摘要(英) |
With the ever-changing nature of technology, mobile learning has become more and more popular, and the environment has become a serious topic for everyone. In addition, language learning is inseparable from the environment of life. In order to explore the learning emotion of learner in different real environment for English learning. This study attempts to compare the learning emotion in different environment and find out which is more suitable for English learning through brainwave measurement technology. In addition, research in the past rarely discuss the effects of adjusting learning emotions. Therefore, this study also attempts to find out whether listening to music, adjusting one′s mood, before English learning activities can affect the state of learning or not. Furthermore, comparing the learning emotion between individual learning and cooperative learning is also discussed.
For the study, we developed an English learning aid system "ezTranslate", and conducted experiments in the general education class of university. The students are divided into experimental groups (using the system and equipped with brainwaves detection) and control groups (using the system alone). Total of ten weeks of English learning activities in four different real-world environments are carry out, trying to understand whether the brainwave measurement aid can effectively help learners’ learning.
The experimental results show that the additional brainwave assistance does not have a significant impact on learning achievements. According to the analysis of brainwave values of learners during learning activities in four different learning environments, there is no significant difference in learning emotion. Doing music relaxation before learning activities and individual or collaborative learning also have no significant impact on learning emotion. In the end, most learners believe that this system is helpful for English learning in real environment. |
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