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姓名 黃昱銓(YU-CHUAN HUANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物物理研究所
論文名稱 呼吸與自律神經系統調控下的心臟相位同步現象
(The phase synchronization of heart under regulation of respiratory and autonomic nervous system)
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摘要(中) 一個運作功能正常的心臟是對於生物而言是十分重要的,所以心跳週期(R-R interval)是受到生理機制的嚴謹調控。許多調控心跳週期的機制經由許多的科學研究已被證實,本論文關注的調控機制有兩種:其一為呼吸性竇性心律不整(respiratory sinus arrhythmia, RSA),以呼吸變化調控心跳週期的生理機制,不同的呼吸方式會影響心率變異度,而在醫學報告顯示健康的心血管系統具有高強度的呼吸性竇性心律不整表現[2];其二為壓感反射(baroreflex),以頭部血壓變化調控心跳週期的生理機制,許多中樞神經會影響壓感反射的靈敏度,因此可作為中樞神經正常運作的依據[3]。
本論文藉由不同呼吸方式來改變呼吸竇性心律不整的強度,並且利用倒立機的角度改變造成頭部血壓的變化,進而改變壓感反射的強度。利用非線性動力學中的同步現象來觀測呼吸方式與倒立機角度改變對心跳週期的調控。同步現象表示耦合振盪系統(coupling oscillators system)中出現相位鎖定或是頻率鎖定的關係[4]。更進一步,論文著重於相位鎖定也就是相位同步(phase synchronization),並且利用相位同步圖與相位同步程度進行分析。實驗結果顯示在固定週期呼吸與倒立機週期擺動的情況下,多數受試者的相位同步圖與相位同步程度皆出現相位同步的跡象。
摘要(英) The well-functional heart is vital to creature, so R-R interval should be regulated by rigorous mechanism of physiology. Many mechanisms of R-R interval regulation have been found, and this paper further focuses on two main mechanisms of R-R interval regulation. (i)Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA): It is heart rate variability in synchrony with respiration, by which the R-R interval on an electrocardiogram (ECG) is shortened during inspiration and prolonged during expiration. (ii)Beroreflex: It is one of the body′s homeostatic mechanisms that helps to maintain blood pressure at nearly constant levels. The baroreflex provides a rapid negative feedback loop in which an elevated blood pressure reflexively causes the heart rate to decrease and also causes blood pressure to decrease. Decreased blood pressure decreases baroreflex (BR) activation and causes heart rate to increase and to restore blood pressure levels.
The intensity of RSA is changed by different breathing modes, and the change of the angle of the tilting bed causes changes in the blood pressure of the head, thereby changing the intensity of BR. Synchronizaiton phenomena in nonlinear dynamics are used to observe the regulation of the breathing pattern and the change of the angle of the tilting bed to the heart period.
Synchronization indicates the relationship between phase-locked or frequency- locked in the coupling oscillators system [4]. Furthermore, this paper focuses on phase-locked which means phase synchronization, and analyzes phase synchronization by synchrongram and synchronization degree. The experiment results show that in the case of fixed-cycle breathing and tilting bed oscillation, most of the subjects′ synchrongram and phase synchronization degree show signs of phase synchronization.
