近於0 %及N.D未檢出,接續利用濾煙器未處理前端、處理後排放端測得PM10平均去除效率約73%、PM2.5平均去除效率約76.4%,另車輛於時速10 km/hr與40 km/hr模擬狀態結果PM10及PM2.5平均去除效率分別為76.3%及79.2%。經研究結果裝設濾煙器後之20輛次計算,PM10總排放量105公斤/年,推估PM10可削減38.8公斤/年, PM2.5總排放量為94.4公斤/年,PM2.5可削減29.2公斤/年。
The reason why diesel vehicles are widely applied for transportation is that engines in diesel vehicles are high-powered, oil-efficient, high torque and economic. Diesel vehicles, mainly used as garbage cleaning vehicles in Taiwan, may produce large quantities of grain stored pollutants, leading to deteriorate worsening air quality. The study aims to evaluate the influence on diesel vehicles equipped with soot filters as well as the quantity of air pollutants. To verify the effective of implementing soot filters, test vehicles with soot filters will be placed in the dynamometers to simulate real life driving mode. Examinations on particulate, opaque, levels of smoke and air pollutants are carried out the diesel vehicles equipped with and without soot filter.
This research investigated the efficiency of garbage vehicles installed filter smoke device and the benefits of air pullutions reduction. Comparing to the results of installed or without a filter, the average smoke degrees detection was decreased from 9.1% (no load) to approximately 0 % after the filter installed. The Opacity average was decreased from 0.9 m-1 to 0 m-1 and the N.D value could not examine out under the filter condition. In addition, the vehicles speed arere set up at 10 km h-1 and 40 km h-1 showed that the elimination efficiency average of PM10 and PM2.5 were 73% / 76.3% and 76.4% / 79.2%, respectively.
Our professional evaluation and recommendations for diesel vehicles to install soot filter will lead to improve the air quality in the near future. The diesel vehicles equipped with soot filters not only provide a significant reduction of black smoke pollutions and feel the pollution reduction results directly and immediately but also hastens the strict idea impetus air quality improvement work.
關鍵字(中) ★ 粒狀物
★ 柴油車
★ 濾煙器
★ 不透光率
★ 煙度
關鍵字(英) ★ particulate matter
★ diesel vehicles
★ soot filter
★ Opacity
★ smoke
論文目次 目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 國內柴油車輛使用概況 4
2-2 柴油車輛排放污染物現況分析 10
2-3 各國柴油車污染管制 17
2-3-1 美國 17
2-3-2 歐盟 19
2-3-3 日本 22
2-3-4 國內 24
2-4 柴油車污染物之影響 30
2-4-1柴油引擎污染物形成原因 30
2-4-2影響污染物形成原因 31
2-4-3 燃料組成 35
2-5 國外濾煙器使用現況 37
2-5-1 美國 38
2-5-2 歐洲 39
2-5-3 日本 40
2-5-4 香港 43
第三章 研究方法 46
3-1 研究內容 46
3-2 研究流程 47
3-3 清運車輛排氣煙度檢測 55
3-3-1 裝設DPF之清運車輛煙度檢測 57
3-4 清運車輛排氣不透光檢測 57
3-4-1 裝設DPF之清運車輛不透光檢測 59
3-5 裝設DPF清運車輛排氣差異性檢測分析 60
3-5-1 排氣NOX、HC、CO、CO2、O2檢測 60
3-5-2 排氣PM10及PM2.5檢測 61
第四章 結果與討論 67
4-1新竹縣柴油車輛污染排放 67
4-1-1煙度及不透光率 69
4-1-2 其他污染物排放 73
4-2 DPF對污染物排放之影響 76
4-2-1 煙度及不透光率削減 77
4-2-2 NOX、HC、CO、CO2、O2排放濃度分析 78
4-2-3 PM10削減 81
4-2-4 PM2.5削減 83
4-2-5 A及B牌不透光率差異性分析 85
4-3 DPF再生條件對污染物消減效率之影響 86
4-3-1再生頻率 87
4-3-2再生溫度 89
4-3-3不同再生油料 91
4-4馬力輸出及DPF再生污染物削減之關係 94
4-4-1負載10%與40%馬力輸出污染物削減 95
4-4-2 DPF再生污染物削減 97
4-5經濟效益評析 101
第五章 結論與建議 103
5-1 結論 103
5-2 建議 105
參考文獻 107
參考文獻 [1]中華民國交通部,「統計資料查詢網」http://stat.motc.gov.tw/mocdb/stmain.jsp?sys=100&funid=a3301,2015。
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指導教授 李俊福(Jiunn-Fwu Lee) 審核日期 2017-7-21
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