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姓名 安妮莎(ANNISA AULANI KUSNADI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 調查廉價航空業在服務補救後受補救行為之影響:關係慣性和市場行家所扮演的角色
(Examining The Effects of Service Recovery on Post-Recovery Behavior in The Low-Cost Airline Industry: The Roles of Relationship Inertia and Market Mavenism)
★ 幽默廣告與網路紅人可信度對廣告效果之影響:以推薦人適配度為中介★ 廣告訴求與產品種類對品牌態度、廣告態度及自我品牌連接度的影響
★ 社群媒體Instagram使用動機對品牌參與及購買意圖之影響:以廣告價值為中介變數★ 專業生成及用戶生成內容與消費者創新性對推薦式廣告之效果
★ YouTuber類型與廣告價值對消費者反應之影響:以幽默程度作為調節變數★ 敘事化廣告之典型性與認知風格對品牌成效之影響
★ 影響者特質、消費者感知對品牌效果之研究:以廣告揭露為中介★ Unlocking the power of motivations on engagement with ephemeral content: Mediated by gratification and moderated by need for closure
★ 探討 YouTube 使用動機與消費者行為之關係: 以 YouTube 使用強度及平台可信度為調節變數★ Instagram廣告的互動性與自我品牌連結對網路口碑和廣告態度之影響:以 Instagram使用頻率和錯失恐懼為中介
★ 社群影響者追蹤動機對消費者行為影響之研究:以互動性、參與程度、廣告意圖為中介變數★ 品牌聯名的行銷策略對消費者產品接受度及購買意願之影響:以社會認同與社群影響為中介變數
★ 探討Instagram上品牌擬人化貼文及自我概念品牌投入對消費行為之影響★ 探討廣告利益對原生廣告之成效: 以廣告與平台一致性為中介變數
★ 網路紅人類型與網路紅人/產品一致性對消費者反應之影響: 以錯失恐懼、社會比較以及Instagram使用強度為中介★ YouTuber「虛擬vs.真實」呈現對廣告效果之研究: 探討代言人可信度與消費者參與的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究調查經常服務失誤的廉價航空其服務補救行為後之影響。考慮到與現有客戶保持關係的嘗試,許多研究表明客戶滿意度與回購意願之間存在正相關關係,這可以提高長期盈利能力。
摘要(英) This research examines the effects of service recovery on post-recovery behavior in the low-cost airline which is prone to service failure. Given the attempt to maintain relationships with existing customers, a number of studies have shown a positive correlation between customer satisfactions and repurchase intention, which can improve long-term profitability.
The purposes of this study is to assess the effects of service recovery, through the dimensions of procedural justice, distributive justice, and interactional justice. This research is expected to contribute by finding the most effective strategy to recover customer satisfaction in service industry which is prone to service failure and maintain or even improve the relationship between customer and the company. Relationship inertia and market mavenism were added as moderating variables to give a deeper insight for companies to develop a well-planned service recovery strategy.
The population of the study was the customers of Indonesian Low cost airlines. The sampling method in this study is convenience sampling. Data was collected by using questionnaire and processed by using PLS. The analyses found that justice dimensions of service recovery had a significant influence on post recovery behavior. And both moderating variables were revealed to be essential in affecting customer’s repurchase intention and positive word-of-mouth intention.
The findings from the questionnaire data indicate that customers appreciated an apology and the instant offer of some clear recovery procedure, and these had the greatest effect on their perceptions of justice, leading to an overall favorable view of satisfactions and the consequent likelihood of repurchase. Another thing to be considered is for the company to try to recognize the market maven between their customers, the company need to pay more attention to them, and if there is any service failure happened, a well-executed service recovery must be ensured since market maven play a great role in influencing others, which indicate a positive correlation with positive word of mouth
關鍵字(中) ★ 服務補救
★ 廉價航空
★ 關係慣性
★ 市場行家被
關鍵字(英) ★ service recovery
★ low cost airlines
★ relationship inertia
★ market mavenism

2.1 Service Failures in the Airline Industry 7
2.2 Service Recovery and Post Recovery Satisfaction 8
2.3 Distributive Justice and Post Recovery Satisfaction 10
2.4 Procedural Justice and Post Recovery Satisfaction 11
2.5 Interactional Justice and Post Recovery Satisfaction 12
2.6 Post-Recovery Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention, and Positive Word-of-Mouth 14
2.7 Moderating Effects of Service Failure Severity 16
2.8 Moderating Effects of Market Mavenism 17
2.9 Moderating Effects of Relationship Inertia 18
2. 10 Research Framework 20
3.1 Research Process 21
3.2 Sampling 21
3.3 Research Procedures 22
3.4 Measures 23
3.5 Data Analysis 25
3.6 Measurement Model (Outer Model) 26
3.7 Structural Model (Inner Model) 28
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents 29
4.2 Validity and Reliability Tests 30
4.3 Model Evaluation: Goodness of Fit 34
4.4 Structural Equation Modelling 36
4.5 Hypotheses Testing 37
5.1 Theoretical Implications 43
5.2 Managerial Implications 47
5.3 Limitations and Future Research 49
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