博碩士論文 89342001 詳細資訊

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姓名 王仁佐(Ren-Zuo Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 向量式結構運動分析
(Vector Form Motion Anylysis of Structure)
★ 貼片補強構件之層間應力分析★ 軌道不整檢測及識別方法
★ 混凝土結構分析之三維等效單軸組成材料模型★ 卵形顆粒法向與切向接觸之等效線性彈簧值之推導與驗證
★ 以四面體離散化多面體系統之接觸分析與模擬★ 軌道車輛三維動態脫軌係數之在線量測理論
★ 向量式DKMT厚殼元推導與模擬★ 向量式預力混凝土二維剛架元之數值模擬與驗證
★ 向量式有限元應用於懸索橋非線性動力分析★ 蛋形顆粒群之流固耦合分析
★ 複合版梁元素分析模型之橋梁動態識別法★ 三維等效單軸應變與應力之材料組成模型
★ 人行吊橋的現有內力評估及動力分析★ 薄殼結構非線性運動之向量式有限元分析法
★ 雷射掃描技術於鋼軌磨耗之檢測★ 動態加載下的等效單軸應變與 應力材料組成模型
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摘要(中) 本論文根據向量式有限元(Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element,(VFIFE)),簡稱V-5的基本理論,推導可完整且有效模擬結構大變形運動之方法。探討之內容根據結構元型式區分為平面桁架元與剛架元,以及空間桁架元與剛架元四種型式,此外也將材料彈塑性模型納入平面剛架元程序中並探討結構元間撞擊與接觸判斷及碎裂等問題,更進ㄧ歩應用於高壓管路揮擊問題之模擬分析。
此一新的計算方法之基本觀念,乃是將結構體離散為有限個質點之集合,毎個質點的獨立運動則依循由牛頓運動定律,再結合移動式基礎架構(convected material reference frame)與虛構反向剛體運動(fictitious reversed rigid body motion)的作用下,可定出隨體之變形座標(deformation coordinate)系統來合理求出結構元之內力,此些結構元內力滿足靜力平衡,並且將會約束質點之運動。V-5結構元節點與質點彼此的接合型式,可以是剛接、鉸接或其他各種型式,所以此一分析法亦可用來探討柔性多體動力(flexible multibody dynamics 或 FMD)與機構分析等問題,換言之,只要定義適當破壞準則作為解除質點與接點約束之依據,就能輕易模擬結構體由連續到不連續構形之破壞與多體運動行為。
摘要(英) In this thesis, a vector form motion analysis method for structure is developed based on the theory of the Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element (VFIFE, V-5) method. Formulations of the V-5 type planar and spatial truss and frame elements were derived. Besides, incremental elastic-plastic material models, contact analysis algorithm and failure mechanisms are also included into the simulation code. This newly proposed method has profound theoretical content and application simplicity on studying the spatiotemporal behaviors of structures with highly nonlinearity.
The V-5 method models the analyzed domain to be composed by finite particles and the Newton’s second law is applied to describe each particle’s motion. Thus, the calculation of the V-5 method becomes solving a set of decoupled vector form equations. In the theory of V-5, a convected reference frame, fictitious reversed rigid body motion and updated deformation coordinate system are used to separate the rigid body motion and pure deformation of the system. Then the internal force is calculated from the deformation of element and applied to the mass particle to constrain its motion with other particles. After combining with explicit time integration scheme, the V-5 method can effectively simulate the dynamic behaviors of multi-bodies system having large deformation. The connection between a mass particle and an element node can be rigid or jointed. These connections can be broken into separated bodies according to the failure criteria set in the code.
Different from conventional matrix form structure analysis methods, the vector type motion equation of each mass particle makes the analysis procedure of the V-5 dramatically simple. No iterations are required as conventional methods in nonlinear motion analysis. In addition, due to the nature of discrete independent particle point, it is not required to set essential boundary conditions of the system. It is very easy to prescribe the displacement and forcing conditions on each particle during the procedure of analysis.
Through the numerical analyses of a few benchmark problems with large rotation, elastic-plastic deformation, impact, self-contact, fracture characters, the V-5 method demonstrates its accuracy and efficiency on the analysis of structure motion. It is believed that the V-5 method can be a very effective tool for engineers on the structure motion analysis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 虛構反向剛體運動
★ 移動式基礎架構
★ 變形座標
關鍵字(英) ★ fictitious reversed rigid body motion
★ convected material reference frame
★ deformation coordinate
論文目次 第一章 前言
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 向量式有限元研究背景 7
1-3 論文內容 9
第二章 ㄧ維構件之平面運動基本理論與模擬
2-1 平面桁架結構離散模型 11
2-2 ㄧ維桁架元平面運動基本理論 16
2-2-1 平面桁架元之移動基本架構 16
2-2-2 平面桁架元節點變形位移與變形座標 19
2-2-3 平面桁架元節點等效內力 24
2-2-4 平面桁架元之質點運動方程式之差分式 27
2-3 平面桁架元數值算例 33
2-4 平面剛架結構離散模型 54
2-5 ㄧ維剛架元平面運動基本理論 59
2-5-1 平面剛架元之移動基本架構 59
2-5-2 平面剛架元節點變形位移與變形座標 61
2-5-3 平面剛架元節點等效內力 66
2-5-4 平面剛架元之質點運動方程式之差分式 72
2-6 平面剛架元數值算例 75
2-7 平面機構運動之數值算例 93
第三章 ㄧ維構件之空間運動基本理論與模擬
3-1 空間桁架元結構離散模型 117
3-2 ㄧ維桁架元空間運動基本理論 119
3-2-1 空間桁架元之移動基礎架構 121
3-2-2 空間桁架元之節點變形位移與變形座標 125
3-2-3 空間桁架元節點等效內力 130
3-2-4 空間桁架元之質點運動方程式之差分式 134
3-3 空間桁架元數值算例 136
3-4空間剛架元結構離散模型 152
3-5 ㄧ維剛架元空間運動基本理論 155
3-5-1 剛架元之空間剛體轉動與主軸方向 156
3-5-2 空間剛架元之變形座標 158
3-5-3 空間剛架元之內力計算方式與移動基礎架構 165
3-5-4 空間剛架元之質點運動方程式之差分式 171
3-6空間剛架元數值算例 176
第四章 ㄧ維構件之彈塑性基本理論與斷裂計算
4-1 ㄧ維構件彈塑性分析 185
4-2 彈塑性分析之數值範例 193
4-3 ㄧ維構件斷裂計算方法 210
4-4 斷裂計算之數值範例 211
第五章 高壓管路揮擊問題之應用
5-1 管路揮擊文獻回顧 222
5-2 ㄧ維剛架元平面運動之接觸判斷方法 227
5-2-1 剛架元對點接觸判斷 228
5-2-2 點對點接觸判斷 235
5-3 ㄧ維剛架元平面運動之撞擊力估算 237
5-3-1 正向接觸力 237
5-3-2 接觸剪力之計算 243
5-4 管路斷裂處之下噴力估算 245
5-5 數值範例 248
第六章 結論與建議
6-1 結論 270
6-2 建議 271
6-3 未來展望 272
參考文獻 273
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指導教授 王仲宇(Chung Yue Wang) 審核日期 2005-10-5
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