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姓名 黃柏榕(Po-Jung Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 奈米尺度下界面活性劑的吸附與聚集之強烈競爭關係
(Strong Competition between Adsorption and Aggregation of Surfactant in Nanoscale Systems)
★ 單一高分子在接枝表面的吸附現象-分子模擬★ 化學機械研磨的微觀機制探討
★ 界面活性劑與微脂粒的作用★ 家禽傳染性華氏囊病病毒與VP2次病毒顆粒對固定化鎳離子之異相吸附
★ 液滴潤濕與接觸角遲滯★ 親溶劑奈米粒子於高分子溶液中的自組裝現象
★ 具界面活性溶質之蒸發殘留圖形研究★ 奈米自泳動粒子之擴散行為
★ 抗氧化奈米銅粒子的製備及分析★ 柱狀自泳動粒子之擴散行為與沉降平衡
★ 過氧化氫的界面性質與穩定性★ 液橋分離與液面爬升物體之研究
★ 電潤濕動態行為探討★ 表面粗糙度對接觸角遲滯影響之效應
★ 以耗散粒子動力學法研究奈米自泳動粒子輸送現象★ 低溫還原氧化石墨烯薄膜
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摘要(中) 當兩種物質相分離所形成的分界,我們稱其為界面,而界面活性劑即為一種可改變界面性質的化合物。本研究利用多體耗散粒子動力學法,探討奈米尺度下界面活性劑的界面吸附與液相聚集之強烈競爭關係,並分別從液氣相、固液相、固液氣三相探討其影響程度。
摘要(英) The Interface is the boundary of two incompatible material, and surfactant can change the property of interface. Strong competition between interface adsorption and bulk aggregation of surfactant in nanoscale systems was explored by Many-body Dissipative Particle Dynamics simulations. Moreover, the interface adsorption and bulk aggregation in nanoscale systems are investigated in liquid/vapor, solid/liquid and solid/liquid/vapor phases.
First of all, in the system of liquid/vapor phases, the size-dependent behavior including surface tension (, surface density (, and critical micelle concentration (CMC) was illustrated by considering a nanofilm with the thickness L. It is found that in nanoscale systems as the surfactant concentration increases,  continues rising even after CMC is exceeded. The saturation level of  is achieved only when the surfactant bulk concentration is over ten times of CMC. Moreover, both surface micelles formed by adsorbed surfactant and the sublayer below the adsorbed layer are clearly identified. The former can reduce the contacts of adsorbed surfactant with water, while the latter has the surfactant concentration significantly higher than that in bulk. The strong coupling between adsorption and micellization is attributed to large surface-to-volume ratio compared to macroscopic systems, and can be simply realized by the fact that the ratio of the numbers of surfactant distributed in bulk (nbulk) and at interface (nads) is always less than unity (nbulk/nads < 1) in nanoscale systems.
Besides, in the system of solid/liquid phases, the change of surfactant property would make significantly different results. Due to the majority of amount, the hydrophobic tail plays a more important role over the hydrophilic head. Nevertheless, despite the variation of the surfactant property in the system of solid/liquid/vapor phases, the liquid-vapor interface is always the priority for the surfactant to stay. However, the preference of the solid-liquid interface and bulk for surfactant would depend on its property.
關鍵字(中) ★ 界面活性劑
★ 奈米尺度
★ 吸附
★ 微胞化
關鍵字(英) ★ surfactant
★ nanoscale
★ adsorption
★ micellization
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
1 第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 奈米尺度下的特殊性質 1
1-3 界面活性劑 2
1-4 界面活性劑性質對臨界微胞濃度之影響 8
1-5 研究動機 9
2 第二章 分子模擬原理與方法 14
2-1 多體耗散粒子動力學(Many-body Dissipative Particle Dynamics) 14
2-2 MDPD原理 16
2-2-1 MDPD作用力 16
2-2-2 噪訊與時間尺度 21
2-2-3 弗洛里-哈金斯理論(Flory-Huggins Theory) 22
2-2-4 長度、速度、時間尺度的無因次化 25
2-2-5 積分法求解 26
2-2-6 週期性邊界條件 28
2-2-7 Cell List 表列法 29
2-3 模擬系統與參數 31
2-3-1 系統基本參數設定 31
2-3-2 粒子的設定 32
3 第三章 界面活性劑於液氣界面之競爭行為 34
3-1 臨界微胞濃度對奈米薄膜厚度之依賴性 34
3-2 等溫吸附曲線和表面微胞之觀察 44
3-3 副層和界面活性劑吸附與聚集之關聯性 50
4 第四章 界面活性劑於固液界面之競爭行為 58
4-1 觀察界面活性劑性質之影響 58
5 第五章 界面活性劑於固液氣三態之競爭行為 67
5-1 界面活性劑於三態的競爭關係 67
6 第六章 結論 73
7 第七章 參考文獻 75
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指導教授 曹恆光(Heng-Kwong Tsao) 審核日期 2019-6-21
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