摘要(英) |
In order to understand the recruitment policy promoted by Sinyi realty, the leading Real Estate Company, in 2015, the “in the 30-day work appreciation period,choose to resign to provide NTD$50,000” and the leadership style of its business district supervisor on the 30th day of the resignation of new recruits and the six-month promotion has a formal impact, with a holistic understanding of the effectiveness of the research′s recruitment policy applied to case companies.
This study is based on the information provided by Sinyi realty from the business district of the company from 2012 to 2017, the district leaders′ style survey questionnaires, the turnover rate of new recruits and the 30th day turnover rate. Secondary data for research.
In the research method, the narrative statistical method is used to analyze the sample company sample structure; the relevant analysis is used to calculate the change between the leadership style and the new recruits and the 30th day turnover rate. Regression analysis was used to test the effect of the leadership style and the new recruitment policy on the rate of promotion of new recruits and the turnover rate on the 30th day.
After the analysis results, the main findings and results of this study are as follows:
1. The higher the score of the district supervisor′s leadership style survey conducted by the case company, the new employees 30th day turnover rate will also increase, and it will be negatively correlated when it reaches a certain level.
2. The higher the score of the district supervisor′s leadership style survey conducted by the case company, the promotion rate of new employees also increases, and when it reaches a certain level, it turns positively negatively.
3. The new recruitment policy implemented by the case company effectively reduced the turnover rate of new recruits on the 30th day.
4. The new recruitment policy implemented by the case company effectively improves the rate of promotion and advancement of new recruits within six months .
At the same time, this study also discussed the 30-day resignation of new recruits and the promotion within six months for the optimal placement of district leaders′ leadership style scores, and considered the reference for follow-up academic research and practical application. |
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