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姓名 鄭淦仁(Kan-Jen Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 毫米波段駐波壓控振盪器、混波器與相關被動電路之研製
(Design and Implementation of SVCO/MIXER and Related Passive Circuits for Millimeter-wave Applications)
★ 應用於筆記型電腦數位電視單極天線之研製★ 應用於數位機上盒與纜線數據機之電纜多媒體傳輸標準多工濾波器
★ 印刷共面波導饋入式多頻帶與超寬頻天線設計★ 微波存取全球互通頻段前向匯入式功率放大器與高效率Class F類功率放大器暨壓控振盪器電路之研製
★ 應用於矽基功率放大器與混頻器之傳輸線型變壓器研究★ 應用於V-頻段射頻收發機前端電路之低功耗源極注入式混頻器之研製
★ 應用積體電路上方後製程與整合被動元件於互補式金氧半導體製程之系統封裝研究★ 應用fT-倍頻電路架構於毫米波壓控振盪器與注入鎖定除頻器之研製
★ 應用傳輸線型變壓器於X/K–Ka/V頻段全積體整合之寬頻互補式金氧半導體功率放大器研製★ 應用於K / V 頻段低功耗混頻器之研製
★ 應用於K/V頻段之低功耗CMOS低雜訊放大器之研究★ 應用於5-GHz CMOS射頻前端電路之低電壓自偏壓式混頻器與高線性化功率放大器之研製
★ 應用於 K 頻段射頻接收機之寬頻低功耗 CMOS 低雜訊放大器之研製★ 應用磁耦合變壓器於K頻段之低功耗互補式金氧半導體壓控振盪器研製
★ 應用於K頻段之單向化全積體整合功率放大器與應用於V頻段之寬頻功率放大器研製★ 應用於C/X頻段全積體整合之互補式金氧半導體寬頻低功耗降頻器與寬頻功率混頻器之研製
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摘要(中) 本論文主要研究與設計微小化之毫米波混波器,與以駐波方式實現的振盪器,加上其相關被動元件。論文內混波器主要架構為次諧波電阻性,頻率操作在28GHz,應用於LMDS系統;振盪器是用交錯耦合之電晶體補償共面帶線(CPS)共振腔損耗,以駐波方式取代傳統行波設計方式,應用在SONET光通訊網路(43GHz)。兩者是以WIN 0.15μm pHEMT製程研製;而被動元件則是利用Al2O3薄膜製程,實現共面波導(CPW)殘段(stub)的微小化與寬頻匹配,進而利用等效電感電容的串並接殘段實現微小化帶通濾波器,以及使用槽線(slotline)模態或是共面波導模態饋入的共振腔。殘段的微小化是用電容補償方式與將殘段折至訊號線內,降低插入損耗(insertion loss);共振腔是利用二分之波長的環形(ring)槽線代替長方形以縮小尺寸。經由量測,電阻性次諧波混波器的轉換損耗(conversion loss)為12 dB,輸入1 dB壓縮點為9 dBm,訊號隔離度大於30 dB;駐波壓控振盪器相位雜訊(phase noise)在偏離中心頻率1MHz為-101 dBc/Hz,輸出功率為6 dBm,可調頻率範圍為1GHz;毫米波帶通濾波器的尺寸縮小35﹪,介入損耗小於3dB,反射損耗大於15dB,有10GHz頻寬;共面波導並聯短路殘段,尺寸縮小25﹪,介入損耗小於3dB,反射損耗大於9dB,有5.7GHz頻寬;共面波導並聯開路殘段,尺寸縮小25﹪,介入損耗大於15dB,反射損耗小於1dB,有7GHz頻寬;共面波導模態饋入環形共振腔介入損耗大於15dB,反射損耗小於2.5dB,有10GHz頻寬;槽線模態饋入環形共振腔介入損耗大於14dB,反射損耗小於2.5dB,有1.5GHz頻寬。
摘要(英) This thesis investigates millimeter-wave mixer, oscillator and theirs correlated passive circuits. The topology of mixer is resistive type with the center frequency of 28GHz. The topology of local oscillator is cross-coupled scheme and its negative resistance is designed to compensate the loss of tapped resonator with the center frequency of 43GHz. Then the signal can be taken out by standing wave mode. These active circuits are implemented with WIN 0.15μm pHEMT. The millimeter-wave resonators and filters are fabricated with Al2O3 thin film process. The λ/4 shunt and series matching stubs are intentionally placed inside the center conductor to reduce the size and insertion loss