摘要(英) |
In recent years, environmental awareness has risen and all citizens are encouraged to work together for environmental protection, energy conservation and carbon reduction. The government is also actively developing a more comprehensive public transportation system. The Taipei City Government Department of Transportation has responded to international trends and built a green “YouBike Smile Bicycle” to promote riding a bicycle as short-distance transportation. Singapore′s public bikers have also joined public bicycles in Taipei since June of Year106.
The purpose of this research is to explore the mutual replacement of public bicycles. For this reason, this study uses a questionnaire survey to understand the alternative factors of public bicycles, conducting a study on the behavior of public bicycle selection for YouBike and OBike, and then uses the dual logistic regression as a research method. The data is matched to explore the impact of different vehicle searching times, riding comfort and other variables on the choice of public bicycles for drivers.
The results of the study show that public bicycle seek time ratio, OBike ride comfort, and OBike return convenience is directly proportional to the selected OBike probability. However, whether there is a ride with OBike probability is inversely proportional. |
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