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姓名 彭玉鳳(Yu-Fong Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 科技計畫審議機制之比較分析-借鏡美國DARPA、日本ImPACT
(Comparative Analysis of reviewing procedures of Science and Technology Program -Focusing on DARPA, ImPACT)
★ 期間利差與經濟衰退之預測模型-理性預期假設之驗證★ 台灣、美國總經月數據與台股股價指數之關聯性
★ 台灣資訊電子產業異質性及利潤率之探討★ 中小企業案件逾期放款之預測
★ 台灣半導體產業經營效率分析-三階段資料包絡分析法之應用★ 台灣車輛產業經濟附加價值之研究-兼論影響信通交通器材公司經濟附加價值之因素
★ 外人直接投資與研發活動之關聯性-台灣電子相關產業之實證研究★ 消費性信用貸款授信評量模式之研究
★ 二順位房貸產品風險預警分析★ 新產品商業化流程之個案研究–以美商3M公司為例
★ 高淨值客戶風險屬性與共同基金投資報酬率之實證研究★ 台灣加權指數與指數股票型基金風險值之歷史模擬法分析
★ 國際油價、匯率與利率之動態關聯—VECM與VECM-GARCH之應用★ 主流記憶體之二十年價格模式研究與驗證
★ 以DEA模型分析桃園郵局之營運績效★ 奢侈稅實施對都會地區房價之衝擊反應分析
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摘要(中) 政府透過組織改造提高效能,配合行政院科技會報與科技部之成立,我國科研行政體系大致底定。科技發展計畫每年預算約為新臺幣一千億元左右,在組織改造後,科技發展計畫運作機制歷經一系列簡化計畫種類、額度分類以及審議流程等措施,使其更具效益。
摘要(英) Through the reformation of its organizations, the establishments of Board of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan, and Ministry of Science and Technology, the scientific research administrative system of Taiwan is coming together. The budget is estimated NTD100 Billions for science and technology programs in Taiwan per year. While after the re-organization of government, the program operation system is better and much efficient by classification on program, budgeting and review process.
The resolutions passed from the 11th and the 12th Board of Science and Technology meetings concluded to push forward management mechanisms for major scientific research programs, in order to improve the planning and execution of our national science and innovation related policies, and to gradually enhance the scientific decision support system. In addition, to renew its management mechanisms for scientific research programs, the Office of Science and Technology established the “Science & Technology Program Executive Review Board” in 2017 to review the executions and end results of programs by evaluating program milestone and end-point.
Based on document analysis, this research analyzed the executions of DARPA of US (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and ImPACT of Japan (Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program) in comparison with Taiwan’s Science & Technology Program Executive Review Board. It’s mainly focusing on the planning and reviewing mechanisms of scientific programs, for future references in improving operation mechanisms. It is found in this study that all three examples establish program core members though they differ in roles and functions. On the other hand, there are several differences among them in organization structures, program planning and reviewing procedures. It is proposed in this research that forming an incentive system for Science & Technology Program Executive Review Board, and enhancing preliminary studies on scientific programs through “refined communication mechanisms” will further improve our current scientific research management system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 政府科技計畫
★ 文件分析法
★ 科技計畫首席評議專家室
★ 美國國防先進研究計畫署
★ 日本革新研究發展推動計畫
關鍵字(英) ★ Science and Technology Program
★ Documentary Analysis
★ Science & Technology Program Executive Review Board
論文目次 摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究架構與方法 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第三章、我國科技計畫發展現況 12
3-1科技計畫發展經緯 12
3-2 科技研發行政組織體系 17
3-3科技預算及資源配置 21
3-4科技計畫審議機制 25
第四章、美國、日本、台灣計畫審議機制比較 34
4-1 美國國防先進研究計畫署 34
4-2 日本革新研究發展推動計畫 44
4-3台灣科技計畫首席評議專家室 53
4-4計畫審議制度比較分析 59
第五章、結論與建議 65
5-1研究發現與建議 65
5-2研究限制及後續研究方向 69
參考文獻 70
參考文獻 一、外文文獻
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三、 官方網頁
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指導教授 陳忠榮(Jong-Rong Chen) 審核日期 2019-1-25
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