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姓名 胡瑜庭(Yu-Ting Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 平移式追日聚光型太陽能系統
★ 膜堆光學導納量測儀★ 以奈米壓印改善陽極氧化鋁週期性
★ 含氫矽薄膜太陽電池材料之光電特性研究★ 自我複製結構膜光學性質之研究
★ 溫度及應力對高密度分波多工器(DWDM)濾光片中心波長飄移之研究★ 以射頻磁控濺鍍法鍍製P型和N型微晶矽薄膜之研究
★ 以奈米小球提升矽薄膜太陽能電池吸收之研究★ 定光電流量測法在氫化矽薄膜特性的研究
★ 動態干涉儀量測薄膜之光學常數★ 反應式濺鍍過渡態矽薄膜之研究
★ 光子晶體偏振分光鏡之設計與製作★ 偏壓對射頻濺鍍非晶矽太陽能薄膜特性之研究
★ 負折射率材料應用於抗反射與窄帶濾光片之設計★ 負電荷介質材料在矽晶太陽電池之研究
★ 自我複製式偏振分光鏡製作與誤差分析★ 以光激發螢光影像量測矽太陽能電池額外載子生命期及串聯電阻分佈之研究
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摘要(中) 太陽能電池的發展是解決能源枯竭重要的趨勢,其中以三五族太陽能電池擁有最高光電轉換效率,但由於成本昂貴不易普及,因此時常搭配聚光光學系統,藉由大面積收光集中至小面積的太陽能電池上,如此得以降低成本。而聚光型光學系統為了隨時保持高效率的發電量,必須配合高精度的追日系統,但由於聚光系統結構體積及重量因素,搭載在向陽式追日系統時常受限於環境及地形影響,不易使太陽能系統輸出穩定的供電量。
摘要(英) The development of solar cells is an important trend to solve energy depletion. III-V solar cell is the highest conversion efficiency solar cell. However the cost is too expensive to popular. Concentrating optical system is combined with the III-V solar cell to achieve the large area of sunlight converged to a small area of the solar cell. It can reduce the cost of the solar system. In order to maintain the high optical efficiency steady, it is necessary to keep the concentrating optical system with a high precision tracking system. However, due to the volume and weight of the concentrating optical system are too large, the precision of the solar tracker is limited by the environment to lead to the output power of the solar system unstable.
In this study, a planar-moving tracker was proposed as the tracking system of a solar system. A folded optical system was designed by using a reflective surface in the concentrating system to reduce weight. And a reflection prism was designed between the folded optical system to couple the sun light into a waveguide and collect the sun light into the solar cell. The optical efficiency was analyzed in the different angle of the reflective prism. Finally, the planar-moving tracker was optimized to achieve the best optical efficiency and uniformity of the different solar wavelengths.
關鍵字(中) ★ 平移式追日系統
★ 聚光型太陽能系統
★ 折疊式光學
★ 光波導
關鍵字(英) ★ Planar-moving tracker
★ Concentrated photovoltaic(CPV)
★ Folded optical system
★ Waveguide
論文目次 摘要.............................................I
第一章 緒論.............................................1
1.2 聚光型太陽能系統.............................................4
1.2.1 光學聚光系統.............................................4
1.2.2 LCPV與HCPV.............................................5
1.2.3 追日系統.............................................6
1.3 文獻回顧.............................................7
1.4 研究動機.............................................9
1.5 論文架構.............................................9
第二章 基本理論.............................................10
2.1 反射定律與折射定律.............................................10
2.2 近軸光線追跡.............................................13
2.3 像差導論.............................................14
2.3.1 球面像差(Spherical Aberration).............................................15
2.3.2 彗星像差(Coma).............................................16
2.3.3 斜射像散(Astigmatism).............................................16
2.3.4 場曲(Curvature).............................................17
2.3.5 畸變(Distortion).............................................17
2.4 非球面方程式.............................................18
2.5 太陽能電池簡介.............................................19
第三章 光學系統設計.............................................21
3.1 光學軟體介紹.............................................21
3.1.1 Zemax.............................................22
3.1.2 LightTools.............................................22
3.2 設計理念.............................................23
3.2.1 折疊式光學系統.............................................24
3.2.2 二次光學元件-稜鏡耦合波導.............................................26
3.3 光學系統接收角範圍.............................................28
3.4 太陽能光譜波段與中心波長設計.............................................29
3.5 設計流程.............................................33
第四章 模擬與效率分析.............................................34
4.1 光學系統與收光角度聚光倍率.............................................34
4.2 不同設計角度與效率模擬分析.............................................35
4.2.1 透鏡+反射面.............................................38
4.1.2 折疊式密合透鏡.............................................42
4.1.3 兩片透鏡系統.............................................45
4.1.4 小結.............................................49
4.2 二次光學元件.............................................50
4.2.1 雙斜面耦合波導.............................................51
4.2.2 單斜面耦合波導.............................................54
4.2.3 小結.............................................60
4.3 各波段太陽能效率分析.............................................61
4.4 均勻性和容忍值分析.............................................64
第五章 結論.............................................69
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指導教授 陳昇暉(Sheng-Hui Chen) 審核日期 2018-8-3
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