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姓名 方培倫(Pei-Luen Fang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 系統生物與生物資訊研究所
論文名稱 泌尿道上皮癌相關的miRNAs在膀胱癌之研究
(Study of urothelial carcinoma-related miRNAs in bladder cancer)
★ 探討牛樟芝CCM111對細胞訊息傳遞之影響★ Tyloxapol 在大腸癌細胞中的特異性及作用機制之研究
★ MAPK傳導路徑相關微型RNA在黑色素瘤細胞中功能之研究★ 利用MAPK訊息傳導路徑相關的miRNAs來治療BRAF抑制劑的抗藥性在黑色素瘤細胞中之研究
★ 探討miR-567在黑色素細胞瘤中的調控機制★ 探索微型核糖核酸與慢性腎臟病及血液透析病人泌尿道上皮癌生物標記的相關性
★ 以miRNA為基礎開發偵測放射線治療抗性及預後的生物標記★ 偵測微型核糖核酸 miR-524-5p表現量利用原位雜交染色法來作為輔助診斷惡性黑色素瘤的生物標記之研究
★ 研究牛樟芝萃取物 CCM111 的作用機制★ 探討黑色素腫瘤中p53調控miR-524-5p及miR-596表現之機制
★ 探討BRAF抑制劑透過細胞間訊息誘導腫瘤形成之研究★ 微型核糖核酸成為放射線治療的預後生物標記之研究
★ 發展以血中微型 RNA 作為冠心症(CAD)的非侵入性疾病指標★ microRNAs作為放射治療預後之生物標誌物與miR-148a-3p於頭頸癌放射敏感度之研究
★ 研究miR-524-5p和miR-567治療在黑色素瘤與BRAF抑製劑的抗藥性黑色素瘤★ 包覆性腹膜硬化症相關miRNAs在腹膜纖維化之研究
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摘要(中) 在泌尿系統中,泌尿道上皮癌(Urothelial carcinoma, UC)是一種常見的惡性疾病,由病變的泌尿上皮所衍生而成,過去又稱作移行上皮細胞癌,通常伴隨著較差的預後,且有高達90%的膀胱癌(Bladder cancer, BC)病患都是泌尿道上皮癌患者。一般來說,泌尿道上皮癌發生在男性身上的機率較女性高,在年長者中機率較年輕人高。在台灣的病患中,泌尿道上皮癌也是最常見的泌尿道腫瘤,然而泌尿道上皮癌卻很難在早期被發現。經統計發現,慢性腎臟病人患有泌尿道上皮癌的機率是一般人的七倍;洗腎病人患有泌尿道上皮癌的機率是一般人的兩、三百倍。
再者,我們為了調查候選miRNA對BC的影響,因此對兩株膀胱癌細胞株 (RT4, J82) 進行轉染,發現當候選miRNA過度表達時,J82和RT4細胞的生長速率沒有明顯下降,但在過度表達miR-19a-5p和miR-155-5p時,J82細胞群體數量顯著減少。另外,我們也觀察到當miR-150-5p過度表達時,會抑制J82細胞的遷移爬行能力;當miR-19a-5p、miR-30a-5p、miR-155-5p過度表達時,會抑制J82細胞的侵襲能力。這些結果說明候選miRNA可能會參與抑癌作用,但miR-19b-1-5p並不會抑制腫瘤的細胞增生、爬行與侵襲。
最後,為了探討survival和functional test結果不同的原因,我們透過GEO數據庫和RT-qPCR的方法調查候選miRNA在病人血清和細胞株中的表現,發現大部分的候選miRNA在BC有較高的表現,說明了UC相關的miRNA可能參與致癌作用。總而言之,這些miRNA在BC中扮演重要的腳色,但在不同的樣本中為何有不同的表現,這點會再進一步調查。
摘要(英) Bladder cancer (BC) is a common malignant disease with poor prognosis in urinary system, which occurs in men more often than women and usually affects older adults. About 90% of bladder cancer is urothelial carcinoma (UC) which is known as transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) previously. UC is the most common urinary tract tumor in Taiwan patients. However, it is hard to be diagnosed at early stage. In addition, it has been found that the risk of developing UC in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is seven times higher than in normal people and the risk of developing UC in hemodialysis (HD) patients is 200-300 times higher than in normal people.
