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姓名 李宗雄(Tsung-Hsiung Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 生物相容性鈦基金屬玻璃合金粉末用於積層製造之研製
(Development and fabrication of the bio-compatible Ti-based metallic glass powders for additive manufacturing)
★ (Zr48Cu36Al8Ag8)99.25Si0.75複材高溫塑性行為之研究★ 具鉭顆粒散布強化之鐵基金屬玻璃複材的合成及其性質之研究
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★ 利用急冷旋鑄及真空熱壓製備Zn4Sb3奈米/微米晶塊材之熱電性質與機械性質研究★ 鐵顆粒添加對鎂鋅鈣非晶質合金熱性質及機械性質影響之研究
★ Ba0.8Sr0.2Ce0.8-x-yZryInxY0.2O3-δ(x=0.05,0.1 y=0,0.1)固態氧化物燃料電池電解質材料燒 結能力、微結構與其導電性質之研究★ 鋯基與鈦基金屬玻璃薄膜應用於7075-T6航空用鋁合金疲勞性質改善之研究
★ 添加鉭對鋯鋁鈷塊狀非晶質合金機械性質影響之研究★ 鐵基塊狀金屬玻璃熱塑成形性之研究
★ 鋯基金屬玻璃薄膜對鎂基塊狀金屬玻璃複材之機械性質與抗腐蝕性提升之研究★ 微量鉭顆粒添加對鋯-銅-鋁-鈷塊狀非晶質合金鋯銅析出相的演變及機械性質之影響
★ 雷射積層製造用鐵基金屬玻璃粉末與其工件性質之研究★ 鐵基金屬玻璃破裂韌性提升 及其積層製造用粉體製作之研究
★ 質子傳輸型固態氧化物燃料電池之陽極支撐電解質材料製作及其性能之研究★ 低密度雙相富鋁高熵合金之微結構觀察與其機械性質研究
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摘要(中) 為了達到利用氣體霧化方式來製作出具高真圓度的球形粉體,降低具生物相容性Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15的液相溫度是必須的,所以鈦合金低液相溫度的設計理念是傾向該合金成份是接近於共晶點。一系列的Ti-Zr-Ta-Si-Sn-Co合金系統,將利用熔體紡絲技術來製作出薄帶,並以差示掃描量熱來探究熱性質和X光繞射儀來鑑定非晶質狀態,而由差示掃描量熱的結果顯示,將以適當的Co和Sn元素含量來取代該合金組成中的Zr和Si,可大幅降低從1728 K的Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15液相溫度轉變成1200 K,同時該合金成份的玻璃形成能力也向上提升。依據四種不同液相溫度的合金成份,利用氣體霧化技術來製作出具金屬玻璃結構的粉體,其結果顯示,較低液相溫度的合金成份,容易經氣體霧化技術後,得到球形的金屬玻璃粉體。同樣的在雷射再燒熔測試,在適當燒熔參數下,使用部分結晶的Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5進行SLM,可得到連續全非晶的平面顯微結構,這表示該合金成份與雷射參數可進一步進行得到層與層堆疊的非晶構造。因此Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5相信這有潛力的合金系統,可以製作出具高真圓度的粉體來運用於SLM
摘要(英) In order to reduce the liquidus temperature of the bio-compatible Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15 alloy for fabrication the spherical powder by gas-atomization process, the concept of lower liquidus temperature tendency near eutectic alloy composition was applied to design the Ti-based alloy with lower liquidus temperature. A series of Ti-Zr-Ta-Si-Sn-Co alloy ribbons were prepared by melt-spinning for evaluating their thermal properties and amorphous state by using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), respectively. The DSC results show that the liquidus temperature of Ti42Zr40Ta3Si15 alloy can be dramatically decreased by adding suitable amount of Co and Sn to substitute Zr and Si contents, liquidus temperature decreases from 1728 K to 1200 K. Meanwhile, the glass forming ability is also significantly improved. Accordingly, three alloy compositions with different liquidus temperatures were selected for fabricating the metallic glass powders by gas- atomization. The results reveal that the lower liquidus temperature of the alloy has, the more tendency to form the spherical metallic glass powder by gas-atomization process. In parallel, the results of pulse laser re-melting test on the partially crystallized Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy powder shows that a continuous fully amorphous alloy layer can be formed under proper laser re-melting condition. This implies that the Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloys which contain major microstructure of amorphous phase also can be formed a continuous fully amorphous alloy layer by laser re-melting. Therefore, Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloys are believed to be the promising alloy system and can be fabricated into spherical metallic glass powders for the application of additive manufacturing by selective laser melting method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 金屬玻璃
★ 生物相容性
★ 積層製造
★ 鈦合金
關鍵字(英) ★ metallic glass
★ bio-compatible
★ additive manufacturing
★ Ti alloy
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgments III
Table of Contents IV
List of figures VI
List of tables IX
Explanation of Symbols X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature review 6
2.1 The characteristics of metallic glasses 6
2.2 Discovery of metallic glass 6
2.3 Glass-forming ability (GFA) 7
2.3.1 Component rule 8
2.3.2 Cluster unit 9
2.3.3 Deep eutectic point 10
2.3.4 Instability crystalline structure 11
2.4 Glass-forming ability index 13
