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姓名 李鴻志(Hung-Chih Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 圖之均勻分解與有向圖之因子分解
(Balanced Decompositions of Graphs and Factorizations of Digraphs)
★ 加權圖之和、中位點及位移★ 迴圈之冪圖的星林分解數
★ 圖形的線性蔭度及星形蔭度★ On n-good graphs
★ A Note On Degree-Continuous Graphs★ Status Sequences and Branch-Weight Sequences of Trees
★ n-realizable Quadruple★ 圖形的路徑分解,迴路分解和星形分解
★ 星林圖的二分解與三分解★ 2-decomposable, 3-decomposable multipaths and t-decomposable spiders
★ 圖形分解與反魔圖★ The antimagic graph with a generalization
★ 圖的程度序列和狀態★ The 3-split of multipaths and multicycles with multiplicity 2
★ 圖形之分割與反魔標號
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摘要(中) 由於與其他數學結構的緊密連結,及其結果可廣泛地應用在其他領域,
圖形分解(graph decomposition)已成為圖形理論中
均勻分解(balanced decomposition)及因子分解(factorization)
其與組合設計(combinatorial design)有著密切的關聯性。
多重邊完全圖(complete multigraph)的均勻分解與因子分解,
分別對應於均勻不完全區塊設計(balanced imcomplete block design, BIBD)
與可分解設計(resolvable design)。
圖形分解有許多種類型,諸如完全圖分解(clique decomposition)、
星形分解(star decomposition)、路徑分解(path decomposition)、
迴路分解(cycle decomposition)以及
完全二部圖分解(complete bipartite decomposition)等等。
本論文主要在探討無向圖(undirected graph)之
均勻星形分解(balanced star decomposition)與
均勻路徑分解(balanced path decomposition),
有向星形因子分解(directed star factorization)與
有向路徑因子分解(directed path factorization)等問題。
我們得到規則多重邊圖(regular multiple graph)
以及多重邊完全二部圖(complete bipartite multigraph)
其次我們給予完全三部圖(complete tripartite graph)
分解不變量(decomposition invariants),
其中包含了路徑數(path number)、線性蔭度(linear arboricity)
以及星形蔭度(star arboricity)。
在第五章中,首先我們探討對稱皇冠圖(symmetric crown)
其次我們探討對稱完全多部有向圖(symmetric complete multipartite digraph)
探討對稱完全二部有向圖(symmetric complete bipartite digraph)
的雙向星形分解(distar decomposition)問題,
摘要(英) Graph decomposition is an important subject of graph theory
since many mathematical structures are linked to it and
its result can be widely applied in other fields.
Balanced decomposition and factorization are
special types of graph decomposition,
and they have close connections to combinatorial designs.
Balanced decompositions of complete multigraphs and
factorizations of complete multigraphs correspond to
blanced imcomplete block designs (BIBD) and
resolvable designs, respectively.
Nowadays, they continue to be popular topics of research.
There are various decomposition problems such as
clique decomposition, star decomposition,
path decomposition, cycle decomposition,
complete bipartite decomposition, and so on.
In theis thesis, the problems of balanced star decomposition and
balanced path decomposition of some graphs,
and that of directed star factorization and
directed path factorization of some digraphs are investigated.
There are six chapters in this thesis.
In Chapter 1, some basic definitions and notation are introduced.
In Chapter 2,
the balanced star decompositions of graphs are investigated.
We first give a criterion for the balanced star decompositions of
regular multiple graphs.
We then give a necessary and sufficient condition
for the existence of the balanced star decompositions of
complete bipartite multigraphs which are not regular
if the partite sets have different size.
In Chapter 3, the path decomposition of graphs are studied.
We first establish a necessary and sufficient condition
for the balanced path decomposition of
complete bipartite multigraph.
We then give a criterion for the path decomposition of
complete tripartite graph.
In Chapter 4,
we find some decomposition invariants of crown, which include
the path number, linear arboricity and star arboricity.
In Chapter 5,
we first consider the problems of directed star factorizations and
directed path factorizations of the symmetric crown,
the necessary and sufficient conditions are given.
We then study directed star factorization of the symmetric
complete mutipartite digraph and give some sufficient conditions.
In Chapter 6,
we consider the problem of decomposing
the symmetric complete bipartite digraph into distars,
some sufficient conditions are given.
關鍵字(中) ★ 星形
★ 因子分解
★ 均勻分解
★ 有向圖
★ 圖形
★ 路徑
關鍵字(英) ★ graph
★ digraph
★ balanced decomposition
★ factorization
★ star
★ path
論文目次 論文提要
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to decompositions and factorizations of graphs
1.2 Preliminaries
1.3 Overview of the thesis
2 Balanced Star Decompositions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Balanced star decompositions of regular multiple graphs
2.3 Balanced star decompositions of ?- fold complete bipartite graphs
3 Path Decompositions of Bipartite Graphs and Tripartite Graphs
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Balanced path decompositions of ?-fold complete bipartite graphs
3.3 Path decompositions of complete tripartite graphs
4 Decomposition Invariants of Crowns
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Path numbers and linear arboricities of
4.3 Star arboricities of ??

5 Directed Star-Factorizations and Directed Path-Factorizations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Directed star-factorizations of symmetric crowns
5.3 Directed path-factorizations of symmetric crowns
5.4 Directed star-factorizations of the ?- fold symmetric complete multipartite digraphs
6 Distar Decompositions of the Complete Bipartite Digraphs
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Ncecessary conditions
6.3 Sufficient conditions
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指導教授 林強(Chiang Lin) 審核日期 2000-6-27
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