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姓名 盧育辰(Yu-Chen Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
(Uncertainties of Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Media and Discontinuous Rock Masses)
★ 花蓮溪安山岩含量之悲極效應研究★ 層狀岩盤之承載力
★ 海岸山脈安山岩之鹼-骨材反應特性及抑制方法★ 集集大地震罹難者居住建築物特性調查分析
★ 岩石三軸室應變量測改進★ 傾斜互層地層之承載力分析
★ 花蓮溪安山岩骨材之鹼反應行為及抑制方法★ 混成岩模型試體製作與體積比量測
★ 台灣骨材鹼反應潛能資料庫建置★ 平台式掃描器在影像擷取及長度量測之應用
★ 溫度及鹽水濃度對壓實膨潤土回脹性質之影響★ 鹼骨材反應引致之破裂行為
★ 巨觀等向性混成岩製作表面影像與力學性質★ 膨潤土與花崗岩碎石混合材料之熱傳導係數
★ 邊坡上基礎承載力之數值分析★ 鹼-骨材反應引致裂縫之量測與分析
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摘要(中) 本文分別提出異質性介質(heterogeneous media)及不連續岩體(discontinuous rock mass)的體積比(volumetric fraction)、裂隙程度(fracture intensity)及力學性質不確定性之解析解及數值解,並根據統計定理得知幾何及力學性質之關係。
由體積比或裂隙程度引致之不確定性可根據幾何模型量測的不確定性推導得知。針對異質性介質(併構岩、混凝土等)量測體積比之不確定性,本文利用表徵單元(representative volume element, RVE)作為統計推論模型,分別得到以一維及二維量測體積比不確定性之解析解;外方內圓的表徵單元被應用於二維等向異質性介質之形貌,而外平行四邊形內橢圓的表徵單元被應用於二維異向異質性介質之形貌,另外方內球的表徵單元應用於三維等向異質性介質之形貌。此外,本文分別撰寫二維及三維異質性介質模擬一維及二維量測體積比的不確定性,提出數值解並驗證解析解之正確性。此數值程式應用週期性邊界(periodic boundaries),可消弭邊界效應及精準控制異質性介質之體積比。針對不連續岩體(裂隙岩體)量測裂隙程度之不確定性,本文利用柏松分配(Poisson distribution)模型分別推得一維、二維及三維裂隙程度之不確定性解析解。此外,本文利用自行撰寫之離散裂隙網絡(discrete fracture network, DFN)及市售離散裂隙網絡軟體FracMan模擬一維、二維及三維裂隙程度之不確定性數值解,並驗證解析解之結果。
由體積比及裂隙程度引致力學性質之不確定性,可將體積比及裂隙程度的不確定性代入至常態隨機變數及幾何力學關係式中得知。有關異質性介質的幾何及力學性質關係式可由微觀力學模式(micro-mechanical models)或顆粒流軟體(Particle Flow Code, PFC)模擬決定,而不連續岩體的幾何及力學性質關係式則由合成岩體(synthetic rock mass, SRM = DFN + PFC)模型模擬得知。由塊體或裂隙排列引致之力學性質之不確定性係由一系列參數研究得知。根據統計推導,異質性介質或裂隙岩體力學性質的不確定性可分別由「體積比及裂隙程度引致力學性質之不確定性」及「塊體或裂隙排列引致力學性質之不確定性」計算得到,此結果業經數值驗證。另本文在每章節末,提供一至數個實例操作及案例示範如何使用本文提出之幾何及力學性質不確定性之解。
摘要(英) This study proposes analytical and numerical solutions for the uncertainties of volumetric fraction (Vf), fracture intensity (FI), and mechanical properties in heterogeneous media and discontinuous rock masses, respectively. In addition, the relationship of the uncertainties of geometries estimates and mechanical properties can be also obtained via statistical theorem.