of CPW filter. The λ/2 ring resonators replace the conventional rectangular resonators to reduce the size. The measured results of millimeter-wave circuits are as follows; for the sub-harmonic mixer, conversion loss is 12 dB, input power at the 1-dB gain compression point is 9 dBm, isolations among all ports are greater than 30dB; for the standing wave voltage-controlled oscillator, the operating frequency is 43 GHz, the phase noise is -101 dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset frequency, output power is 6 dBm, tuning range is 1 GHz; for the millimeter-wave band pass filter, insertion loss is smaller than 3dB, return loss is larger than 15dB, size is reduced to 35﹪, bandwidth is 10 GHz; for the CPW shunt short stub, insertion loss is smaller than 3dB, return loss is larger than 9dB, size is reduced to 25﹪, bandwidth is 5.7 GHz; for the CPW shunt open stub, insertion loss is larger than 15dB, return loss is smaller than 1dB, size is reduced to 25﹪, bandwidth is 7 GHz;for the CPW feed ring resonator, insertion loss is larger than 15dB, return loss is smaller than 2.5dB, bandwidth is 10 GHz; for the slotline feed ring resonator, insertion loss is larger than 14dB, return loss is smaller than 2.5dB, bandwidth is 1.5 GHz.
關鍵字(中) ★ 濾波器
★ 混波器
★ 駐波壓控振盪器
關鍵字(英) ★ svco
★ filter
★ mixer
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究成果 2
1-3章節概述 4
第二章 射頻接收機架構及系統考量 6
2-1接收機架構 6
2-2超外差式接收機 6
2-3直接降頻式接收機 8
2-4低中頻(Low IF)接收機 11
2-5鏡像頻率抑制接收機 12
2-5-1Hartley 架構 12
2-5-2 Weaver 架構 13
2-6各種架構比較 14
2-7接收機考量 15
2-7-1雜訊指數 16
2-7-2 1dB壓縮點 19
2-7-3動態範圍 20
2-7-4交互調變失真 21
第三章 毫米波被動電路設計及在氧化鋁基版之實現 25
3-1氧化鋁基版製程參數簡介 25
3-2共面波導簡介 26
3-3共面波導不連續接面 31
3-4 共面波導帶通濾波器 35
3-4-1濾波器簡介 35
3-4-2微小化串並聯殘段 37
3-5結論 53
第四章 28GHz頻段電阻性次諧波混頻器 55
4-1簡介 55
4-2應用在LMDS系統 55
4-3混頻器 56
4-3-1混頻器原理 56
4-3-2混頻器種類 57
4-3-3混頻器重要規格 60
4-4電阻性次諧波混頻器電路架構與原理 63
4-5微小化馬遜平衡器與功率分配器 67
4-5-1平行耦合線簡介 67
4-5-2微小化的馬遜平衡器與功率分配器 69
4-6設計流程 78
4-7量測結果 79
4-8結果討論 83
第五章43GHz駐波壓控振盪器 85
5-1振盪器簡介 85
5-1-1主動元件部分 86
5-1-2共振腔部分 86
5-2振盪器基本原理 87
5-3駐波振盪器 95
5-3-1駐波與行波 95
5-3-2共面帶線(CPS)特性 97
5-3-3共面帶線(CPS)共振腔 100
5-4駐波壓控振盪器 102
5-4-1電路架構與原理 103
5-4-3量測結果 107
第六章結論 112
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指導教授 邱煥凱(Hwann-Kaeo Chiou) 審核日期 2005-7-20
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