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姓名 謝沂歆(Yi-Hsin Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 以遞迴式類神經網絡探討顧客信任及忠誠度對於再購行為預測之研究
(Predicting customer behavior with Recurrent Neural Network based on trust and loyalty)
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摘要(中) 隨著健康意識提升、人口結構趨向高齡化,預防保健格外受到重視,使得全球對於營養保健食品需求漸增,因此也造就了不同多元的銷售通路,其中電子商務與電話行銷通路最為成長快速。根據研究顯示,信任與忠誠度被視為重要的影響因素之一,因為這些因素也會影響著顧客是否會有購買及再購的行為,而企業經營最重要的績效就是顧客購買。
摘要(英) In the age of rising awareness in health, preventative medication has brought many attentions. In addition, this concept has resulted in the demand of nutrition and food supplements. The sales of these products highly depend on customer trust and loyalty. Therefore, trust and loyalty may be used to predict repurchase behavior.
In the past studies, trust and loyalty has to be analyzed with data collected with questionnaires. The common problem with this approach is low returning rate and less reliable data. This study is collect data through call records and transaction records of the nutrition and health industry through telemarketing channel. The data are used to quantify trust and loyalty. With these values, Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) method is utilized to predict customer′s future repurchase behavior. The results show that the accuracy can reach 70%, which is higher than the accuracy derived from SVM. Companies can use these indicators (trust and loyalty) as KPIs to adjust corporate sales methods and improve the interactions with customers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資料驅動
★ 信任
★ 忠誠度
★ 再購行為
★ 預測
★ 遞迴式類神經網絡
關鍵字(英) ★ Data driven
★ Trust
★ Loyalty
★ Repurchase
★ Prediction
★ Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN)
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 信任 4
2.2 忠誠度 6
2.3 信任與忠誠度的關係 7
2.4 遞迴式神經網絡Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 8
第三章 研究方法 9
3.1 研究設計 9
3.2 操作性定義 10
3.2.1 信任 11
3.2.2 忠誠度 14
3.3 預測模型 15
3.3.1 遞迴式類神經網絡Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 16
第四章 研究實驗 18
4.1 資料來源 18
4.2 資料處理 18
4.2.1 資料清理 18
4.2.2 資料正規化 20
4.3 資料分析 20
4.3.1 操作性定義驗證 20
4.3.2 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 預測再購行為 24
第五章 結論與未來研究建議 28
5.1研究結論 28
5.2 研究限制與未來研究建議 29
參考文獻 30
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指導教授 許秉瑜 審核日期 2018-7-5
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