The uncertainties induced by Vf or FI can be obtained by addressing the solutions of geometric uncertainty. For a heterogeneous media (bimrock, concrete…), the representative volume element (RVE) is employed for a statistical derivation model. The circle-squared RVE is used for 2D isotropic (or randomly orientated) heterogeneous rock features, the ellipse-parallelogram RVE is used for 2D anisotropic (or preferred orientation) heterogeneous medium features, and the sphere-cubic RVE is used for 3D heterogeneous medium features. To validate the analytical solutions, this study develops numerical heterogeneous media codes in 2D and 3D to demonstrate 1D and 2D Vf measurements, respectively. These codes employ periodic boundaries to eliminate the boundary effect and to control the volumetric fraction of the model more precisely. For a discontinuous rock mass (fractured rock), the Poisson distribution model is used for a mathematical derivation model for 1D, 2D, and 3D fracture intensity (P10, P21, and P32, respectively) measurements. This study also develops a discrete fracture network (DFN) code to simulate P10 and P21 measurements. In addition, the commercial DFN code, FracMan, is employed to simulate P21 and P32 measurements. Similarly, these simulations are used to validate the analytical solutions of fractured rock.
The uncertainty of the mechanical properties induced by Vf or FI can be obtained by substituting the results for the uncertainty of Vf or FI into a normal random variable from a correlative model of that property. In the correlative model analysis, the mechanical properties of a heterogeneous rock mass can be determined using micro-mechanical models or Particle Flow Code (PFC) simulations, and the mechanical properties of a discontinuous rock mass can be determined via simulations of a synthetic rock mass (SRM, which combines DFN and PFC models). Several systematic parametric studies are carried out to investigate the mechanical properties and their uncertainties and obtain those of a heterogeneous or discontinuous rock induced by assemblages (block, fracture, or particle). According to the statistical analysis, the uncertainties of the mechanical properties of site samplings can be calculated from the uncertainties induced by the Vf or FI and the uncertainties induced by assemblages of blocks, fractures, and particles. This relation can be confirmed through numerical simulations. One or two illustrations of how to use the proposed solutions are given at the end of each chapter.
關鍵字(中) ★ 不確定性
★ 異質性介質
★ 不連續岩體
★ 裂隙岩體
★ 體積比
★ 裂隙程度
★ 立體量測學
★ 單軸壓縮試驗
★ 力學性質
★ 合成岩體
★ 離散元素法
關鍵字(英) ★ uncertainty
★ heterogeneous media
★ discontinuous rock mass
★ fractured rock
★ volumetric fraction
★ fracture intensity
★ stereology
★ uniaxial compressive test
★ mechanical properties
★ synthetic rock mass
★ discrete element method
論文目次 摘要 ..I
致謝 ..VI
List of figures..XII
List of tables.XXVII
Notations. XXXI
1. Introduction. 1
1.1. Backgrounds . 1
1.2. Motivations and objectivities. 16
1.3. Organization 19
2. Measurement errors and statistics backgrounds.. 21
2.1. Definitions of measurement errors . 21
2.2. The uncertainty between volumetric fraction and mechanical properties.. 22
2.3. The central limit theorem. 27
2.4. The total sum of square. 32
3. Uncertainty of volumetric fraction measurement in heterogeneous media using 1D measurement . 34
3.1. Introduction. 34
3.2. Analytical solution.. 36
3.3. Numerical simulation. 47
3.4. Validations .. 53
3.5. Implementations 66
3.6. Summary.. 73
4. Uncertainty of volumetric fraction measurement in heterogeneous rock mass by using 2-D sampling window 74
4.1. Introduction. 74
4.2. Analytical solution.. 76
4.3. Numerical simulation. 82
4.4. Case studies. 86
4.5. Implementations 91
4.6. Summary.. 95
