博碩士論文 102324031 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳彥豪(Yan-Hao Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 藉由銀銦合金製備銀粒子/氧化銦混合相及其光電流特性
(Ag particles/In2O3 composite phase by oxidizing Ag-In alloy films and photocurrent characteristics of Ag particles/In2O3)
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摘要(中) 此論文研究目的為探討銀粒子/氧化銦歐姆接面(Ohmic contact)的光電流特性。我們透過在800 oC高溫氧氣環境下,熱處理不同成分比例的銀銦合金膜,製備出銀粒子/氧化銦結構,並確認其為歐姆接面。然後在不同光子能量的光源照射下來探討其光電流特性。在光強度固定的情況下,光載子的多寡取決於入射光誘發載子的速率及電子電洞對的生命期(Δn = geτr)。因此,本實驗將從這兩方面進行探討。
摘要(英) The aim of this research is to investigate the photocurrent characteristics of Ag particles/In2O3 Ohmic contact. The Ag particles/In2O3 Ohmic contact was fabricated by Ag-In alloy film with different composition heat-treating at 800 oC in oxygen ambience. The contact of Ag and In2O3 is confirmed be Ohmic contact. Photocurrent characteristics of Ag particles/In2O3 composite structure was researched by using illumination light with different photo energies. Since the photo-carrier generation is determined by the optical generation rate and recombination lifetime (Δn = geτr), the discussion will be focused on these two factors.
The results show that under UV-light illumination, the photocurrent of pure In2O3 thin film with the oxygen adsorption could be enhanced. The mechanism has been reported that surface oxygen adsorption would induce a surface build-in electric field and enhance the life-time of excited electron-hole pairs, which would enhance life time. However, the photocurrent of the Ag particles/In2O3 fabricated by oxidized Ag70In30 alloy film is two orders higher than that of the pure In2O3 thin film. Since the matrix of these two samples are both In2O3, and heat-treat in oxygen ambience at same temperature in the same time, We assume that the effect of the surface oxygen adsorption on the recombination lifetime (τr) is similar to the In2O3 thin film heat-treated at 800 oC and the Ag particles/In2O3 composite structure. Then, we discuss that if the optical generation rate (ge) cound be enhanced by Ag particles.
Hot electron effect of Ag particles can transferring the accumulated energy from incident light to electrons by non-radiative decay, and this process would produce highly energetic electrons, which may have sufficient energy to transport to the conduction band of In2O3 and provide excess carriers for In2O3. Therefore, the photo energy is not necessary higher than the band-gap energy of In2O3, and this was checked by illumination light with the photo energy lower that the band-gap energy of In2O3, the blue-light, green-light, and red-light. And, the photocurrent was also measured.
According to the results, photocurrent is observed that no matter the photo energy of incident light is higher or lower than the band-gap energy of In2O3. It can be proved that the hot-electron effect is applied on the Ag particles/In2O3 Ohmic contact structure, which would cause photo-excited electrons of Ag particles transferr to the conduction band of In2O3, and the excess carrier can be measured as photocurrent.
關鍵字(中) ★ 銀粒子/氧化銦混合相
★ 光電流
★ 表面電漿
★ 歐姆接面
關鍵字(英) ★ Ag particles/In2O3 composite phase
★ photocurrent
★ surface plasma
★ ohmic contact
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of contents IV
List of figures VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 N-type transparent conductive oxide 1
1.2 Properties of Ag particles 3
1.3 Effect of generation rate and recombination lifetime to photo-carriers 5
1.4 Hot-electron effect of metal particles by Localized surface plasmonic resonance 10
Chapter 2 Motivation 12
Chapter 3 Experimental procedure 14
3.1 Fabrication of Ag particle/In2O3 structure 14
3.2 Instrumental analysis of Ag particle/In2O3 structure 16
3.3 Measurement of photocurrent 17
Chapter 4 Structure and photocurrent of Ag particles/In2O3 18
4.1 Instrumental analysis of Ag particle/In2O3 structure 18
4.1-1 Concentration of the Ag-In alloy films 18
4.1-2 SEM surface images and EDX mapping images of Ag particle/In2O3 22
4.1-3 XRD analysis of Ag particle/In2O3 25
4.1-4 XPS analysis of Ag particle/In2O3 29
4.1-5 Resistivity and mobility of Ag particle/In2O3 31
4.2 Effect of photocurrent on Ag particles/In2O3 Ohmic contact 32
4.2-1 Ohmic contact of Ag particles/In2O3 structure 32
4.2-2 Photocurrent induced by UV-light illumination 34
Chapter 5 Mechanism of the photocurrent enhancement 37
5.1 Photocurrent enhanced by the surface build-in electron field 37
5.2 Photocurrent induced by the hot electrons of surface Ag particles 41
5.3 Mechanism of photocurrent on the Ag particles/In2O3 Ohmic contact 45
Chapter 6 Conclusions 49
References 50
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指導教授 劉正毓(Cheng-Yi Liu) 審核日期 2018-7-31
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