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姓名 蕃英宝(Phan Anh Bao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所
論文名稱 應用BIM技術時RFI價值之調查研究
(A Survey on Request For Information Values in Building Information Modeling Implementation)
★ 國內專案時程管理技術使用與人員技能現況分析★ 成效式契約於公有建築物能源設備維護管理之應用
★ 勞務採購應用成效式契約之初步研究★ 工程技術顧問公司與機關訴訟爭議案例之探討
★ 國軍武器設備維護之問題與對策-採用成效式契約之可行性★ 以BIM模型為基礎之專案排程項次分析
★ 政府重大採購效益評估制度之成效分析★ 印尼營建專案中不可原諒延遲原因與其發生機率之分析
★ 整合時間與成本觀點以改善總浮時管理技術於延遲索賠準備之應用★ 營建工程時程網圖審查準則之研究
★ 結合竣工時程網圖與BIM技術以利爭議釐清之研究★ 執行成效式契約之關鍵成功因素分析
★ 營建工程時程網圖審查作業流程與準則建立之研究★ 國內營建產業應用BIM技術現況調查與分析
★ 武器系統獲得專案管理人員專案管理知識之分析★ 成效式契約應用於專案管理技術服務之研究
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摘要(中) 應用建築資訊建模(Building Information Modeling, BIM)技術是近年來營建產業非常重要的一項發展。過去的研究顯示,為了評估、量測與強化BIM應用的商業價值,產業參與者與研究人員有高度的興趣進行BIM應用的不同面向評估,且過往多數研究會經由分析釋疑單(Request For Information, RFI)的數量來掌握應用BIM的金錢與管理上的價值,然而對於RFI的深入研究與分析卻相對有限。本研究提出一個以投資報酬率(ROI)為主軸且包含三個不同面向的BIM應用價值評估架構,進而討論RFI在成本節省與時間節省的價值。此外,本研究並以問卷調查取得BIM應用參與者的回饋資訊後,探索應用BIM的參與者在RFI五個元素的BIM預期價值。經由分析後,本研究認為RFI的價值可以經由ROI的三個面向獲得解釋:(1)在專案面向,規模較大與契約金額較高且較為複雜的專案RFI的價值較高;(2)在利害關係人面向,業主與顧問較其他專案參與者能夠認同RFI帶來的價值;(3)在BIM成熟度面向,較高的BIM成熟度能夠獲得較高的RFI價值。期望本研究之成果能夠提供組織,尤其是在近期想要了解BIM是否值得投資的業主,做為掌握BIM價值的重要參考資料。
摘要(英) Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology is one of the most significant developments in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry recently. The previous research showed that there is an intense interest among the industry practitioners and academic researchers to assess different aspects of BIM implementation in order to evaluate, measure and enhance the business value of BIM. Although previous researches have mentioned the monetary and managerial values in dealing with the number of Request For Information (RFI), the reality of the situation is that a limited research has discussed broadly and methodically the RFI metric with BIM implementation assessment. The objectives of this study are to discuss primarily the RFI values in terms of cost-saving and time-saving by developing a systematical framework in three different dimensions of Return On Investment (ROI) in implementing BIM, and to explore the potential RFI’s elements under BIM players’ perceptions by conducting a questionnaire survey. By determining the cost and time values associated with five RFI elements (RFI response, RFI reduction, RFI process, RFI reissue, and pending RFI), this study concludes that the RFI metric is a potential measure in perceiving the BIM benefits. Furthermore, the values of RFI fully explored in three distinct dimensions of ROI are interpreted that: (1) In project dimension, the larger project scale and contract value, with more complexity there are, the higher RFI value can be achieved; (2) In stakeholder dimension, owners and consultants perceived the highest RFI value comparing to other BIM players; (3) In BIM maturity level dimension, a higher RFI value would have been reported in the higher BIM maturity levels. Hopefully, the research findings can provide essential information for organizations, particularly to owners who want to know whether BIM is valuable to invest in the near future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 建築資訊模型
★ 釋疑單
★ 成本節省
★ 時間節省
★ 系統架構
關鍵字(英) ★ BIM
★ Cost Saving
★ Time Saving
★ Systematical Framework
摘要 ii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 2
1.3 Research Objectives 3
1.4 The Scope of Research and Limitation 3
1.5 Thesis Structure 4
2.1 Building Information Modeling (BIM) 5
2.2 Request For Information (RFI) Definition 6
2.3 Request For Information (RFI) in BIM Implementation 8
2.4 Impact of Request For Information (RFI) – Cost and Time 9
2.4.1 RFI Process 10
2.4.2 RFI Reduction 10
2.4.3 RFI Response 11
2.4.4 Pending RFI 12
2.4.5 RFI Reissue 12
2.5 Request For Information (RFI) Impacts to BIM Players 13
2.5.1 Impact of RFI aspects on Owners 13
2.5.2 Impact of RFI aspects on Designers 13
2.5.3 Impact of RFI aspects on Contractors 14
2.5.4 Impact of RFI aspects on Consultants 14
2.6 Request For Information (RFI) Value under ROI Discussions 15
2.6.1 RFI Value from the Viewpoint of the Project Dimension 15
2.6.2 RFI Value from the Viewpoint of the Stakeholder Dimension 17
2.6.3 RFI Value from the Viewpoint of the BIM Maturity Dimension 18
3.1 Planned Research Procedure 20
3.2 Planned Research Methodology 22
3.2.1 Affinity Diagram 22
3.2.2 Relationship Diagram 22
3.3 Questionnaire Survey 23
3.4 Data Analysis 26
4.1 Request For Information (RFI) Aspects in BIM 28
4.1.1 Coordination Issue 28
4.1.2 Design Outcome Issue 28
4.1.3 Returns of Benefit Issue 30
4.1.4 Cost Saving Issue 30
4.2 Request For Information (RFI) Impacts to BIM Players 31
4.3 Request For Information (RFI) Elements - Cost and Time 33
4.4 Request For Information (RFI) Value in ROI Discussions 34
4.4.1 RFI Value in Project Dimension 35
4.4.2 RFI Value in Stakeholder Dimension 38
4.4.3 RFI Value in BIM Maturity Dimension 42
5.1 Conclusions 46
5.2 Suggestions 47
(English Version) 53
(Chinese Version) 60

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指導教授 楊智斌(Jyh-Bin Yang) 審核日期 2018-1-10
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