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姓名 張仲騏(Chang,Chung Chie)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 媒體產業之使用者聚合系統初探:基於區塊鏈之概念性架構
(Joint-User System for Media Industry: A Primitive Blockchain-Based Conceptual Framework)
★ 區塊鏈於音樂產業之應用初探:使用者聚合架構
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摘要(中) 綜觀整個媒體產業的發展脈絡始終都圍繞著「去中心化」與「資訊通透」的核心需求前進,媒體產業在近幾年出現了不少的轉變,在網際網路的出現與數位媒體平台的新興商業模式影響下,媒體市場的角色、運作中心、供需狀況不斷地隨著技術發展而變換,而區塊鏈這個新興技術的特性恰巧完全符合媒體產業的需求。也因此本研究旨在探討下列三大研究問題:現有媒體商務架構是否仍能合理解釋數位媒體生態?區塊鏈如何能夠應用到非財金的產業領域?區塊鏈技術如何為數位媒體產業的使用者 (創作者、閱聽人、產銷合一者) 帶來更多價值?
本篇論文提出基於區塊鏈與智能合約的應用框架:使用者聚合系統 (Joint-User System) 。應用上述兩種技術嘗試讓產業以去中心化的方式運作,不僅解放資源的使用權與進入門檻,亦提供資料的整合與紀錄格式。而按照發展順序與應用情境的差異,Joint User System又分為Wiki-Oriented 與Community-Oriented JUST兩種模式。前者所指之情境為在市場去中心化之後,Joint User System能藉著資料儲存確保著作權的同時,也讓利潤能直接分配給相關的貢獻者,藉此實現自由市場,讓媒體市場上的創作與觀點能更加多元;而後者則是針對網路時代中「群眾」所產生的力量,亦即綜效的分配問題而生。透過Community-Oriented JUST的運作模式,將過去被企業所壟斷的綜效收益,釋放並且正確的回歸價值的貢獻者。
摘要(英) Decentralization and information transparency has always been the crucial element of public media industry. In the past few years, the introduction of network and social media brought significant paragon shift to the media industry by changing the way how audience interact with media. Yet some of the industrial problems still remain unsolved causing the media industry suffers from flaws of over capitalized and centralized. With the invention of Blockchain technology, researchers found it possess key features that might be the perfect solutions for current media industrial problems. Therefore, we establish the topics of this study as “Can current business model describe the media industry correctly?”, “How can Blockchain technology been used into other field than Finance?”, and “How can Blockchain provide additional value for digital media users, including authors, audience, and prosumers?”
This study use theory elaboration as methodology in order to conduct a conceptual framework with both scientific and practical utility. Driven by current industrial problems and solidified with existing theories, We create a new market design emphasizing the interactions between users within the media ecosystem with the combination of Blockchain and Smart contract.
The Joint-User System Framework we proposed in the study utilize the features of Blockchain and smart contract creating a media market with decentralization, indelible, and traceability. With these features, Wiki-Oriented JUST provides the possibilities to flatten the market middle layers and release the capital locked by old media monopolies to the crowd in order to attract more users and individual join the market.
Furthermore, Joint-User System not only create a peer-to-peer media market but also shed light on the synergy value that crowd and community created via interactions. According to Network Effect interactions within the network will create value for the entire network which means that purchases made audience also create value for the entire media market. With Community-Oriented JUST, we propose a way to monitor, calculate, and return the value back to the users who created it.
With Joint-User System, this study tried to provide some solutions with new technologies to mitigate the problems that media market suffered from. Hoping that with less centralization and capitalized monopolies in the market, media industry can always fulfill its purpose of speaks for the people and truth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 供需複合架構
★ 商務模式創新
★ 區塊鏈
★ 智能合約
★ 智慧財產
★ 群眾綜效
關鍵字(英) ★ Joint-User System
★ Business model innovation
★ Blockchain
★ Smart contract
★ Intellectual Property
★ Synergy Value
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 V
Abstract VI
致謝 VII
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XIII
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機:數位媒體產業缺口 2
1.3. 研究目的 3
1.4. 研究重要性 4
1.4.1. 實務重要性 4
1.4.2. 學術重要性 5
1.5. 論文架構 5
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1. 研究主題背景:媒體產業之分析 6
2.1.1. Web2.0帶來媒體產業鉅變 6
2.1.2. 自媒體浪潮 9
2.1.3. 數位智慧財產權意識抬頭 11
2.1.4. 平台隱憂:中心化與集權化 12
2.1.5. 價值壟斷:網路效應與群眾綜效 13
2.2. 研究主題技術:區塊鏈與智能合約 15
2.2.1. 區塊鏈技術之誕生與緣起 15
2.2.2. 數位原生信任機制 17
2.2.3. 區塊鏈與智能合約 17
2.2.4. 區塊鏈:實現自由市場之關鍵技術 19
3. 研究方法 20
3.1. 理論建構研究方法 20
3.2. 研究對象:媒體產業與其相關個案之選擇 22
3.3. 資料蒐集方法與資料來源 23
3.4. 質性研究資料處理方法 24
3.5. 資料品質之評鑑 25
4. Joint-User System 26
4.1. Joint-User System概念性架構 26
4.2. Joint User System之價值主張與目的 29
4.3. Joint-User System之運作架構與市場樣貌 33
4.3.1. Joint-User System之運作架構 33
4.3.2. Joint-User System之市場樣貌 37
4.4. Joint-User System之商務模式應用分類 39
4.4.1. Wiki-Oriented JUST 39
4.4.2. Community-Oriented JUST 41
4.5. Community-Oriented JUST之運作範例 43
5. 區塊鏈於媒體產業應用現況及未來發展 48
5.1. 媒體產業之轉變與追求 48
5.2. Civil: 媒體工作者的去中心社群平台 50
5.2.1. Civil之數位貨幣系統 51
5.2.2. Civil之重要角色與運作功能 52
5.2.3. Civil個案之分析與彙整 54
5.3. Wiki-Oriented JUST: 去中心化之市場設計、資源通透之點對點市場 55
5.4. Community-Oriented JUST: 消費者群眾綜效之處理與應用 59
5.5. Joint-User System的本質與特徵 61
6. 結論 65
6.1. 研究成果:JUST市場架構與應用分類 65
6.2. 管理意涵 66
6.3. 研究限制 67
6.4. 未來發展方向 68
7. 參考文獻 70
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指導教授 蘇雅惠 蔡明宏 審核日期 2018-7-13
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