5. Mechanical behaviors of heterogeneous rock mass and its variations. 97
5.1. Introduction. 97
5.2. Micromechanical models. 99
5.3. Numerical simulation method. 101
5.4. Results. 108
5.5. Deformability estimation from the uncertainty of volumetric fraction measurement (implementation) . 149
5.6. Summary 155
6. Uncertainty of 1D fracture intensity measurements. 157
6.1. Introduction.. 157
6.2. Analytical solution 161
6.3. Numerical simulations 169
6.4. Results. 178
6.5. Implementations. 181
6.6. Summary 198
7. Uncertainty of 2D fracture intensity measurements. 199
7.1. Introduction.. 199
7.2. Analytical solution 200
7.3. Numerical simulation.. 204
7.4. Results. 207
7.5. Implementation .. 212
7.6. Summary 216
8. Uncertainty of 3D fracture intensity measurements. 217
8.1. Introduction.. 217
8.2. Analytical solution 219
8.3. Numerical simulation.. 223
8.4. Results. 228
8.5. Implementations. 244
8.6. Summary 252
9. Uncertainty of mechanical properties of discontinuous rock mass. 255
9.1. Introduction.. 255
9.2. Theoretical analysis . 257
9.3. Methodology 258
9.4. Results. 266
9.5. Implementations. 283
9.6. Summary 286
10. Conclusions and recommendations.. 289
References.. 297
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121. Tien, Y. M., Chung, Y. J., Lu, Y. C., & Chang, H. H. (2012b). Uncertainty of block volumetric proportions and mechanical properties of bimrocks (I). Ministry of Science and Technology, ROC (Taiwan), NSC-99-2221-E-008-060-MY3. (in Chinese) (中文:田永銘、鐘翊展、盧育辰、張顥薰,併構岩體積比與力學性質之不確定性(I),中華民國科技部)
122. Tien, Y. M., Chung, Y. J., Lu, Y. C., Chang, H. H., Cheng, H. H., & Liu, W. C. (2012c). Uncertainty of block volumetric proportions and mechanical properties of bimrocks (II). Ministry of Science and Technology, ROC (Taiwan), NSC-99-2221-E-008-060-MY3. (in Chinese) (中文:田永銘、鐘翊展、盧育辰、張顥薰、程泓皓、劉文智,併構岩體積比與力學性質之不確定性(II),中華民國科技部)
123. Tien, Y. M., Chung, Y. J., Lu, Y. C., Lin, Y. M., Chang, H. H., Yeh, D. H., Lin, H. Z., Kuo, W. M., & Zheng, F. L. (2012d). The in-situ crack investigation and the crack classification of concrete piers at TK249+814~TK266+671 of the Taiwan High Speed Rail, final report. Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation. (in Chinese) (中文:田永銘、鐘翊展、盧育辰、林育民、張顥薰、葉東航、林宏哲、郭偉民、鄭峰麟,高鐵里程TK249+814~TK266+671墩柱混凝土裂縫現況調查及裂縫分級期末報告,台灣高速鐵路股份有限公司)
124. Tien, Y. M., Lu, Y. C., Chung, Y. J., Liu, W. C., Cheng, H. H., Lin, H. C., & Chang, H. H. (2013). Uncertainty of block volumetric proportions and mechanical properties of bimrocks (III). Ministry of Science and Technology, ROC (Taiwan), NSC-99-2221-E-008-060-MY3. (in Chinese) (中文:田永銘、盧育辰、鐘翊展、劉文智、程泓皓、林宏哲、張顥薰,併構岩體積比與力學性質之不確定性(III),中華民國科技部)
125. Tien, Y. M., Lu, Y. C., & Cheng, H. H. (2015a). Variability of mechanical properties of bimrock, The 49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, 28 June - 1 July 2015, Paper No. 15-614.
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127. Tien, Y. M., Lu, Y. C., Cheng, H. H., & Hsu, K. S. (2015c). Variability of mechanical properties and geometrical characteristics of discontinuous heterogeneous rock masses (I). Ministry of Science and Technology, ROC (Taiwan), MOST 102-2221-E-008-080. (in Chinese) (中文:田永銘、盧育辰、程泓皓、許凱翔,不連續異質性岩體力學性質與幾何特性之變異性(I),中華民國科技部)
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129. Tien, Y. M., Wang, C. Y., Huang, W. C., Liu, C. Y., Wang, H. L., Liu, Y. H., Chung, Y. J., Lu, Y. C., Lin, Y. Z., & Ma, C. Y. (2015e). The study of AAR deterioration of highway concrete bridges in eastern Taiwan, 1st year final report. Diretorate General of highways, ROC (Taiwan). (in Chinese) (中文:田永銘、王仲宇、黃偉慶、劉正毓、王顥霖、劉永欣、鐘翊展、盧育辰、林奕佐、馬承砡,臺灣東部公路橋梁混凝土之鹼質粒料反應傷害之研究,第一年期末報告,中華民國交通部公路總局)
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指導教授 田永銘、莊長賢
(Yong-Ming Tien、Charng-Hsein Juan)
審核日期 2018-7-25
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