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姓名 吳添福(Tien-Fu Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 臺灣電動機車的發展策略分析
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摘要(中) 台灣電動機車產業發展概分為二段時期,第一階段自1998年開始展開電動機車市場經營,因政府推動「電動機車王國」計畫目標,一開始即經歷強制機車產業2%電動機車與燃油機車市佔率銷售保有目標,震撼了整個產業。當時為達此目標,機車產業經歷了機車業大結盟,分別投資組成策盟公司與光陽公司進行研發、組立工廠生產、行銷,到各自設立通路銷售。遺憾的是這個投資計畫最後因產品品質及售價無法滿足顧客需求進而購買,意即市場無法接受,最終策盟公司(尋得政府認同是大市場環境因素,並非產業不配合不推動)不得不認定虧損結束公司研發生產而解散經營。第二時期起自2009年因政府陸續推出「電動機車產業發展推動計畫」、「清淨空氣行動計畫」、引導機車業再次投資研發經營電動機車產業。但期間也再次因電池技術不夠成熟與充、換電站規格不一無法普及與電動機車成本偏高無法滿足一般顧客需求,致使電動機車市場規模無法突破(2009~2017年機車市場保有1,375萬台,電動機車僅保有12萬台市場,市場佔比僅有0.95%)。
近來因電動車電動機車國際電池廠商電池研發逐漸成熟,機車廠商陸續研發幾近成熟電動機車商品。 再加上台灣政府積極輔導推展電動車與電動機車工業政策,行政院長賴清德於2017年12月21日親自發表說明空氣污染防制行動方案,訂立指標性政策目標,包括2019年空污紅害日減半、2030年公務車輛全面電動化、2035年機車全面電動化、2040年汽車全面電動化目標。政府企圖立足台灣放眼全球(2016年電動機車產業亞洲市場佔比76.3%)。在全球大力推動綠色移動工具、智慧電能、共享經濟與電池研發能力快速成長環境下,台灣機車產業如何引領蛻變,發展新事業新商機,達到企業永續經營等目標,值得大家一起關注與探討。因此,本論文將探討台灣電動機車產業市場環境、供給與需求、產業進入障礙與成本結構、國內與全球競爭環境、投資誘因,進而分析產業發展前景。
摘要(英) The development of the electric scooter industry in Taiwan can be divided into two phases. The first phase started in 1998, with the beginning of the marketing operation in the electric scooter industry. As the government promoted “Electric Scooter Kingdom” project, the scooter industry had faced the challenge from the very beginning that market share for electric scooters had to be 2% of whole market share of fuel efficient scooters. It shocked the scooter industry. In order to achieve this goal, the scooter industry formed a strategic alliance to work together. The strategic alliance and KYMCO scooter company worked together in developing and producing the electric scooters, but sold them separately. It was a pity that in the end the project did not succeed as the quality and the price were not accepted by the market. Thus, the strategic alliance had been dismissed because of deficit. The second phase started in 2009 as the government continuously promoted “Electric Scooter Industry Development Project” and “Clean Air Action Project” to guide the scooter industry to invest in developing and operating electric scooter industry. However, the battery technology was not that mature at that time and the specifications of battery charging stations were not unified (the cost of setting charging stations is too high to meet the needs of customers). Therefore, the goal of the market share for electric scooters cannot be achieved (13,700,000 fuel efficient scooters was sold during 2007-2017, but only 100,000 electric scooters was sold. The market share of electric scooters was only 0.7%).
Recently, as the technology development of the batteries for electric scooters has been matured, the matured electric scooter products also can be continuously developed. 1 In addition, Taiwanese government has actively counseled and promoted the projects for electric cars and electric scooters. The director of Executive Yuan, Ching-de Lai, launched a project of air pollution prevention and control on 12/21/2017 and also set goals for the project, including the amount of air pollution should be cut in half by 2019, all vehicles for government use should be all electric by 2030, all scooters should be electric scooters by 2035, all cars should be electric cars by 2040. The goal for the government is that the electric vehicles can be produced in Taiwan and sold them to all over the world (market share for electric scooters in Asia is 76.3%). Currently, as the capabilities of developing green mobile tools, smart electric energy, share economic and batteries have been growing so fast, it is worthy to study that how the scooter industry in Taiwan can lead the change, create new business opportunities and achieve the sustainable business operation. Therefore, this thesis is to study the market environment of the electric scooter industry in Taiwan, supply and demand, the obstacles of entering the industry, cost structure, the competition from domestic and international companies, investment incentives and furthermore, to analyze the future of the industry development.
This study applies SCP structure to analyze the current status and the future of the overall electric scooters, and then propose research proposals for the government and scooter-related industries respectively. Hopefully, this study can provide valuable references for Taiwan′s scooter-related industries, which also can be helpful to the company or industry for their sustainable operations and can serve as references for relevant government authorities for their future research for the electric scooter industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電動機車
★ 機車產業-結構-行為-績效分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Electric scooter
★ Scooter industry
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 研究範圍與研究方法 3
第三節 研究流程與架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 政府政策 6
第二節 經營策略 7
第三節 市場分析 8
第四節 其他 8
第三章 機車產業狀況 10
第一節 國內外機車銷售狀況 10
第二節 機車產業新趨勢 16
第三節 電動機車市場現況 21
第四節 政府政策與法規 30
第四章 電動機車產業SCP分析 42
第一節 基本條件 42
第二節 市場結構 58
第三節 政府政策 65
第四節 廠商行為 69
第五節 經營績效 77
第五章 結論與建議 80
第一節 結論 80
第二節 建議 82
參考文獻 84
參考文獻 期刊與論文
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2018-7-18
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