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姓名 普利亞(Pouria Dadvari) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 應用材料科學國際研究生碩士學位學程 論文名稱 合成?Ba?_(1-x)?Ca?_x?Co?_(0.2)?Fe?_(0.8)O_(3-δ)(BCCF)為陰極,CuO滲透效果為P 型SOFC
(Synthesis of ?Ba?_(1-x) ?Ca?_x ?Co?_(0.2) ?Fe?_(0.8) O_(3-δ) (BCCF) as the cathode and CuO-infiltration effect on it for P-type SOFC)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 摘要
本文研究了氧化物 Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_0.2 Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) (x=0,0.5,0.6,0.7),並對它們的結構進行了研究。這些氧化物被用於製造質子傳輸固體氧化物燃料電池(P-SOFC)的陰極以探索其性能。還研究了浸潤氧化銅對陰極的改性。
在硝酸鹽溶液中,調整甘氨酸/硝酸鹽pH並使用燃燒合成法製造前驅粉末。收集燃粉末並在不同溫度下煆燒再使用XRD找出最佳晶體。通過SEM檢查粉末的表面形態。使用兩個不同的模具中將粉末壓製成長錠以及圓錠,在1100℃下燒結測量其歐姆阻抗和熱膨脹係數。使用Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_0.2 Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) 粉末與?品醇均勻混合配置成陰極膏並塗抹在電解液?Ba Ce?_0.8 Zr_0.1 Y_0.1 O_3(BCZY)的其中一面來當作陰極,並在其另一側上塗覆白金膏來當作陽極以形成全電池(Pt/?Ba Ce?_0.8 Zr_0.1 Y_0.1 O_3/Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_(0"." 2) Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) )。最後再浸潤CuO並測量其電池的功率密度和電化學阻抗譜(EIS),參數為在800 ℃操作溫度下陰極空氣進口流量為200c.c./min,陽極氫氣流量為450c.c./min。
結果表明,Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_0.2 Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) 製備的陰極中,隨著鈣含量從x = 0.5增加到x = 0.7,電池的功率增加。但是浸潤氧化銅顆粒(CuO)(CuO : Ba_0.3 Ca_0.7 Co_(0"." 2) Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ)= 1/1 質量比)對功率密度沒有任何顯著影響並增加了極化電阻。摘要(英) Abstract
Oxides Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_0.2 Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) (x=0,0.5,0.6,0.7) were prepared and their structures, propertied were studied in this thesis. These oxides were employed to fabricate the cathodes for the proton-transport solid oxide fuel cell (P-SOFC) to explore their performance. Modification of the cathodes by infiltration of copper oxide was also investigated.
The powders were synthetized by a glycine/nitrate combustion process under a control of pH value in the nitrate solution. The combustion ashes were collected and subjected to calcination at different temperatures to find out best crystals of the related phases according to X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. Surface morphology of the powders was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). All powders were pressed in two different molds and sintered at 1100°C to make samples for measurement of their ohmic resistance and thermal expansion behavior. Each kind of Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_0.2 Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) powders was mixed with the binder to make a paste. Then the paste was screen-painted on one side of an electrolyte (i.e., ?Ba Ce?_0.8 Zr_0.1 Y_0.1 O_3) and the Pt-paste on other side of it to make a single cell. The power density and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for the single cell of Pt/?Ba Ce?_0.8 Zr_0.1 Y_0.1 O_3/Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_(0"." 2) Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ), and for that of Pt/?Ba Ce?_0.8 Zr_0.1 Y_0.1 O_3/Ba_0.3 Ca_0.7 Co_(0"." 2) Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) infiltrated with CuO were tested at 800°C. The flow rates of air inlet on cathode was at 200 c.c./min and that of hydrogen on anode at 450 c.c./min.
The results indicated that the power density of the cell increased with increasing the calcium content from x=0.5 to x=0.7 in the cathode made from Ba_(1-x) Ca_x Co_0.2 Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ). Copper oxide particles (CuO) infiltration (with mass ratio CuO/Ba_0.3 Ca_0.7 Co_(0"." 2) Fe_0.8 O_(3-δ) =1/1) does not have any significant effect on power density and increased polarization resistance.關鍵字(中) ★ BCCF複合氧化物 - 鈣鈦礦 關鍵字(英) ★ BCCF composite oxide-perovskite 論文目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction………..……….………………..………...........1
1.1. World energy need………………………………………………………..…...1
1.2. A brief history about fuel cell............................................................................4
1.2.1. Principles and categories of fuel cells ………………...……....................5
1.3. Fundamental cathode materials………………………………...………….....9
1.3.1. Simple Perovskites……………………………………….….…….…....12
1.3.2. Layered Perovskites ………………….………………………..…........19
1.3.3. Ruddlesden-Popper phases……………………………………...….......21
Chapter 2. Motivation………………………………………..….….….23
2.1. SOFC challenges and drawbacks………..……………………………....…..23
2.1.1. Cathode design………………………………..……………..………......25
Chapter 3. Literature survey……………….…………………….……28
3.1. Particle deposition on cathode …………………………..……...……….…..28
3.1.1. Ionic conducting infiltrates………………………………………..….....28
3.1.2. Partial of MIEC infiltrated into MIEC scaffold……………………........31
3.1.3. Particles of precious metal infiltrated into MIEC cathode scaffold……..35
3.2. Thin film coating on MIEC cathode……………………………………......36
3.3. Effects of calcium doping……………….…………………………………...44
Chapter 4. Materials, preparation and characterization methods….52
4.1. Powder preparation……………………………………………………..........52
4.2. Basic characterization………………………………………………..............59
4.2.1. XRD……………………………………………………...…………........59
4.2.2. SEM……………………………………………………………………...60
4.2.3. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA)………………………………..…...62
4.2.4. Thermo-mechanical analysis………………………………………….....62
4.2.5. Ohmic resistance measurement………………………………………….66
4.3. Cell fabrication and testing………………………………………………......71
4.3.1. Cell fabrication and power density measurements………………………71
4.3.2. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ………………………….......87
Chapter 5. Results and Discussion…………....…………………….…90
5.1. Phase identification and XRD patterns……………………………….…….90
5.2. SEM images……………………………………………………………….....100
5.3. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA)…………………………………….…102
5.4. Thermo-mechanical analysis………………………………………………..106
5.5. Conductivity calculation results……..……………………………….….…107
5.6. EIS results………….………………………………………………..…...…..108
5.7. Power density measurements of cells……………………………….…..….110
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Outlook……………………..………....112
6.1. Conclusions………………………………………………………………....112
6.2. Outlook…………..………………………………………….……………….113
References…………………………………………………………………...…114參考文獻 References
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