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姓名 吳淑萍(Shu-Ping Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 兩個獨立的基本Lévy隨機過程之極值過程
(On Maximum and Minimum of Two Independent Simple Lévy Processes)
★ 定點離散核估計★ 密度函數核估計之差的極限分布及其應用
★ 密度函數的直接核估計與間接核估計★ 前二階樣本動差之函數在m相關平穩過程上之統計推論
★ 平穩過程高階動差之極限分佈及應用★ 統計模型參數和之估計
★ 隨機過程參數和之估計★ 二組件組合產品之故障率的非母數估計
★ 穩定性密度函數之核估計★ 柏努力條件下常態分布之參數估計
★ (X,Y)及max{X,Y}之分布及特徵函數之估計★ 二維品質度量之直接與間接參數估計
★ 布朗運動之雙曲正弦與雙曲餘弦變換★ 布朗運動及布阿松過程之變異數分析
★ 布朗運動之線性和二次動向函數的同值檢定★ 常態及二項混合模型之最大概似估計式的漸近最優性
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摘要(中) 在這本論文中,我們研究兩個獨立的基本Lévy隨機過程之極值過程。我們考慮的Lévy過程有布朗運動、卜松過程,以及此兩種隨機過程的和。
摘要(英) In this dissertation, we study the maximum and minimum of two independent
simple L$acute{mbox e}$vy processes. L$acute{mbox e}$vy processes considered are
Brownian motion with drift, Poisson process and their sum.
Mathematical or probabilistic properties discussed include stationary, martingale, diffusion,
stochastic integral, interarrival time, jumping time, first passage time, etc.
Statistical properties investigated cover likelihood ratio, maximum likelihood estimator and
asymptotically unbiased estimator.
This dissertation is structured as follows. In Chapter 2, we deal with the maximum and minimum of two independent
Brownian motions with drifts. Chapter 3 contains the works about the maximum and minimum of two independent
Poisson processes. Chapter 4 is covered by the results about the maximum and minimum of two independent
sums of Brownian motion with drift and Poisson process. In Chapter 5, we provide conclusions and comparisons.
關鍵字(中) ★ 極值過程
★ Lévy隨機過程
關鍵字(英) ★ Lévy Processes
★ Maximum and Minimum
論文目次 List of Notations III
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Maximum and Minimum of Two Independent
Brownian Motions with Drifts 4
2.1 Moments and Probabilistic Properties 7
2.2 First Passage Times 20
2.3 Stochastic Analysis 26
2.4 Likelihood Ratio and Maximum Likelihood Estimator 31
Chapter 3 Maximum and Minimum of Two Independent
Poisson Processes 42
3.1 Marginal and Conditional Distributions 45
3.2 First Passage Times 55
3.3 Interarrival Times and Conditional Jumping Times 65
3.4 Likelihood Ratio and Maximum Likelihood Estimator 114
Chapter 4 Maximum and Minimum of Two Independent
Sums of Brownian Motion with Drift and
Poisson Process 130
4.1 Moments and Probabilistic Properties 133
4.2 First Passage Times 144
4.3 Likelihood Ratio and Maximum Likelihood Estimator 148
Chapter 5 Conclusions 166
5.1 Similarities and Differences 167
5.2 Expectations 170
5.3 Second Moments 174
5.4 Interarrival times and Conditional Jumpings 176
5.5 Likelihood Ratio 179
References 181
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指導教授 許玉生(Yu-Sheng Hsu) 審核日期 2005-6-22
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