Finally, in the case of fixed-cycle breathing and tilting bed oscillation, it is found that the heart rate variability increases when the respiratory signal is in phase with the oscillation of the tilting bed, and the heart rate variability decreases when phase difference is anti-phase. Whether the subject can increase the original heart rate variability in a long-term experiment by co-regulation of the same phase, or enhance the physical health of the subject, will be the direction of future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 心肺同步
★ 同步程度
★ 同步圖
★ 交感神經
★ 經驗模態分解
關鍵字(英) ★ Cardiorespiratory phase synchronization
★ Synchronization degree
★ Synchrogram
★ Autonomic nervous system
★ Empirical mode decomposition
論文目次 目  錄
中文摘要 ......................................................... I
英文摘要 ......................................................... II
誌謝 ......................................................... III
目錄 ......................................................... IV
圖目錄 ......................................................... VII
表目錄 ......................................................... IX
符號說明 ......................................................... IX
一、 研究導論................................................. 1
1-1__   緒論..................................................... 1
1-2__ 心臟與心電圖............................................. 1
1-2-1 心臟..................................................... 1
1-2-2 心電圖................................................... 2
1-3__ 呼吸系統與肺體積......................................... 3
1-3-1 呼吸系統................................................. 3
1-3-2 肺體積................................................. 4
1-4__ 自律神經系統與其生理反饋機制............................. 4
1-4-1 自律神經系統............................................. 4
1-4-2 交感神經與副交感神經..................................... 5
1-4-3 壓感反射................................................. 6
1-4-4 呼吸竇性心率不整......................................... 6
1-5__ 振盪器的同步現象......................................... 8
1-5-1 同步現象................................................. 8
1-5-2 相位鎖定................................................. 9
1-5-3 頻率鎖定................................................. 11
1-5-4 心肺同步現象............................................. 12
1-6__ 研究目的................................................. 13
二、 研究方法及裝置........................................... 14
2-1__ 概述..................................................... 14
2-2__ 實驗受試者及實驗環境..................................... 15
2-3__ 訊號量測與調控系統....................................... 15
2-3-1 訊號擷取................................................. 15
2-3-2 光感測器與心跳週期....................................... 16
2-3-3 壓力感測器與呼吸訊號..................................... 17
2-3-4 生理訊號測量............................................. 18
2-3-5 倒立機之床面傾斜控制..................................... 20
2-4__ 實驗流程................................................. 22
2-4-1 呼吸方式調控對心跳週期的影響............................. 22
2-4-2 自律神經活性調控對心跳週期的影響......................... 22
2-4-3 呼吸方式與自律神經活性對心跳週期的共同調控............... 23
2-5__ 分析方法................................................. 24
2-5-1 訊號處理與標準化......................................... 24
2-5-2 相位同步圖分析........................................... 24
2-5-3 希爾伯特-黃轉換......................................... 26
2-5-4 經驗模態分解............................................. 26
2-5-5 瞬時相位................................................. 29
2-5-6 相位同步程度分析......................................... 30
三、 研究結果................................................. 33
3-1__ 概述..................................................... 33
3-2__ 呼吸方式對心跳週期的調控結果............................. 35
3-2-1 呼吸方式對心跳週期的影響................................. 35
3-3__ 自律神經活性對心跳週期的調控結果......................... 40
3-3-1 床面傾斜角度對心跳週期的影響............................. 40
3-4__ 呼吸方式與自律神經活性對心跳週期的共同調控結............. 44
3-4-1 床面週期擺動度對心跳週期的影響........................... 44
3-4-2 固定長週期呼吸對心跳週期的影響........................... 44
3-4-3 共同調控下心跳週期與呼吸方式的關係....................... 45
3-4-4 共同調控下心跳週期與週期擺動的關係....................... 49
3-4-5 共同調控下心跳週期統計分析............................... 52
四、 研究結論................................................. 53
4-1__ 結論..................................................... 53
4-1-1 訊號處理與分析........................................... 53
4-1-2 實驗結果................................................. 54
4-2__ 相位同步圖與相位同步程度的比較........................... 55
4-2-1 相位同步圖............................................... 55
4-2-2 相位同步程度............................................. 55
4-3__ 心率變異度與共同調控..................................... 55
五、 參考文獻................................................. 56
六、 附錄..................................................... 60
附錄ㄧ 呼吸方式對心跳週期的調控之所有受試者結果................. 60
附錄二 自律神經活性對心跳週期的調控之所有受試者結果............. 73
附錄三 呼吸方式與自律神經活性對心跳週期的共同調控之所有受試者結果.... 85
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指導教授 陳志強 黎璧賢 審核日期 2018-10-18
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