博碩士論文 106827002 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊宛臻(Wan-Jhen Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生醫科學與工程學系
論文名稱 運用加速度計實現具多項生理功能量測之即時監控IOT平台
(An IOT platform for real-time physiological parameters monitoring by using multitasking accelerometer system)
★ 非接觸式生理感測訊號分析研究★ 以磁振造影探究有病灶及無病灶神經疾病的自動偵測方法之開發
★ 複雜系統跨頻率耦合方法★ 不同麻醉深度之相位-振幅耦合量測及強度比較
★ 基於小波轉換之單一導程心電圖 重構12導程心電圖與分類★ 發展非侵入式即時交感神經活性指標之量測系統
★ 以靜息態功能性磁振造影探討頸動脈支架手術對於頸動脈狹窄病患大腦功能之影響★ 功能性抗生物沾黏單層膜於冠狀動脈心血管疾病標誌物之檢測應用
★ 創新利用模擬呼吸竇性心律不整之多階熵評估乙型腎上腺素阻斷劑在心衰竭病人之治療成效★ 發展高抗干擾非接觸式生理訊號監測系統
★ 應用特徵分群技術於非侵入式神經活性與行 為活動訊號之生物指標萃取★ 應用模擬電生理及人工智慧技術創造跨臨床心電圖資料庫之心肌缺血成像模型
★ 從同步鼾聲聲學分析和睡眠動態核磁共振成像進行靜態顱面測量和動態上呼吸道塌陷觀察,並探討其與阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症嚴重程度的關聯。★ 口內負壓睡眠裝置對於睡眠呼吸中止病人的轉譯研究- 針對解剖結構治療療效及策略探討
★ 體外加強反搏治療裝置開發★ 自12導程心電圖擷取P波特徵辨識竇性心律下之 心房顫動高風險病患
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摘要(中) 本研究主要運用三軸加速度計(Accelerometer)結合單晶片及快閃記憶體來達到即時三維資料的多元運算。三軸加速度計為利用壓電晶片感測運動學中之加速度或角加速度參數,以輸出之電壓值表示測得之數據,更可以透過「物聯網」並結合電腦或其他攜帶式裝置記錄所有生理信號並連線到雲端。
三軸加速度計又稱重力感測器(G-sensor),主要是提供加速度變化的資訊,在工程上的應用非常廣泛。也因為固態微機電系統(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems , MEMS)的發展與普及,許多原本大尺寸的零件,都隨著MEMS製程的演進而越來越精細,尺寸越來越小,並且製作成本也隨著技術與時間的進展,隨之不斷的降低,到足以大量生產零件,並且以可接受的價格提供給市場,提供商業化的元件,如前述提到的三軸加速度計就是其中一種結合MEMS技術達到體積輕量化。另外磁場感應器(Compass, Magnetic Field)及傾斜度感應器(Orientation)等等也是常見結合MEMS的產品,可應用的範圍也愈來越多。
摘要(英) This study used a three-axis accelerometer combined with single-chip and flash memory for multivariate real-time 3D data. The three-axis accelerometer uses the piezoelectric principle to sense the acceleration or angular acceleration in kinematics and express the measured value in terms of output voltage also widely used in engineering applications. In the future, all physiological signals can be recorded and connected to the cloud through the Internet of Things (IOT)and combined with a computer or other portable device.
Because of the development and popularity of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), many of the original large-sized parts are getting smaller and smaller with the MEMS process. Production costs continue to decrease as technology and time evolve, enough to mass produce parts, and to the market at an acceptable price, providing commercial components. The aforementioned three-axis accelerometer is one of the requirements for combining MEMS technology to achieve small size and low price. In addition, the magnetic field sensor (Compass, Magnetic Field) and the tilt sensor (Orientation) are also common MEMS products, and the range of applications is increasing.