2.4.1 Characteristic temperatures 13
2.4.2 Supercooled liquid region, ∆Tx=Tx -Tg 14
2.4.3 γ parameter 14
2.4.4 γm parameter 15
2.4.5 Reduce glass transformation temperature 15
2.5 Designing biocompatible for implant applications 15
2.5.1 Ti-based BMG for physical and chemical properties 16
2.5.2 Ti-based BMG for biological safety 18
2.5.3 Toxic element 18
2.5.4 The biological safety and GFA of alloying additions in Ti-based BMG 20
2.6 Open-cell bulk metallic glass foams (BMGFs) 22
2.7 Processing biomedical implant by additive manufacturing (AM) 22
2.7.1 Additive manufacturing (AM) 23
2.7.2 SLM of high cooling rate 24
2.7.3 SLM of hot tearing cracks 25
2.7.4 SLM of heat affect zone (HAZ) 26
2.7.5 Interaction between laser and metal powder beds 27
2.8 Processing metallic glasses by SLM 28
Chapter 3 Experimental procedures 29
3.1 Biocompatible Ti-based metallic glass with high GFA 29
3.2 Powder materials 30
3.3 SLM 30
Chapter 4 Results and discussion 31
4.1 Optimization of Ti-(Zr, Co, Sn)-Ta-(Si, P, B) amorphous alloy 31
4.1.1 Ti-Ta-(Zr, Si, Co) systems 31
4.1.2 Ti-Zr-Ta-(Si, Sn) systems 32
4.1.3 Ti-Zr-Ta-Co-(Si, B, P) and Ti-Zr-Ta-Sn-(Si, B, P) systems 32
4.1.4 Ti-Zr-Ta-(Co, Sn)-Si systems 33
4.2 real Tg 33
4.2.1 DSC curve of TiZr-based MG 34
4.2.2 Microstructure of Tg point 35
4.2.3 Reduce free volume 36
4.2.4 Kohlraush-Williams-Watts (KWW) relaxation function 36
4.2.5 Activation energy for structural relaxation 37
4.2.6 Incubation time 38
4.2.7 Other TiZr-based MG systems 39
4.3 Gas atomization process 39
4.4 Laser remelting-Line 41
Chapter 5 Conclusions 42
5.1 Biocompatible Ti-Zr-Ta-Si-Sn-Co with high GFA 42
5.2 Identify real Tg 42
References 43

List of figures
Figure 1. Illustration of biomedical implants and devices made out of BMGs. (a) commercial martensitic steel surgical blade coated with Zr53Cu30Ni9Al8 BMG film (top) and Zr53Cu30Ni9Al8 BMG surgical lade (down), (b) BMG medical stapling anvils, (c) open-cell BMG foams implant. [Maker: NCU HPAL Lab.] 53
Figure 2. Mechanisms for the multicomponent alloys which satisfy the three empirical rules. 53
Figure 3. Schematic illustrations of the structural features of cluster unit of glassy alloys. 53
Figure 4. DSC curves of of the Cu41.5Zr42Al8Ag8Si0.5 BMG with a diameter of 4 mm. 54
Figure 5. Schematic T-T-T curves for two different alloys. Cooling rate: Rc2 > Rc1 54
Figure 6. The atomic arrangements of (a) crystal of long-range order and (b) amorphous of short-range order. 54
Figure 7. Human bone structure. 55
Figure 8. Illustration of an AM (a) powder bed system, (b) wire feed system, and (c) powder feed system. 55
Figure 9. Tensile engineering stress-strain curves, two different types of SLM machines were used and named as ‘Concept’ and ‘Fraunhofer’, respectively. 55
Figure 10. AM of metal alloys via selective laser melting. (a, c) Many alloys including Al7075 tend to solidify by columnar growth of dendrites in the strong temperature gradient process, resulting in cracks due to solidification shrinkage. (b, d) Suitable nanoparticles can induce heterogeneous nucleation and facilitate equiaxed grain growth, thereby reducing the effect of solidification strain. 56
Figure 11. Thermal profile of a single layer of Ti-6Al-4V during AM. 56
Figure 12. (a) Optical micrographs of the solidified melt track within a powder layer, (b) Schematic depicting the action of evaporated metal flux on the flow pattern of the surrounding Ar gas and displacement of particles in the powder bed. 56
Figure 13. The formation mechanism of denudation zone. 57
Figure 14. A time series of track cross sections for a fixed position with the laser moving out of the plane. It can divide into the indentation formation, the indentation collapse, formation of a pore, and the cooling as the melt solidifies. 57
Figure 15. High-speed images of spattering with schematic illustration of spatter formation [120]. 58
Figure 16. Composition dependence of (a-1) liquidus temperature, Tl and (a-2) supercooled liquid region, ∆Tx for Ti42ZrwTa3SixCoz quinary alloys, (b-1) Tl and (b-2) ∆Tx for Ti42ZrwTa3SixSny quinary alloys. C and N marker in the circle index the crystal and nanocrystal for microstructure ribbon at the same experiment parameter, respectively. 58
