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姓名 郭啟珩(Chi-Heng Guo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 鈦酸鋇奈米纖維/聚偏氟乙烯 奈米發電機
(barium titanate nanofibers/PVDF nanogenerator)
★ MFI沸石奈米結晶製備研究★ 氧化鋅奈米粒子的表面改質與分散
★ 濕法製備氧化鋅摻雜鋁之透明導電膜★ 強吸水性透明奈米沸石膜
★ 奈米氧化鋅透明導電膜的製作★ 製作AZO透明導電膜的各種嘗試
★ 奈米結晶氧化鋯合成與分散★ 接枝PDMS之奈米氧化鋯及其與矽膠複合膜之光學性質
★ 奈米氧化鋯之表面接枝及其與壓克力樹酯複合膜之電泳沉積★ 沸石晶核的製備與排列
★ 納米級氧化鋯結晶粒子之高濃度穩定懸浮液製備★ 聚芳香羧酸酯之合成及性質研究
★ MFI沸石超微粒子之製作★ 四氯化鈦之控制水解研究
★ 具環氧基矽烷包覆奈米粒子之研究★ 具再分散性之奈米級氧化鋯結晶粒子之合成研究
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摘要(中) 此論文主要在研究利用遠場電紡絲製備不同含量鈦酸鋇奈米纖維(BT) 的BT/PVDF 或BT/P(VDF-TrFE)纖維膜對壓電性能的影響。首先配製BT/PVP的電紡絲溶膠,電紡後將BT/PVP纖維在800oC下煅燒並持溫2小時,以移除PVP而製備出直徑100 nm並具有壓電性的Tetragonal相鈦酸鋇纖維。我們先使用雙氧水將此鈦酸鋇奈米纖維氧化,再以多巴胺進行表面改質。另外也嘗試不經過表面改質,確認是否僅靠黏度即可使其懸浮於PVDF溶膠中,結果發現改質的鈦酸鋇纖維添加量達63 wt%後仍可維持2小時以上的懸浮不沉澱,而不改質的仍能添加至57 wt%,並都電紡成複合壓電纖維膜。將紡出的纖維膜貼上電線和電極後,利用PDMS封裝固化成具有彈性的片材。測量時以自製驅動裝置拍打PDMS使其上下曲折形變產生電位。根據測量的結果,PVDF不論有混鈦酸鋇奈米纖維與否,輸出電性皆和P(VDF-TrFE)差不多。而在添加了63 wt%的鈦酸鋇奈米纖維後,電性都提升了6倍之多。另外,根據王中林教授曾經提出的11項方法來確認奈米發電機能發電是因為壓電性質而非摩擦生電,我們選擇了其中4項進行驗證,並確定電性來源是壓電效果,這顯示出我們所用的遠場電紡絲製備方法,雖然產生的是無方向性的纖維膜,卻仍具有可產生交流電的壓電性質。
摘要(英) This research was focused on the affects of electrical output by adding various contents of barium titanate (BT) nanofibers of BT/PVDF or BT/P(VDF-TrFE) mats which were synthesized by far-field electrospinning. First, BT/PVP sol for electrospinning was synthesized. After electrospinning, the BT/PVP nanofiers was annealed at 800oC for two hours to remove PVP and produced BT nanofibers with tetragonal phase which is characteristic with piezoelectricity. The BT nanofibers were oxidized by hydrogen peroxide then surface modified with dopamine. Also, we have tried to suspend BT nanofibers by only viscosity in PVDF sol. Consequently, Modified BT fibers can be added up to 63 wt% and suspend at least for 2 hours without precipitation. The pure BT nanofibers can also be added up to 57 wt%. The composite piezoelectric mats were synthesized by electrospinning. Subsequently, the mat was attached two electrodes and electric wires then sealed by PDMS encapsulant which was cured by heating and become a flexible sheet. The PDMS encapsulant was applied a up and down strain by a self-made device and generate electric potential. According to our measurements, no matter the BT nanofibers were added or not, the electrical output of PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE) were almost the same. On the other hand, when the BT nanofibers were added up to 63 wt%, the electric outputs were enhanced by 6 times. On the basis of the 11 methods which can confirm the electric output of a nanogenerator is generated by piezoelectric instead of triboelectric were presented by Prof. Z. L. Wang. Therefore, we have selected and carried out 4 of them, and it can be proved that the electric output is generated by piezoelectric. It is revealed that we utilized the far-field electrospinning method can produce random aligned mats which still can generate alternative current by piezoelectric.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鈦酸鋇
★ 電紡絲
關鍵字(英) ★ barium titanate
★ electrospinning
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 I
Abstract V
致謝 III
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIVI
第一章、緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
第二章、文獻回顧 3
2-1 壓電效應 3
2-2 奈米發電機 4
2-2-1壓電奈米發電機 4
2-2-2摩擦生電奈米發電機 8
2-3 製備一維鈦酸鋇的方法 9
2-3-1 熔鹽法 9
2-3-2 水熱法 10
2-3-3 電紡絲法 12
2-4 靜電紡絲 14
2-4-1 電紡原理 14
2-4-2 電紡條件 15
2-4-3 溶液性質 16
2-5鈦酸鋇奈米纖維改質 17
2-6電紡絲製備壓電奈米纖維膜 20
2-6-1 高分子壓電纖維膜 20
2-6-2 複合壓電纖維膜 22
第三章、實驗架構與方法 25
3-1 實驗架構 25
3-2 實驗藥品 26
3-3 合成BT/PVP溶膠 27
3-4 製備BT/PVP奈米纖維 27
3-5 鍛燒BT/PVP奈米纖維 28
3-6 鈦酸鋇奈米纖維改質 28
3-7 製備BT/PVDF複合溶膠 29
3-8 製備BT/PVDF複合壓電纖維膜 29
3-9 PDMS封裝 30
3-10 壓電性質確認 30
3-11 壓電性能測量 31
3-12 分析儀器 31
3-12-1 X-Ray繞射儀 (XRD) 31
3-12-2 場發式電子顯微鏡 (FE-SEM) 32
3-12-3 拉曼光譜儀 (Raman) 32
3-12-4熱重損失分析儀 (TGA) 33
3-12-5 傅立葉紅外光譜儀 (FTIR) 33
3-12-6 振動式黏度計 (Vibro-Viscometer) 33
第四章、結果與討論 34
4-1、確認鈦酸鋇奈米纖維的合成 34
4-2、鈦酸鋇奈米纖維粗細控制 36
4-2-1 加入PVP的影響 36
4-2-2電壓梯度和流量對鈦酸鋇纖維形貌的影響 38
4-3、鈦酸鋇奈米纖維改質 40
4-4、電紡絲製備複合壓電纖維膜 41
4-4-1 增加鈦酸鋇含量和提升黏度對電紡絲以及纖維直徑的影響 42
4-4-2 BT/PVDF比例對β相含量的影響 47
4-5、BT/PVDF複合纖維膜壓電電性測量 50
4-5-1壓電性質確認 51
4-5-2添加鈦酸鋇纖維對奈米發電膜電力輸出的影響 52
4-5-3可穿戴奈米發電膜 55
第五章、結論與展望 56
參考文獻 57
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指導教授 蔣孝澈(Shiaw-Tseh Chiang) 審核日期 2019-1-24
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