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姓名 葉弼雯(Pi-Wen Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 人力資源彈性策略和組織創新相關性之研究:論適應型文化調節適應能力及知識整合之中介效果
(Exploring Human Resource Flexibility and Organization Innovation through Moderated Mediation Analysis of Adaptability Culture on Adaptive Capability and Knowledge Integration)
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摘要(中) 摘 要
本研究的分析工具是採用A. F. Hayes開發之 SPSS巨集套件(MACRO)PROCESS,分析了來自臺灣公司的194份配對問卷,結果充分支持本研究所提出之理論假設,呈現出人力資源彈性,尤其是臨時工技能和行為協調彈性這一子構面,對於組織之創新績效的重要性,以及組織之適應能力及知識整合在此關係中之中介效果;除此之外,更強調了組織之適應型文化在此關係中扮演之調結效果,為彈性人資管理的正向產出提供了有力的實證,而對策略人資理論做出貢獻。依循此研究之發現,管理者應致力於採用彈性人力資源管理,培植組織之適應能力及知識整合綜效,以強化組織之創新能力,提升創新績效;此外,管理者並應藉由組織適應型文化協助策略彈性人資管理塑造組織之適應能力與知識整合能力。最後於文末討論本研究之限制與未來可能的研究展望。

摘要(英) 摘 要
本研究的分析工具是採用A. F. Hayes開發之 SPSS巨集套件(MACRO)PROCESS,分析了來自臺灣公司的194份配對問卷,結果充分支持本研究所提出之理論假設,呈現出人力資源彈性,尤其是臨時工技能和行為協調彈性這一子構面,對於組織之創新績效的重要性,以及組織之適應能力及知識整合在此關係中之中介效果;除此之外,更強調了組織之適應型文化在此關係中扮演之調結效果,為彈性人資管理的正向產出提供了有力的實證,而對策略人資理論做出貢獻。依循此研究之發現,管理者應致力於採用彈性人力資源管理,培植組織之適應能力及知識整合綜效,以強化組織之創新能力,提升創新績效;此外,管理者並應藉由組織適應型文化協助策略彈性人資管理塑造組織之適應能力與知識整合能力。最後於文末討論本研究之限制與未來可能的研究展望。

關鍵字(中) ★ 人力資源彈性
★ 組織適應型文化
★ 組織適應能力
★ 知識整合
★ 組織創新
關鍵字(英) ★ Human resource flexibility
★ organizational adaptability culture
★ organizational adaptive capability
★ knowledge integration
★ organizational innovation
論文目次 目 錄
摘 要 IV
目 錄 III
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
2.1 Organizational innovation 6
2.2 Human resource flexibility 7
2.3 Adaptive capability 12
2.4 Knowledge integration 14
2.5 Organizational adaptability culture 16
3.1 Research Framework 21
3.2 Samples 21
3.3 Measures 22
3.4 Procedure 23
4.1 Sample Characteristics 26
4.2 Descriptive Analyses of Variables 26
4.3 Constructs’ Reliability, Validity, and Correlation Coefficients 26
4.4 Hypotheses Test 29
5.1 Discussion 42
5.2 Theoretical and Managerial Implications 45
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 49

List of Figure
Fig. 1 Theoretical framework 20
Fig. 2 Statistical diagram PROCESS Model 4 to assess mediating effects 29
Fig. 3 Diagram of serial mediation. (a) Adaptive capability first; (b) Knowledge integration first 32
Fig. 4 Conceptual and statistical model to assess the moderated mediation effect 34
Fig. 5 Path coefficients of the proposed moderated mediation model. 38
Fig. 6 Visual illustration of the moderated mediation effect 39
Fig. 7 Conceptual model to assess all possible moderation effects. 40

List of Table
Table 1 Sample characteristics 26
Table 2 Reliability, correlations and validity 27
Table 3 Reliability, correlations and validity of the five factors of HR flexibility 28
Table 4 Unstandardized direct effects of human resource flexibility on adaptive capability, knowledge integration, and organizational innovation, and the effects of adaptive capability and knowledge integration on organizational innovation with confidence intervals 30
Table 6 Unstandardized serial mediation effects of adaptive capability and knowledge integration in Fig. 3(a) 33
Table 7 Unstandardized serial mediation effects of knowledge integration and adaptive capability in Fig. 3(b) 33
Table 8 Unstandardized effects with confidence intervals of adaptability culture’s moderation effects 36
Table 9 Unstandardized OLS Regression Coefficients With Confidence Intervals (Standard Errors in parentheses) 37
Table 10 Moderated mediation indices of adaptive capability and knowledge integration 39
Table 11 Results of Model 59 41

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指導教授 陳春希 杜秉叡 審核日期 2018-1-17
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