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姓名 潘謙儀(Chien-Yi Pan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 敘事化廣告之典型性與認知風格對品牌成效之影響
★ 幽默廣告與網路紅人可信度對廣告效果之影響:以推薦人適配度為中介★ 廣告訴求與產品種類對品牌態度、廣告態度及自我品牌連接度的影響
★ 社群媒體Instagram使用動機對品牌參與及購買意圖之影響:以廣告價值為中介變數★ 專業生成及用戶生成內容與消費者創新性對推薦式廣告之效果
★ YouTuber類型與廣告價值對消費者反應之影響:以幽默程度作為調節變數★ 影響者特質、消費者感知對品牌效果之研究:以廣告揭露為中介
★ Unlocking the power of motivations on engagement with ephemeral content: Mediated by gratification and moderated by need for closure★ 探討 YouTube 使用動機與消費者行為之關係: 以 YouTube 使用強度及平台可信度為調節變數
★ Instagram廣告的互動性與自我品牌連結對網路口碑和廣告態度之影響:以 Instagram使用頻率和錯失恐懼為中介★ 社群影響者追蹤動機對消費者行為影響之研究:以互動性、參與程度、廣告意圖為中介變數
★ 品牌聯名的行銷策略對消費者產品接受度及購買意願之影響:以社會認同與社群影響為中介變數★ 探討Instagram上品牌擬人化貼文及自我概念品牌投入對消費行為之影響
★ 探討廣告利益對原生廣告之成效: 以廣告與平台一致性為中介變數★ 網路紅人類型與網路紅人/產品一致性對消費者反應之影響: 以錯失恐懼、社會比較以及Instagram使用強度為中介
★ 調查廉價航空業在服務補救後受補救行為之影響:關係慣性和市場行家所扮演的角色★ YouTuber「虛擬vs.真實」呈現對廣告效果之研究: 探討代言人可信度與消費者參與的影響
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摘要(中) 近年來,敘事化逐漸的運用在廣告行銷領域當中,不同類別的品牌或是產品利用敘事化廣告來吸引消費者、降低傳統廣告所帶來的負面觀感。此篇研究以典型理論、分類理論、廣告不一致理論、基模觸發影響等等相關的理論基礎來定義敘事化廣告的典型性,並探究其對消費者行為所產生的影響。另外,在消費者認知風格方面本研究運用認知風格理論中的雙元認知風格來進一步探討理性認知風格與經驗性認知風格的消費者在接觸敘事化廣告的同時是否存在行為差異。
摘要(英) In recent years, many worldwide brands and companies are using narrative advertisements to attract consumers and reduce negative impression in the marketing field. Building on theories such as typical theory, category theory, ad incongruence theory, and schema triggered affect theory, this study conceptualizes typicality of narrative ads and explores how such ads shape consumer behavior. To further evaluate consumers’ behavioral differences, the dual-process view in consumer cognitive is applied to compare the advertising effectiveness between rational cognitive or experience cognitive consumers.
A two-factor (narrative advertisement type: typicality vs. atypicality and cognitive style: rational vs. experience) between-subject experimental design method was employed to stimulate 240 National Central University students’ reactions including attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, purchasing intention, brand trust, and brand attachment.
The results showed that both typical and atypical narrative ads were more effective for experience cognitive consumers than rational cognitive consumers in terms of the brand outcomes. The rational cognitive consumers only performed better than experience cognitive consumers on brand attachment in the condition of typical ads. Therefore, the research findings suggest that narrative ad type and cognitive style must be taken into consideration when designing efficient strategies to target consumer segments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 敘事化廣告類型
★ 典型性
★ 認知風格類型
★ 廣告態度
★ 品牌態度
★ 購買意圖
★ 品牌信任度
★ 品牌黏著度
關鍵字(英) ★ narrative advertisement type
★ typicality
★ cognitive style
★ attitude toward the ad
★ attitude toward the brand
★ purchase intention
★ brand trust
★ brand attachment
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ..............................................i
英文摘要 ...............................................ii
目錄 ...............................................iii
圖目錄 ...............................................vi
表目錄 ..............................................vii
附錄目錄 .............................................ix
一、緒論 ..............................................1
1-1 背景資訊與研究動機 ................................1
1-2 研究預期貢獻 .....................................2
1-3 研究程序 .........................................4
二、文獻探討 ..........................................5
2-1 概論 ............................................5
2-2 敘事化廣告 (Narrative Advertising) ...............5
2-3 典型廣告與非典型廣告 ..............................7
2-4 沉浸性 (Transportation) ........................10
2-5 雙元認知風格 (The Dual-Process View) ............11
2-5-1 理性經驗性清單 [Rational-Experiential Inventory
(REI-40)] ...................................11
2-6 品牌信任度 (Brand Trust) ........................13
2-7 品牌黏著度 (Brand Attachment) ...............14
2-8 態度和行為意圖 (Attitude And Behavioral Intention) 15
2-8-1 廣告態度 (Attitude Toward The Ad) ............16
2-8-2 品牌態度 (Brand Attitude) ....................16
2-8-3 購買意圖 (Purchasing Intention) ..............17
2-9 敘事化廣告與消費者的態度關聯性 ....................17
2-9-1 敘事化廣告典型性 vs. 品牌相關態度 ..............18
2-9-2 個人的認知風格 vs. 品牌相關態度 ...............18
2-10 研究假說 ......................................20
三、研究方法 .........................................22
3-1 研究架構 ........................................22
3-2 研究對象與材料 ..................................23
3-3 研究變數定義與衡量方法 ...........................23
3-3-1 自變數之操作定義與衡量 ........................24
3-3-2 個人的認知風格:理性認知風格 vs. 經驗性認知風格 25
3-3-3 應變數之操作定義與衡量 ........................27
3-3-4 共同變異數之操作定義與衡量 ....................31
3-4 研究設計 ........................................32
3-4-1 實驗設計 .....................................32
3-4-2 廣告前測 .....................................33
3-5 正式問卷與抽樣 ..................................35
四、研究結果 .........................................37
4-1 資料分析 ........................................37
4-2 統計方法 ........................................37
4-3 樣本特性分析 ....................................37
4-4 主要變數信度分析 ................................39
4-5 自變數的操弄檢定 ................................40
4-5-1 敘事化廣告典型性 .............................40
4-5-2 個人的認知風格 ...............................40
4-6 品牌相關變數之變異數分析 .........................41
4-6-1 廣告效果變異數分析 ............................41
4-6-2 品牌信任度變異數分析 ..........................44
4-6-3 品牌黏著度變異數分析 ..........................44
4-7 研究結果 ........................................45
五、結論與建議 .......................................47
5-1 結論概述 ........................................47
5-2 不同的敘事化廣告典型性對廣告效果、品牌信任度與品牌黏著度
之影響 ..........................................47
5-3 不同認知風格對廣告效果、品牌信任度與品牌黏著度之影響 48
5-4 不同的敘事化廣告典型性搭配不同認知風格對廣告效果、品牌信
任度與品牌黏著度之影響 ...........................50
5-5 總結 ...........................................50
5-6 建議 ...........................................51
5-6-1 行銷策略 .....................................51
5-6-2 研究限制 .....................................52
六、參考文獻 .........................................53
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指導教授 陳冠儒 審核日期 2018-7-13
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