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姓名 張竣昱(Chun-Yu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 惡魔、暴力、幽靈──Robert Mapplethorpe作品中的邊緣主體
(Demons, Violence, and Specters: Marginal Subjects in Works of Robert Mapplethorpe)
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摘要(中) Robert Mapplethorpe(1946-1989)作為美國當代攝影史上備受爭議的人物,在當世或後世的印象中,以尺度大膽卻呈現形式或古典美感的人體攝影和性攝影聞名。也因為他的同性性傾向,被後世視為男同志藝術家的代表人物之一,受到藝術界與同志圈的矚目。然而從目前傳世的作品來看,除了有許多的作品內容不僅非男同性戀,在拍攝手法和內容上也有脫離形式古典美的作品。此外,雖然Mapplethorpe的攝影作品相當出名,但他還有許多的早期拼貼和素描很少人研究,而這些早期作品中的許多人物形象更非只有同性戀者。如此紛陳的創作關切,也需要以新的眼光看待他的作品。

摘要(英) As a celebrity in the history of American photography, Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) is famous for his nude and sex photographs. Bold and controversial contents in his oeuvre are rendered with a formal beauty and classical aura. His homosexual identity also makes him a significant figure in contemporary art field and gay community. However, in regard with his works preserved nowadays, many of them are not of homosexual content, and can hardly be categorized as formal or classical in terms of techniques and contents. Furthermore, although scholarly literature on his photographs is abundant, those on his early collages and drawings, which are not restricted to homosexual subjects, are rather few. His multifaceted concerns expressed in his works require a new understanding.

The first chapter of this thesis, “Demons”, deals with his early works, in which he appropriates images of demons to illustrate outcasts, or marginal subjects, intolerable by the traditional order, such as unchaste women, people engaging in homosexual act, and the deformed (e.g. of freak show). In addition, he deconstructs Catholic icons and develops his own lighting system, in which saints are replaced by those marginal subjects; by virtue of this, he challenges the power relations in religion and makes those marginal subjects and their conditions be seen by viewers. The second chapter “Violence” continues this concern of the marginal subjects and focuses on his SM photographs. Leather clothing and sexual act of SM, as the byproduct of masculinity rebuilding in the postwar era, are the focus of these photographs. Mapplethorpe was not only an observer, but one of the participants who recorded their needs of masculinity and filthy sex. This becomes what I call “queer masculinity” aesthetics and reveals the artificiality in masculine Camp. These photographs are based on surrealist photographic practices, and are also infused with elements in SM visual material, and thus of ambiguous nature between art and pornography. The last chapter “Specters” focuses on his exhibition situation in the 1980s and his position in some works on photographic history. With introduction of some gallerists, Mapplethorpe’s works met the need of aesthetic discourses of photography and entered into art museums and large scale exhibitions. Mapplethorpe has been since then regarded as an art photographer to date. Descriptions on his styles derived from these exhibitions recurred in later writings on photographic history, and became the main sources of our understanding of his oeuvre. The first two chapters re-examine some of his works in attempt to demonstrate his concerns about the marginal subjects. The last chapter elaborates how these subjects “have disappeared” to highlight the insufficiency of aesthetic discourses, and thus a new understanding is required.
關鍵字(中) ★ Robert Mapplethorpe
★ 同性戀
★ 拼貼
★ 畸形人
★ 攝影
★ 《X檔案》
★ SM
★ 酷兒陽剛
★ 展覽
★ 歷史書寫
關鍵字(英) ★ Robert Mapplethorpe
★ homosexual
★ collage
★ the deformed (freaks)
★ photography
★ X portfolio
★ SM
★ queer masculinity
★ exhibition
★ historical writing
論文目次 導論 1
研究背景與動機 1
文獻回顧 5
問題意識 11
研究方法 12
章節架構 13

第一章 惡魔──早期作品中的「邪惡」意涵 15
歪讀宗教──形式與涵義的變造 15
挖掘不可見的邊緣群體 18
「邪惡」主體的連帶 20
「光」的解放 23
酷異空間的開拓與架設 24
「他者」視線 26
從繼承認知到開拓解放──關於視覺系統的思考 29
「身分認同」之外──再探「邊緣眼界」 30
小結 32

第二章 暴力──SM愉虐攝影的敢曝與張力 33
SM攝影中的去人化與暴力性 33
SM次文化的極端陽剛與記號認同 35
(一)皮革用品與展演/視淫的極端陽剛意涵 36
(二)法西斯卐字記號的挪用 38
酷兒陽剛美學 39
汙穢之戀與去人化 41
從女性SM實踐者看酷兒陽剛的敢曝 44
愉虐化的超現實身體與觀者問題 46
怪誕身體與惡魔意涵 49
小結 50

第三章 幽靈──文化生產機制下的邊緣群體 51
與畫廊主的接觸──從Holly Solomon Gallery到Robert Miller Gallery 51
登上大型美術館──從惠特尼雙年展到《完美的一刻》 53
(一)攝影的形式主義策展實踐──1980年代惠特尼雙年展 53
(三)攝影作品的定位確立──《完美的一刻》 56
SM行為在男體與男同攝影史書寫的浮現與消失 60
(二)男體作為觀看的對象──Cooper的「陽剛」框架 62
小結 70

結論 71
參考資料 75
圖版目錄 81
圖版 88
參考文獻 作品圖錄與傳記

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〈賽菊蔻Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick〉,《英文文學與文化資料庫》,2016年5月18日查閱,< http://english.fju.edu.tw/lctd/List/TheoristsIntro.asp?T_ID=99>
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