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姓名 洪芮玟(Jui-Wen Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 員工績效考核公平性之知覺對組織承諾之影響-以組織信任為中介變項
(Exploring the Effects of Employees′ Perception of Fairness in Performance Appraisal on Organizational Commitment:The Mediating Role of Organizational Trust)
★ 企業內部人力資源入口網站使用者滿意度調查–以A公司為例★ 員工內部行銷知覺、組織承諾與離職傾向之關係研究─以某科技公司為例
★ 研發人員創造力人格特質、工作價值觀對工作績效之影響-以某高科技研究機構為例★ 組織生涯管理對組織承諾影響之探討-以A公司為例
★ 導入以職能為基礎之評鑑中心可行性研究--以銀行業為例★ 360 度管理職能評鑑與受評者自我覺察能力之探討-個案公司跨年度研究
★ 探討中階主管人格特質、領導風格與工作績效之關聯性--以Y公司為例★ 因應公司經營策略變革之人力資源配置調整個案探討
★ 從組織變革觀點探討業務流程管理成效之個案研究★ 主管領導風格與員工人格特質對工作績效之影響
★ 矩陣式組織之專案績效考核制度探討-以某公司為例★ 企業因應員工分紅費用化之措施及其成效探討
★ 證券後勤基層主管職業生涯地圖之建立★ 企業導入卓越經營績效評量之案例探討
★ 主管領導風格對組織氣候與績效之影響探討-以T公司為例★ 人力資源管理措施對工作態度之影響探討-以台灣高鐵為例
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摘要(中) 《A Theory of Justice》一書由約翰˙勞爾斯 (John Rawls)在1971年揭櫫了「正義即公平」(Justice as Fairness),這具有劃時代意義的里程碑,成為自由主義(Liberalism)重要的理論之一。而績效管理通常做為員工調薪、晉升及留才之依據,若無公平性可言,則會大幅降低員工對績效管理系統的信任,甚至會怨懟組織。不僅如此,組織信任被許多研究證實其對組織會產生影響,若員工欲信任其主管,則會展現出更多的組織承諾。過去的研究證實組織承諾肩負著提升組織績效、降低離職意願等功能。
本研究欲以組織信任為中介變數,探討員工對績效考核公平之知覺對組織承諾之影響,提出下列四項假說:(1) 若員工對其績效考核之公平性知覺愈高時,則可以推論該員工對其組織的信任程度愈高 (2) 若員工對其組織的信任愈高,則其組織承諾也愈高 (3) 若員工對其績效考核之公平性知覺愈高時,則其組織承諾也愈高 (4) 組織信任在員工對績效考核之公平性知覺和組織承諾之間具有中介效果。
摘要(英) There is a book called "A Theory of Justice" written by John Rawls published in 1971, stated that "Justice as Fairness", a milestone that became one of the theories related to Liberalism later. Performance management is often used as the basis for employees to adjust salary, promotion and retaining. If there is no fairness, it will greatly reduce employees′ trust in the performance management system and causing them even to blame the organization. Not only organizational trust is confirmed by many studies to have an impact on the organization, and if employees want to trust their supervisors, they will show more organizational commitment. Past research confirms that organizations are committed to have the ability of improving organizational performance and reducing willingness to leave.
This study intends to use organizational trust as a mediator variable to explore the impact of employees′ perception of fairness in performance appraisal on organizational commitment. The following four hypotheses are proposed: (1) The higher employee’s perception of fairness in performance appraisal, the higher their organizational trust will be. (2) The higher the employee’s trust in his or her organization, the higher his organizational commitment will be. (3) The higher employee’s perception of fairness in performance appraisal, the higher their commitment will be. (4) Organizational trust has an mediating effect in employees′ fairness perception of performance appraisal on organizational commitment.
The research data was analyzed after the questionnaire were gathered and statistical software was used. According to the research results, all four research hypotheses are supported. First, if employees are more aware of the fairness of their performance appraisal, the higher the trust of employees in their organization. Secondly, the higher their trust in their organization, the higher their organizational commitment. Third, the higher the employee′s perception of fairness in performance appraisal, the higher the organizational commitment. Finally, the organizational trust has a partial mediation effect on the impact of employees’ perception of performance fairness on organizational commitment.
This research is related to the field of organizational behavior, and it is often influenced by many factors. So that, there isn’t a single variable that can be clearly explained of thiscomplicated cause and effect process. In order to focus on the research topic, other research variables cannot be included. Therefore, research restrictions and future research directions are proposed for future researchers to conduct more in-depth discussions on the basis of this research to enrich the content of Chinese academic research in the field of organizational behavior.
關鍵字(中) ★ 績效考核公平性之知覺
★ 組織信任
★ 組織承諾
關鍵字(英) ★ perception of fairness in performance appraisal
★ organizational trust
★ organizational commitment
論文目次 第一章、緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景與動機 1
1-2. 研究目的 2
1-3. 研究流程 3
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2-1. 績效考核公平性之知覺 5
2-1-1. 績效管理的目的 5
2-1-2. 績效考核為績效管理的關鍵組成 6
2-1-3. 績效考核之公平性 7
2-1-4. 公平理論與組織正義 9
2-2. 組織信任 11
2-2-1. 領導者與成員交換理論(LMX) 11
2-2-2. 組織正義與組織信任的關聯 13
2-2-3. 員工績效公平知覺與組織信任的關聯 15
2-3. 組織承諾 18
2-3-1. 組織承諾的定義 18
2-3-2. 員工績效公平知覺與組織信任和組織承諾的關聯 23
第三章、研究方法 24
3-1. 研究假說彙整與研究架構 24
3-2. 研究變項之操作型定義與衡量 24
3-2-1. 績效公平之知覺 25
3-2-2. 組織承諾 27
3-2-3. 組織信任 28
3-2-4. 控制變項 29
3-3. 研究對象與資料蒐集方法 30
3-4. 資料分析方法 30
第四章、研究資料分析 33
4-1. 敘述性統計分析 33
4-2. 信度分析 34
4-3. 建構效度:驗證性因素分析(CFA) 35
4-4. 常態性分析 42
4-5. 相關分析 42
4-6. 階層迴歸分析 45
第五章、結論與建議 51
5-1. 研究結果說明 51
5-2. 管理意涵與建議 52
5-2-1. 績效考核前:專注在績效 53
5-2-2. 績效考核後:注意員工是否不願投入 54
5-3. 研究限制及未來研究方向 57
5-3-1. 研究限制 57
5-3-2. 未來研究方向 58
參考文獻 59
附錄:研究問卷 66
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 鄭晉昌(Jihn-Chang Jehng) 審核日期 2019-7-1
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