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姓名 利薩爾(Elias Suazo Lizardo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
(Economic feasibility for recycling crystalline silicon photovoltaics modules)
★ 凝膠濃度對胎盤幹細胞貼附及分化之影響★ 摻雜銀或銀銅氮氧化鉭薄膜之製備、特性分析及抗菌行為分析
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摘要(中) 本論文的目標是評估晶體矽基光伏組件回收設備的經濟可行性。本研究描述兩種情況,第一種情況是在意大利北部地區建立和運營回收設施,第二種情況就是在洪都拉斯北部地區。本文利用一種稱為折現現金流量的經濟模型來評估回收設施的經濟可行性。應用敏感性分析來確定參數值的範圍,在此範圍內項目可以保持經濟可行性。敏感性分析適用於影響項目可行性的臨界值(投資,收集,過程和賦予的成本以及選擇回收材料的價格)。
摘要(英) The goal of this thesis is to assess the economic feasibility of a recycling facility for crystalline silicon based PV modules. Two cases are described in this study, the first one is the building up and operating a recycling facility located in the north region of Italy and the second one is located in the north region of Honduras. This thesis utilizes an economic model called the discounted cash flows in order to assess the economic feasibility of the recycling facilities. A sensitivity analysis was applied in order to identify the range of parameters values within which a project can remain economical viable. The sensitivity analysis was applied to the critical values that affect the viability of the project (Investment, collection, process and conferred cost, as well to the prices of the material chosen to be recycled).
The discounted cash flow method results shows for the first case the unprofitability of the recycling plant located in Italy in the entire scenarios including the sensitivity analysis. In the other hand the results from the economic method for the second case, described the profitability of the recycling plant located in Honduras, revenues are obtained in the fourth year of operation.
The results of the sensitivity analysis for the second case confirm the feasibility of the project obtaining revenues from the facility in the third year as the best scenario
關鍵字(中) ★ 光伏循環利用
★ 可行性分析
★ 現金流折現
★ 洪都拉斯
關鍵字(英) ★ Photovoltaic recycling
★ Feasibility Analysis
★ Discounted Cash Flow
★ Honduras
論文目次 Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Acronyms viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Objective of the Study 3
1.3 Thesis Outline 4
1.4 Thesis Limitation 4
Chapter 2 Research Background 5
2.1 Global Solar PV Growth 5
2.2 Honduras Energy Context 6
2.2.1 Renewable Energy 8
2.3 Photovoltaics Technologies 11
2.3.1 First Generation: 12
2.3.2 Second Generation 13
2.3.3 Third Generation 14
2.4 Assembly of a Solar Panel 15
2.5 Recycling of a Solar Panel 16
2.5.1 Recyclable Parts of a Solar Panel 17
2.5.2 Recycling Process for Crystalline Silicon PV Modules 18
2.6 Technical Factors of the Recycling Process 20
2.7 Economic Factors in the Recycling Process 22
2.8 Cost Analysis in the Recycling Process 23
2.9 Economic Analysis Steps 23
Chapter 3 Methodology 25
3.1 Methodology Framework 25
3.2 Data Collection 26
3.3 Economic Method 27
Chapter 4 Recycling facility Costs and Revenues 29
4.1 Introduction 29
4.2 Data and Calculations 29
4.3 Results 31
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 32
4.5 Alternatives 34
4.6 Case Study 34
4.6.1 Recycling Steps of the Study Case 35
4.6.2 Results of Case Study 37
4.6.3 Sensitivity Analysis of the Study Case 38
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 40
5.1 Conclusions 40
5.2 Recommendations 41
References 42
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指導教授 李泉 審核日期 2018-7-27
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