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姓名 黎方寶簪(Le Phuong Bao Tram)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
(Influences of habitat adaptation and geological events on Asian Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) distribution pattern)
★ 探討resveratrol和osajin對鼻咽癌之抗腫瘤作用及機制★ 臺灣及鄰近地區澤蛙的地理親源演化關係
★ 白藜蘆醇對鼻咽癌中基因的異常甲基化及細胞移動的影響★ 調控酵母菌MIG1基因表達的轉錄因子
★ 單一核甘酸差異來研究MIG1調控表現的機制★ 利用粒腺體全基因體DNA 序列瞭解 台灣小雨蛙與近親種的演化及親源關係
★ 東亞及東南亞地區貢德氏赤蛙之親緣地理關係研究★ 利用粒腺體基因(16S rRNA & ND4) 和細胞核基因(7IβFIB & 3ITBP) 研究亞洲蝮蛇在印尼地區的地理親緣演化
★ Microhyla fissipes及其近親種在東亞及東南亞的地理親緣關係★ 面天樹蛙全粒線體基因組序列與其親緣關係
★ 爪哇特有種Microhyla achatina粒線基因體完整序列及其親緣遣傳演化★ 台灣東部澤蛙(Fejervarya limnocharis)完整粒線體基因組序列及其親緣演化之探討
★ 透過粒線體基因體探討盤古蟾蜍與中華蟾蜍在蟾蜍科之內的親緣關係
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摘要(中) 南亞-東南亞地區一向被認為是生物多樣性熱點,但不幸的是,這個地區現正面臨著世界最高的森林砍伐率,而這也是導致棲息地喪失和生物多樣性受到嚴重威脅的關鍵因素。儘管由於森林砍伐的緣故導致了棲息地減少,黑眶蟾蜍卻仍然能夠擴大其在整個南亞-東南亞地區的分佈。此外,這種在亞洲常見的蟾蜍還擁有三個不同的支系,分別代表大陸,沿海和島嶼種群。因能夠辨識出影響生物體分佈現況的地質因素已經引起了研究興趣,故在本研究中利用整個南亞-東南亞地區的代表性樣本以及核與線粒體基因進行更深入的遺傳分析,旨在闡明形成黑眶蟾蜍分佈現況的地質因素。如預期地,本研究中重建了具有三種進化支系的親緣關係樹,而這三種進化支系有別於遺傳以及生態,能夠與亞洲大陸,緬甸沿海和巽他群島形成對應,並且估算出了在漸新世和中新世之間的分歧時間。為了適應位於環太平洋火山帶上巽他群島的獨特地質條件,島嶼種群具有最獨特的支系,而沿海進化分支的類群則代表了適應潮灘環境的支系。另外,結果也表明了黑眶蟾蜍可能由不止一個物種組成,以及每個物種都佔有獨特的生態位。
摘要(英) South and Southeast Asia have been considered as biodiversity hot-pot, however, unfortunately, they are now suffering from the highest rate of deforestation, which is the crucial factor causing habitat loss and puts biodiversity under serious threat. In spite of habitat loss due to deforestation, Duttaphrynus melanostictus is able to enlarge their occupation throughout South-Southeast Asia. Furthermore, this Asian Common toad also possesses three distinct lineages representing for Mainland, Coastal and Island populations. Identifying geological factors that shaped the current distribution pattern of living organisms has attracted research interest. Taking advantages of representative sample localities throughout South-Southeast Asia and intensive genetic analyses from both nuclear and mitochondrial genes, this research aims to elucidate the geological factors shaping the current distribution pattern of D. melanostictus. Expectedly, the phylogenetic tree, possessing three evolutionary lineages that differ genetically and ecologically, corresponding to Asian Mainland, Coastal Myanmar, and Sundaio islands, was reconstructed. The divergence time was estimated in Oligocene. Island group is the most distinct lineage due to the acclimatization to the unique geological condition of Sundaio islands, where locates on the Pacific Ring of Fire, while the distinction of the Coastal clade represents a lineage adapting to tidal flats environment. Furthermore, the outcome also suggests that D. melanostictus may consist of more than one species and each conquers unique niches.
關鍵字(中) ★ 黑眶蟾蜍
★ 地理親緣
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 ................................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables................................................................................................................... vii
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 AMPHIBIANS – AN OUTSTANDING CANDIDATE FOR PHYLOGEOGRAPHIC STUDIES: ................................................................. 4
1.3 Duttaphrynus melanostictus IN RELATION TO SOUTH – SOUTHEAST ASIA BIODIVERSITY CRISIS AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHY: ........................... 4
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS............................................................................. 6
2.1 SAMPLES PREPARATION: ................................................................. 6
2.1.1 SAMPLES COLLECTION: .......................................................... 6
2.1.2 DNA EXTRACTION: ................................................................. 6
2.2 POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR): ........................................... 7
2.2.1 PRIMERS DESIGN: .................................................................... 7
2.2.2 PCR CONDITION OPTIMIZATION: ............................................ 7
2.3 DNA SEQUENCING: ........................................................................... 8
2.4 DATA ANALYSIS: .............................................................................. 8
2.4.1 SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT: ........................................................ 8
2.4.2 PHYLOGENETIC TREE RECONSTRUCTION: ............................ 8
2.4.3 GENETIC DISTANCES: ............................................................. 9
2.4.4 DIVERGENCE TIME ESTIMATION: ........................................... 9
3. RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 10
3.1 PRIMER SETS AND OPTIMAL PCR CONDITIONS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL TARGET GENES: ................................................................. 10
3.3 DIVERGENCE TIME ESTIMATION: .................................................. 17
4. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 18
4.2 PHYLOGENY AND SYSTEMATICS: ................................................. 19
4.2.1 MAINLAND LINEAGE AND ITS CASE OF MICRO-ALLOPATRY: ....................................................................................... 19
4.2.2 ELEVATION PLAYS NO ROLE IN GENETIC VARIATION OF ASIAN COMMON TOAD: ...................................................................... 22
4.2.3 Duttaphynus melanostictus COULD BE A PARAPHYLETIC SPECIES:............................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 SCENARIO 2: THE EFFECT OF INDONESIA’S PALEOGEOGRAPHY ON ISLAND LINEAGE: ........................................ 24 4.3.3 SCENARIO 3: INDONESIA – THE ROOT OF D. melanostictus: .... 25
5. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 30
6. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 36
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指導教授 劉阜果 審核日期 2019-1-14
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