The aforementioned MEMS technology can integrate a rice-sized sensor into a wearable device, and through different algorithms and wearing methods, calculate different acceleration values caused by different postures, and measure a plurality of physiological signal. Such as activity records, fall detection, pedometer, sedentary detection, heartbeat and respiratory detection, and sleep analysis. However, the calculation method and sampling frequency required for different signal measurements will also be different. For example, a pedometer sampling frequency of 10 Hz is sufficient to calculate and obtain a corresponding number of steps in a walking or running state. Generally, the measurement of heart rate and breathing needs to be measured through hospital equipment, and the two signal frequencies often overlap each other. Therefore, this study will be a breakthrough development of a wearable device combined with a three-axis accelerometer to measure physiological signals. Because the three-axis accelerometers module currently on the market are less sensitive to weak vibration sensing, this study needs to use signal processing by software and firmware to extract weak heart rhythm vibrations and respiratory signals as signals for subsequent physiological feature detection.
There are many studies that indicate that the three-axis acceleration measurement user motion signal is less restrictive than the measurement position, and does not require the electrode to be close to the skin. It is more convenient in practice and has greater design flexibility. The purpose of this study is to record and analyze user motion and physiological signals through a three-axis accelerometer wearable device, which can be used to determine the intensity of activity and physiological state, and then to analyze the pattern of personal life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微控制器
★ 藍牙
★ 加速度計
★ 穿戴式裝置
★ 數位信號處理
關鍵字(英) ★ Microcontroller
★ Bluetooth
★ accelerometer
★ Wearable Device
★ Digital Signal Processing
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
符號說明 XIII
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 6
1-3 研究目的 10
二、 研究原理 12
2-1 三軸加速度計運作 12
2-2 活動紀錄 15
2-3 跌倒偵測 16
2-4 心震訊號 16
2-5 數位訊號處理 18
2-5-1 類比數位轉換器 19
2-5-2 解析度 19
2-5-3 取樣率 20
2-5-4 快速傅立葉變換 22
2-5-5 數位濾波器 24
2-5-6 加伯轉換 30
2-6 單晶片微電腦 31
2-7 三軸加速度感測模組 32
2-8 記憶體 33
2-9 積體電路匯流排通訊介面 34
2-9-1 硬體結構 34
2-9-2 通訊協定 35
2-10 序列周邊介面通訊 36
2-10-1 硬體結構 36
2-10-2 通訊協定 37
2-11 通用非同步收發傳輸器 39
2-11-1 硬體結構 39
2-11-2 通訊協定 39
2-12 電源供應 40
2-13 藍牙 41
三、 研究方法 42
3-1 硬體 42
3-3-1 單晶片 43
3-1-2 記憶體 43
3-1-3 加速度感測器 44
3-1-4 電源供應 45
3-2 韌體 46
3-2-1 撰寫軟體 46
3-2-2 通訊方式 46
3-2-3 類比數位位元轉換 47
3-3 藍牙 47
3-3-1 物理層 47
3-3-2 連結層 47
3-3-3 主機控制接口層 48
3-3-4 邏輯連接控制及自適應協議層 48
3-3-5 安全協議層 48
3-3-6 屬性協議層 48
3-3-7 通用屬性配置文件層 48
3-4 訊號處理 49
3-4-1 快速傅立葉轉換 49
3-4-2 時域與頻域分析 50
四、 實驗結果 51
4-1 硬體成果與包裝外殼 51
4-1-1 硬體電路圖 51
4-1-2 電路板製作 52
4-1-3 prototype 53
4-1-4 電路板成品圖 54
4-1-5 3D繪圖外殼 55
4-1-6 外殼實體 56
4-2 訊號處理 58
4-2-1 位元轉數字 58
4-2-2 原始訊號圖 59
4-2-3 快速傅立葉轉換 59
4-2-4 實質比對 61
五、 結果與討論 62
5-1 結果 62
5-2 討論 62
參考文獻 63
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指導教授 羅孟宗(Men-Tzung Lo) 審核日期 2019-7-16
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