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姓名 蔡光銘(KUANG-MING Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣ITO玻璃業B公司在市場逆勢中的競合策略規劃
(Toward a Coopetition Strategy under Adverse Market Conditions for Company B, a Taiwanese ITO Glass Manufacturer)
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摘要(中) 過去 ITO 導電玻璃一直主導著平面顯示器以及觸控面板市場。但為了滿足消費者的需求,全球新型顯示器及觸控技術產業蓬勃發展,如雨後春筍般湧現。在市場飽合、供過於求的情況下,較低階的 STN LCD 顯示器以及電阻式觸控面板逐漸被新世代技術所取代。為了生存各技術陣營僅能以價格戰的方式搶奪訂單,最後 STN LCD 顯示器以及電阻式觸控面板廠家只能選擇退出市場或改以中國大陸代工生產為主,並退守車載、工控、醫療、服務等規模較小的終端市場,因此 ITO 導電玻璃市場需求萎靡不振。
在有限的市場中,台灣 ITO 導電玻璃廠家還要面對中國大陸同業競爭對手,一條龍上下游垂直整合規模性崛起的競爭壓力。在面臨產業鏈失衡以及中國大陸群聚效應的競爭壓力下,台灣 ITO導電玻璃廠家市佔率節節敗退,只能選擇與中國大陸競爭對手正面迎戰,削價競爭,搏取最後生存的一席之地。在營業額持續下滑、毛利率受到壓縮的情況下,營運也備受考驗,最終僅能選擇轉型或退出該市場。
本研究即針對個案 B公司透過 「五力分析模型」 來探討ITO導電玻璃產業的困境,找出B公司的營運問題點,並提出四種向下整合,壓低玻璃加工成本的可能方案。依據分析,建議採取「競合策略」,可望為 B 公司改善毛利率持續低迷的狀況。
經過六個月的實際試行後證實,擬議的「競合策略」 成功為 B 公司創造出新的附加價值,改善其成本結構,獲得利潤提昇的成果,並重新定義未來的營運策略與方針。
摘要(英) In the past, ITO conductive glass has played a dominating role in the flat panel display and touch panel market. However, in order to meet the needs of consumers, the global new display and touch technology industry has sprung up and flourished. In a saturated and oversupply market, low-end STN LCD displays and resistive touch panels have gradually been replaced by new technologies. In order to survive, each technology camp can only grab orders and engage in price war. Finally, STN LCD monitors and resistive touch panel manufacturers can only withdraw. The market may change to the OEM production in China, and retreat to the smaller display market such as vehicle, industrial control, medical care, and service. Therefore, the demand for ITO conductive glass market has become sluggish in recent years.
In a shrinking market, Taiwanese ITO conductive glass manufacturers are faced with severe competitions from Chinese competitors, who are large-scale vertical integrators. Under such an adverse situation of industrial chain imbalance and price competition from China, the market share of Taiwanese ITO conductive glass manufacturers nosedived. They can either choose to price compete with the Chinese counterparts and strive for a niche to survive, or find an alternative solution. Under the condition of descending revenue and gross profit margins, the operation has also been put to the test, and ultimately they must choose to transform or to withdraw from the market.
The focus of this study, Company B, is one of the few surviving players mentioned above. This study started out by analyzing its position with the “Five Forces Analysis Model” to clarify its market positions in the ITO conductive glass industry. Four possible solutions, involving downward integration, and various arrangements for cost cutting, are designed and analyzed. A shrewd coopetition strategy was found to be the best alternative, possible to improve the continued sluggish gross profit margin for Company B.
After the proposal was actually put to field trials for six months, results confirmed that the coopetition strategy succeeded in creating new added values for Company B, improving its cost structure, achieving profitable results, and redefining future operational strategies and policies.
關鍵字(中) ★ ITO導電玻璃
★ 五力分析
★ 競合策略
★ 價值網
★ 商業模式
★ 供應鏈管理
關鍵字(英) ★ ITO conductive glass
★ Five-forces analysis
★ Coopetition
★ Value network
★ Business model
★ Supply chain management
論文目次 第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究流程與方法 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 五力分析模型 4
2.2 競合策略 8
第三章 ITO 玻璃產品及產業簡介 12
3.1 ITO 玻璃簡介 12
3.2 ITO 玻璃發展歷程 13
3.3 ITO 玻璃鍍膜技術 14
3.4 ITO 濺鍍原理 16
3.5 ITO 玻璃生產工藝 17
3.6 ITO 玻璃的主要規格 21
3.7 ITO 玻璃的應用 23
3.8 ITO 玻璃行業現況 35
3.9 個案B公司簡介及問題點說明 39
第四章 競合策略規劃 42
4.1 營業數據分析 42
4.2 波特五力分析 48
4.3 問題點原因彙整 62
4.4 解決方案探討 63
4.5 經營策略調整建議:競合策略 65
4.6 競合對象的評估 66
4.7 可行性分析 71
第五章 結論與建議 73
5.1 試行結果 73
5.2 結論 74
5.3 建議 75
參考文獻 76
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2019-6-21
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