Figure 17. HT-DSC (a) and DSC (b) curves for Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5SnyCoz. (y+z=15 in at %) glassy alloy ribbons, respectively. 59
Figure 18. DSC trace scanned at 0.67 K/s of (A) the Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 as-quench alloy ribbon with a thickness of 25 μm, (B) the sample is reheated again, (C) is difference in heat flow signals between the (A) and (B). 59
Figure 19. (a) XRD of the isothermal annealed Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy ribbons (Holding time = 3 min), (b) bright field TEM image and selected area diffraction pattern of the sample annealed at 761 K (top of first peak) for 3 min. 59
Figure 20. DSC plots of the Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy ribbons annealed at different annealing conditions; DSC heating rate is 0.67 K/s. 60
Figure 21. (a) Variation of the enthalpy difference with the annealing time in isothermal annealing (713 K) and (b) KWW-exponent β in the vicinity of first peak for the Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy ribbon. 60
Figure 22. The activation energy of cooperative motion of cluster estimated by Arrhenius plots as a function of temperature for the Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy ribbon. 60
Figure 23. (a) Incubation time as a function of isothermal annealing temperature and (b) real Tg at heating rate of 0 K/min for the Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy ribbon. 61
Figure 24. DSC plots of as-quench TiZr-based metallic glass ribbon with a thickness of 25 μm. 61
Figure 25. The morphologies of atomized alloy powder observed by SEM; (a) Ti42Zr40Ta3Si7.5Sn7.5, (b) Ti42Zr32.5Ta3Si7.5Co15, (c) Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn7.5Co7.5 and (d) Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5. 62
Figure 26. Cross-sectional metallographs of the atomized Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5 alloy powder. 62
Figure 27. Plots of particle size distribution of as-atomized Ti-based alloy powders; (a) Ti42Zr40Ta3Si7.5Sn7.5, (b) Ti42Zr32.5Ta3Si7.5Co15, (c) Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn7.5Co7.5 and (d) Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5. 63
Figure 28. XRD patterns of atomized alloy powders for different particle size range; (a) Ti42Zr40Ta3Si7.5Sn7.5, (b) Ti42Zr32.5Ta3Si7.5Co15, (c) Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn7.5Co7.5 and (d) Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5, (e) four kind of alloy ribbons with thickness 50 um 64
Figure 29. DSC curves of gas-atomized powders with different size and ribbon (Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5). 64
Figure 30. SEM images of the alloy lines formed after laser re-melting at different beam size (a) 100 um, (b) 200 um for Ti42Zr35Ta3Si5Sn2.5Co12.5. 65

List of tables
Table I. Summary of biomedical Ti-based BMG systems and their mechanical properties. 66
Table II. Summary of metal-based BMG systems. 66
Table III. Selected alloys commercially used in AM processing. 66
Table IV. Thermal parameters of the Ti-Zr-Ta-Si-Co metallic glasses. 67
Table V. Thermal parameters of the Ti-Zr-Ta-Si-Sn metallic glasses. 68
Table VI. Thermal parameters of the Ti-Zr-Ta-(Co, Sn)-(Si, B, P) metallic glasses. 69
Table VII. Thermal parameters of the Ti-Zr-Ta-Co-Sn-Si metallic glasses. 70
Table VIII. Parameters according to the KWW relaxation function fitted to data with τ and β. 72
Table IX. Thermal properties of TiZr-based metallic glass alloy ribbon. 72
Table X. Alloy line formation and line width by a function of power and scanning speed for beam size 200μm. 73
Table XI. Alloy line formation and line width by a function of power and scanning speed for beam size 100μm. 74
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指導教授 鄭憲清(Shian-Ching Jang) 審核日期 2019-1-24
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