Our previous data showed that the expression of several miRNAs in urine and plasma were significant different between CKD patients and CKD patients with UC, or between HD patients and HD patients with UC. We chose these miRNAs as our candidate miRNAs to study their roles in BC.
Firstly, we analyzed the data of candidate miRNAs from ArrayExpress database and predicted the targets from four websites. Then, we obtained the survival rate curves of patients. The results showed that only the expression of miR-19b-1-5p significantly regulate survival of BC patients. Patients with high expression of miR-19b-1-5p had significantly longer overall survival than those with low expression. miR-19b-1-5p might act as a tumor suppressor. The expression of four miRNAs target genes significantly regulate survival of BC patients. Most interestingly, miR-19b-1-5p appeared to target EDN1 gene to have an impact on overall survival in BC patients.
Furthermore, we transfected negative control (NC) or candidate miRNA mimics in two BC cells (J82 and RT4) in order to know the function of these miRNAs in BC. We found that overexpression of candidate miRNAs could not significantly inhibit cell proliferation in J82 and RT4 cells. But, overexpression of miR-19a-5p and miR-155-5p could significantly decrease cell colonies in J82 cells. We also observed that overexpression of miR-150-5p could inhibit migration in J82 cells and overexpression of miR-19a-5p, miR-30a-5p, and miR-155-5p could inhibit invasion in J82 cells. The data indicated that these miRNAs might be associated with BC anti-carcinogenesis, but overexpression of miR-19b-1-5p did not inhibit cell proliferation, colony formation, migration and invasion.
Finally, because of different results from survival curves and functional tests, we investigated the expression of candidate miRNAs in patients’ serum and cells through GEO database and RT-qPCR analysis. We found that almost of candidate miRNAs have higher expression in BC. The data might indicate that UC-related miRNAs were involved in BC carcinogenesis, and we will further investigate the reasons for different results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 泌尿道上皮癌
★ 膀胱癌
關鍵字(英) ★ miRNA
★ urothelial carcinoma
★ bladder cancer
論文目次 摘要 v
Abstract vii
致謝 ix
目錄 xi
List of figures and table xiii
Abbreviation list xiv
I. Introduction 1
1. Urothelial carcinoma (UC) 1
1.1 Epidemiology 1
1.2 Etiology 2
1.3 Treatment 2
2. miRNA 2
2.1 Biogenesis and mechanism of miRNAs 2
2.2 Mechanisms of miRNA regulation 3
2.3 miRNA dysregulation in cancer 4
2.4 miRNA application in cancer 5
3. Purpose and significance 6
3.1 To investigate the functions of candidate miRNAs in bladder cancer 6
II. Materials and Methods 7
1. Materials 7
1.1 Cell lines 7
1.2 microRNA (miRNA) mimics 7
1.3 Reagents 8
2. Methods 8
2.1 RNA extraction 8
2.2 Real-time qRT-PCR 8
2.3 miRNA mimic transfection 9
2.4 Cell proliferation assay (Alamar blue assay) 9
2.5 Cell proliferation assay (Colony formation assay) 9
2.6 Transwell cell migration assay 10
2.7 Transwell cell invasion assay 10
2.8 GEO database analysis 10
2.9 Survival curve analysis 11
2.10 Target prediction analysis 11
2.11 Statistical analysis 11
2.12 Cell migration-TrackMate analysis 11
III. Result 13
1. The expression of candidate miRNAs in bladder cancer is associated with overall survival of patients 13
2. The expression of target genes in bladder cancer is associated with overall survival of patients 13
3. Candidate miRNAs cannot significantly regulate cell proliferation in bladder cancer
Cells 14
4. Candidate miRNAs regulate cell migration and invasion in bladder cancer cells 15
5. Candidate miRNAs regulate cell migration by TrackMate analysis 16
6. The Expression of candidate miRNAs in bladder cancer 16
7. Candidate miRNAs were regulated in bladder cancer cell lines 16
IV. Conclusion and discussion 18
1. Expression of candidate miRNAs and their target genes are correlated with overall survival of bladder cancer patients 18
2. Function of candidate miRNAs in bladder cancer cells 18
3. Expression of candidate miRNAs in patient serum and bladder cancer cell 18
4. Role of candidate miRNAs in bladder cancer 19
5. Investigation of miR-17-92 cluster 20
6. Future aspect 20
V. References 21
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指導教授 馬念涵(Nianhan Ma) 審核日期 2019-8-15
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