博碩士論文 104327023 詳細資訊

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姓名 李勝楠(Sheng-Nan Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 復建工程之有效慣性感測訊號篩選機制研究
★ TFT-LCD前框卡勾設計之衝擊模擬分析與驗證研究★ TFT-LCD 導光板衝擊模擬分析及驗證研究
★ 數位機上盒掉落模擬分析及驗證研究★ 旋轉機械狀態監測-以傳動系統測試平台為例
★ 發射室空腔模態分析在噪音控制之應用暨結構聲輻射效能探討★ 時頻分析於機械動態訊號之應用
★ VKF階次追蹤之探討與應用★ 火箭發射多通道主動噪音控制暨三種線上鑑別方式
★ TFT-LCD衝擊模擬分析及驗證研究★ TFT-LCD掉落模擬分析及驗證研究
★ TFT-LCD螢幕掉落破壞分析驗證與包裝系統設計★ 主動式火箭發射噪音控制使用可變因子演算法
★ 醫學/動態訊號處理於ECG之應用★ 光碟機之動態研究與適應性尋軌誤差改善
★ 具新型菲涅爾透鏡之超音波微噴墨器分析與設計★ 醫用近紅外光光電量測系統之設計與驗証
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摘要(中) 大量收集之訊號的有效性確認,對於後續分析處理以達到現象探討及問題解析目的,
(1) 資料清理與整合:資料格式確認及漏點判斷,並以頻譜分析提出資料主要頻分量,
再資料整合為一平面檔(flat file)。
(2) 資料選擇與轉換:透過正常行走、在肩前舉、在肩外抬與肩外轉四種經常復健動作,
判斷動作共通頻率,選擇符合此頻率範圍之動作資料,將IMU 三軸主要頻率值繪於
(3) 資料挖掘:復健動作為反覆且週期性,IMU 三軸主要頻率應相同,因環境雜訊影響
摘要(英) In order to make sure the data can be used for subsequent analysis to achieve the purpose of
phenomena discussion and problem analysis, it is important to confirm the validity of the collected data.
This thesis developed a signal preprocessing and screening system to determine the availability of
inertial sensing signals, which often retrieved in the rehabilitation-engineering. This screening system
reduces the impact of bad data by reducing large amount of invalid data. In addition, the system helps
non-professionals to use data and avoid false judgments.
The function of the proposed screening system of this thesis can be divided into three parts:
(1) Data Cleaning and Integration: Confirm the data format and determine the data loss, find the
principal frequency by the spectrum analysis, and integrate the data into a flat file
(2) Data Selection and Conversion: Input motion data can be filtered by 4 common rehabilitation
actions, including walking, shoulder flexion, shoulder abduction and external rotation, which have the
same frequency range. After spectrum analysis, the main three-axis principal frequencies values drawn
in three-dimensional space. Coordinate transformations was used to reduce the dimensions to enhance
the performance of data mining,
(3) Data Mining: The three main IMU frequencies should be the same due to the repetitive and
periodic characteristic of rehabilitation actions. Since slight differences caused by environmental noise,
data tolerance range was established to collect available information.
The function of the proposed screening system was validated by the simulation action data
collected from wireless IMU. This paper also uses the signals of rehabilitation actions measured in the
hospital to confirm the validity in the clinical setting. The result was displayed in a confusion matrix.
The system developed in this study can not only rapidly screen a large number of rehabilitation action
data, but also provide the user to quick judgment on the validity of the input data.
關鍵字(中) ★ 復建工程
★ 資料挖掘
★ 慣性感測器
論文目次 摘要 ................................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ II
誌謝 ................................................................................................................................ III
目錄 ................................................................................................................................ IV
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................................. VI
表目錄 ............................................................................................................................. IX
第一章 緒論 ................................................................................................................ 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 ........................................................................................................... 1
1-2 文獻回顧 ....................................................................................................................... 3
1-3 研究範疇 ....................................................................................................................... 4
第二章 基礎理論 ........................................................................................................ 5
2-1 傅立葉轉換 ................................................................................................................... 5
2-2 三階樣條內插 ............................................................................................................... 6
2-3 空間座標變換 ............................................................................................................... 8
2-3-1 座標旋轉 .................................................................................................................. 8
2-3-2 尤拉角 ...................................................................................................................... 9
2-4 常態分佈 ....................................................................................................................... 9
2-4-1 多元常態分布 ........................................................................................................ 10
2-5 混淆矩陣 ..................................................................................................................... 11
第三章 無線傳輸慣性感測模組與資料預篩選系統 .............................................. 12
3-1 無線慣性感測模組 ..................................................................................................... 12
3-2 篩選系統 ..................................................................................................................... 14
3-2-1 系統設計 ................................................................................................................ 14
3-2-2 不良訊號篩選範圍 ................................................................................................ 20
3-2-3 資料篩選介面 ........................................................................................................ 24
第四章 結果驗證 ...................................................................................................... 26
4-1 實驗驗證 ..................................................................................................................... 27
4-1-1 模擬動作訊號 ........................................................................................................ 27
4-1-2 分類驗證 ................................................................................................................ 29
4-2 實際收案資料之驗證 ................................................................................................. 31
4-3 陣攣訊號篩選 ............................................................................................................. 35
第五章 結論與展望 .................................................................................................. 41
5-1 結論 ............................................................................................................................. 41
5-2 未來展望 ..................................................................................................................... 42
參考文獻 .......................................................................................................................... 43
附錄一 .............................................................................................................................. 48
附錄二 .............................................................................................................................. 51
附錄三 .............................................................................................................................. 52
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指導教授 潘敏俊(Min-Chun Pan) 審核日期 2018-3-29
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