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姓名 安迪亞(HENY ANDYA)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 對接銲接之熱傳與應力分析
(Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of Butt Welding)
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摘要(中) 摘要
  本研究使用雙橢圓熱源模型作為有限元素分析之熱源輸入方式。有限元素分析模型計算所求得之溫度場分佈與實驗量測結果比對,可以發現在各量測點,二者之溫度變化趨勢相近,特別是模擬結果與其中一組實驗結果相當吻合,因此確認此有限元素分析模型之有效性。在銲接與冷卻過程結束後,熔融區之等效應力值遠大於熱影響區外銲接件邊緣之等效應力值。模擬結果顯示最大殘留等效應力值發生於熔融區,其大小約為294 MPa,此殘留應力值大於降伏強度290 MPa,因此塑性變形可能發生於此高殘留應力區。銲接件內殘留應力值之大小隨著與熔融及熱影響區之距離增加而下降。對垂直於銲道方向之正向應力而言,較大的殘留應力集中在銲道起始與結束的區域,且為壓應力。對平行於銲道方向之正向應力,在銲道區有較大的殘留張應力,然而隨著距離銲道越遠,殘留張應力會逐漸變小,甚至在靠近銲接件邊緣地帶轉變為殘留壓應力。

The aim of this study is using finite element method (FEM) to develop a computer aided engineering (CAE) technique for calculating temperature and stress distributions in large-plate welding. From the stress distribution, the maximum tensile residual stress can be predicted which is the most critical parameter in determining the structural integrity of large-plate weldments. Experimental measurements of temperature are carried out to validate the FEM simulation. Hopefully, the developed CAE technique and validated FEM model could help plan a better welding process for large-plate welding and improve its structural robustness.
A double ellipsoidal volumetric heat source is employed in the FEM model to simulate large-plate welding. The simulated variation of temperature at selected positions is compared with experimental measurements to verify the effectiveness of the FEM modeling developed. The thermal history at selected positions shows a similar trend between simulations and experiments. In particular, simulation results of temperature variation concur with one of the three given experiments. At the melt pool area after the welding and cooling process, von-Mises equivalent stress is much larger than that at the edge of plate. The maximum residual stress (in von-Mises equivalent form) is located at the melt pool area and has a value of 294 MPa which is close to the yield strength (290 MPa). Therefore, plastic deformation is expected to take place around this highly stressed region. The magnitude of residual stress decreases with increasing distance from the melt pool area and heat affected zone. Higher compressive residual stress is concentrated at the starting and ending regions on the welding path, for the normal stress component (xx) in the direction perpendicular to the welding path. For the normal stress component (yy) in the direction parallel to the welding path, larger tensile residual stress is located at the melt pool area and it becomes compressive stress at the region away from the welding path.
關鍵字(中) ★ 本研究利用有限元素法
★ 殘留等效應力
★ 殘留張應力
關鍵字(英) ★ Finite Element Method
★ von-Misses Stress
★ Residual Stress
1.1 Welding Methods 1
1.2 Welding Application in Large Plates 2
1.3 Temperature and Residual Stress Fields in Welding 4
1.4 Purpose 9
2.1 Numerical Simulation for Large-Plate Welding 11
2.2 Finite Element Model and Material Properties 14
2.3 Heat Source and Boundary Conditions 15
2.4 Element Birth-and-Death Technique 16
3.1 Experimental Setup 17
3.2 Experimental Procedures 17
4.1 Temperature Distribution in Large-Plate Welding 18
4.1.1 Simulation results 18
4.1.2 Experimental results 19
4.1.3 Comparison of simulation and experimental results 19
4.2 Stress Distributions in Large-Plate Welding 21
4.2.1 von-Mises equivalent stress distribution 21
4.2.2 Residual stress distribution 21
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指導教授 林志光(Chih-Kuang Lin) 審核日期 2018-8-7
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