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姓名 陳韋儒(Wei-Ju Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
(Fermi LAT detected GRB 160623A with bright Submm afterglow ~Double - Jet component~)
★ 用極廣視野望遠鏡WIDGET尋找偶發的光學閃燄★ 昴星團望遠鏡深場中的不尋常亮瞬變天體
★ ALMA Host galaxy observation of the off-axis Gamma-Ray Burst XRF020903
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摘要(中) 伽馬射線爆,是一門很新的研究領域。在本論文中,我們使用費米‭(‬Fermi‭)‬太空望遠鏡、尼爾·格雷爾斯雨燕天文台‭(‬Swift‭)‬以及許多光學望遠鏡之公開資料,加上次毫米波陣列望遠鏡‭(‬SMA‭)‬的觀測資料,來了解GRB 160623A‭ ‬之早期階段與余暉階段。X射線的分析結果顯示此事件有小於2.4°‭ ‬的半開放角度。同時,此事件在次毫米波段有著相當亮的觀測,為史上第三‭(‬或第四‭)‬亮的事件。而次毫米波段的分析配合X射線的結果顯示兩者屬於不同的來源。再配合磁流體力學的數值模擬結果,我們得出了此事件擁有兩個噴流結構。
摘要(英) We present observations of LAT detected GRB 160623A in gamma-ray, X-ray, op;cal, and submm. The analysis indicates the post jet-break model describes the X-ray afterglows with the jet-opening angle smaller than 2.4 degrees. We also have bright submm afterglow which is the 3rd or 4th brightest event in the submm range. And result indicates submm spectral index is inconsistent with the X-ray afterglow when we assume the emission originated from the same synchrotron radiation. Combine with observation data and relativistic hydrodynamic jet simulation, which shows the existence of double-jet structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 伽瑪射線爆
★ 噴流
★ 次毫米
★ 雙噴流
關鍵字(英) ★ GRB
★ Jet
★ Submm
★ Double-Jet
論文目次 1. Introduction-------------------------1
2. Review -----------------------------3
3. Instrumentation--------------------19
4. Observations of GRB 160623A-----27
5. Analysis and Results---------------33
6. Discussion ------------------------43
7. Conclusion ------------------------53
8. Bibliography-----------------------55
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指導教授 浦田裕次(Yuji Urata) 審核日期 2019-7-30
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