博碩士論文 105324067 詳細資訊

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姓名 江政諭(Jeng-Yu Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 銦鉍銲料與銅基板之界面反應與接點強度測試
(Interfacial reaction and joint strength of In-Bi solder on Cu substrate)
★ 錫碲擴散偶之擴散阻障層界面反應★ 熱電材料與擴散阻障層在電流影響下的界面反應研究
★ 無鉛銲料與無電鍍鈷基板於多次迴焊之界面反應與可靠度測試★ 無電鍍鎳磷層應用於熱電材料與無鉛銲料之界面研究
★ 高可靠度車用印刷電路板之表面處理層開發★ 共濺鍍銅鈦薄膜之相分離演化機制與其對機械性質於3DIC接合的影響
★ 添加微量錫銀銅合金之銅薄膜與銅基板之接合研究★ 新式低溫合金焊料之開發與界面反應探討及可靠度分析
★ 電遷移對純錫導線晶粒旋轉之研究★ 以同步輻射臨場量測電遷移對純錫導線應力分佈之研究
★ 鋁鍺薄膜封裝研究★ 無鉛銲料錫銀鉍銦與銅電極之電遷移研究
★ 以表面處理及塗佈奈米粒子抑制錫晶鬚生長★ 鋁鍺雙層薄膜之擴散行為與金屬誘發結晶現象研究
★ 鋁(銅)與鎳混合導線於矽通孔製程之電遷移現象研究★ 無鉛銲料與碲化鉍基材之界面反應研究
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摘要(中) 本研究主要探討50In-50Bi/Cu系統及In/Cu系統之界面反應,並將界面反應分為液相/固相及固相/固相反應;利用SEM觀察界面反應,以EPMA及XRD分析介金屬化合物元素組成,進而利用動力學探討界面介金屬化合物之生長行為。此外,為了解接點受熱發生界面反應對接點之影響,以推力測試探討50In-50Bi/Cu系統於不同溫度長時間熱處理對接點之機械性質影響。於50In-50Bi/Cu系統液相/固相120 °C界面反應,界面生成Cu11In9,其厚度隨迴焊時間增加而遞增,於30分鐘迴焊時,界面介金屬化合物出現分層,元素組成皆為Cu11(In,Bi)9,上層含Bi量較少而下層含Bi量較多,經動力學計算,於120 °C之50In-50Bi/Cu系統液相/固相界面反應,Cu11In9?生成機制為擴散控制;In/Cu系統之液相/固相反應生成Cu11In9與CuIn2。
50In-50Bi/Cu系統之固相/固相反應,於熱處理溫度40 °C、60 °C、70 °C,Cu11In9-生長速率緩慢,至80 °C熱處理,Cu11In9?厚度明顯隨時間遞增。In/Cu系統之固相/固相反應中,於50 °C以下CuIn2為穩定相,70 °C以上CuIn2?傾向轉變為Cu11In9?。
摘要(英) This study investigates the interfacial reaction of 50In-50Bi/Cu and In/Cu. The interfacial reaction is classified into liquid-state reaction and solid-state reaction. The reaction evolution was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy to observe the microstructure, X-ray diffraction, and electron probe X-ray microanalysis to characterize the intermetallic compounds (IMCs) at the interface. Therefore, the growth behavior of IMCs is discussed through kinetics. To know the influence of solder joints during thermal processes, shear tests were carried out. In a 50In-50Bi/Cu system, an interfacial IMC, Cu11In9, was formed at 120 °C. In addition, the IMC thickness increased with reflow time. The interfacial IMC separated into two layers during 30-minutes reflow. The upper part was Cu11(In,Bi)9 which contained more Bi than the lower part of IMC. The growth mechanism of Cu11In9 in this system at 120 °C was diffusion-controlled by kinetics. In the In/Cu liquid state reaction, the interfacial IMCs are Cu11In9 and CuIn2, and the growth rate of Cu11In9 in the 50In-50Bi/Cu system was slow during 40 °C, 60 °C, and 70 °C aging processes. The thickness of the interfacial IMCs apparently increased when the aging temperature rose to 80 °C. As a result of the In/Cu solid-state reaction, CuIn2 existed as a low-temperature metastable phase under 50 °C. Moreover, CuIn2 tended to transform into Cu11In9 above 70 °C. For 50In-50Bi/Cu shear tests, the shear strength of solder joints increased with the aging time at various temperatures. In addition, the cases of brittle fracture decreased after aging. In conclusion, long-term aging could improve the mechanical properties of the 50In-50Bi/Cu system in this experiment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 低溫銲料
★ 界面反應
★ 推力測試
關鍵字(英) ★ low-temperature solder
★ interfacial reaction
★ shear test
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIII
第一章 序論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 電子構裝簡介 2
1-2-1 電子構裝技術 4
1-2-2 打線接合(Wire Bonding) 6
1-2-3 捲帶式自動接合(Tape Automated Bonding) 6
1-2-4 覆晶封裝(Flip Chip) 7
1-2-5 三維積體電路(3D Integrated Circuit) 8
1-3 焊接 11
1-3-1 波焊(Wave Soldering) 12
1-3-2 迴焊(Reflow Soldering) 12
1-4 界面反應 13
1-4-1 介金屬化合物(Intermetallic Compounds) 14
1-4-2 擴散理論 15
1-4-3 固液交互擴散(Solid-liquid Interdiffusion) 17
1-4-4 無鉛銲料(Lead-free Solders) 18
1-5 低溫無鉛合金銲料文獻回顧 19
1-5-1 Sn-In銲料 20
1-5-2 Sn-In-Ag銲料 21
1-5-3 Sn-Bi銲料 24
1-5-4 Sn-Bi-Ag銲料 27
1-5-5 Sn-Bi-Ga銲料 29
1-5-6 Ag-In銲料 31
1-6 研究動機 33
第二章 實驗方法 34
2-1 銲料及樣品製備 34
2-1-1 真空封管技術 35
2-2 液相/固相界面反應 35
2-3 固相/固相界面反應 36
2-4 試片分析 37
2-4-1 熱微差掃描分析儀(Differential Scanning Calorimetry,DSC) 37
2-4-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM) 38
2-4-3 能量散射光譜儀(Energy Dispersive Spectrometer,EDS) 38
2-4-4 場發式電子微探儀(Field Emission Electron Probe Micro-analsis,EPMA) 39
2-4-5 X射線繞射儀(X-ray Diffraction,XRD) 39
2-4-6 推力測試 40
第三章 結果與討論 42
3-1 液相/固相界面反應 42
3-1-1 50In-50Bi銲料分析 42
3-1-2 50In-50Bi/Cu之液相/固相界面反應 44
3-1-3 In/Cu之液相/固相界面反應 49
3-2 固相/固相界面反應 51
3-2-1 50In-50Bi/Cu之固相/固相界面反應 51
3-2-2 50In-50Bi/Cu系統界面反應之動力學探討 55
3-2-3 In/Cu之固相/固相界面反應 58
3-3 50In-50Bi/Cu之推力測試 73
3-3-1 剪應力值比較 73
3-3-2 斷裂模式分析 75
第四章 結論 80
參考文獻 82
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指導教授 吳子嘉(Albert T. Wu) 審核日期 2018-8-22
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