摘要(英) |
A Study on Mode and Effect of Promoting Hakka Culture and
Language of Local Government in Taiwan:The Case Study of the
Hakka Culture Foundation in the Taoyuan City
In recent years, Taiwan’s local governments have been committed to improving the
promotion of Hakka language, of which the most efficient and effective mode is the
setup of private foundations. The main research problem in this paper is: What is the
background reason, mechanism, form, current status, and operational mode of the
Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation set up and funded by the Department of Hakka
Affairs, Taoyuan City Government in the context of engaged in the promotion of
inheritance of Hakka language and culture? What are the implementation practices and
effectiveness of Hakka language and culture promotion and inheritance undertaken by
the Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation? This paper adopted the literature analysis
method, in-depth interview method, secondary data analysis method, and other
qualitative research methods to carry out empirical studies targeting Department of
Hakka Affairs, Taoyuan City Government, Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation, public
relations companies, and Hakka associations. The research findings in this paper show
that the Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation set up and funded by the Department of
Hakka Affairs Taoyuan City Government in 2016 is a private sector whose promotion of
Hakka culture activities demonstrates flexibility, able to achieve the most effective
communication with private groups, Hakka associations, vendors, and marketing public
relations companies, and adjust and coordinate through public-private partnerships. The
greatest achievement of the Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation is transforming the
top-down hierarchical relationship between the public sector and the private sector into
the reciprocal, equal, and parallel relationship of the private sector. Specific research
recommendations were proposed based on the research findings above
Keywords: Promoting Hakka Language; Taoyuan Hakka Culture Foundation;
Department of Hakka Affairs, Taoyuan City Government; Hakka Associations |
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