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姓名 張達恩(Ta-En Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 具高能量移動節點之叢集式感測網路 效能研究
(A Study of Cluster-based Sensor Networks with High-power Mobile Sensor Nodes )
★ 應用MSPP至DWDM都會光纖網路的設計★ 光網路與WiMAX整合架構研究及其簡化雛型實驗
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摘要(中) 無線感測網路是由具有能量限制的微小裝置所組成的。一旦佈置後,感
的運作時間。LEACH 是感測網路中以叢集式架構結合資料融合的一種節省能
量且增進運作時間的資料收集方法。LEACH-C 則是中央控制的LEACH,而
在LEACH-C 中,它利用基地台知曉節點的位置及其能量來計算網路適合的
叢集分配,並且以此來增進LEACH 的運作時間效能。
制高能量移動節點之方法(BCM)。在BCM 中,我們主要加入了高能量的移動
感測節點在LEACH-C 的架構中,並且我們利用中央控制的方法來操控移動
BCM 中訂立了叢集需要支援的條件以及計算其分配給移動節點來做叢集頭
叢集的叢集頭。在最後,我們將透過模擬來驗證BCM 它的效能,並且對高能
摘要(英) Wireless sensor networks consist of small battery powered devices with
limited energy resources. Once deployed, the sensor nodes are usually
inaccessible to the user, and are hard to replace their energy source. Hence,
energy efficiency is one of the important issues that need to be enhanced so
as to improve the lifetime of the wireless sensor networks. Low energy
adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is a protocol architecture for sensor
networks that combines the concept of integrating energy-efficient and
cluster-based routing together with data aggregation to increase the
performance in the system lifetime. LEACH-C is a centralized version of
LEACH. In LEACH-C, the base station utilizes its global knowledge of the
location and energy level of each node in the network for cluster formation
and can achieve better performance in the system lifetime.
In this thesis, we propose a new idea in the cluster based of sensor
networks called Base-station Controlled Mobile sensor node scheme (BCM).
In BCM, we adopt the high-power mobile sensor nodes in LEACH-C
architecture and these high-power mobile sensor nodes can move to a
suitable location to support the functions that the cluster headers shall
perform under central control. We propose the moving procedures and
location-aware decision rules. Thus, the decisions of movement of the
high-power mobile sensor nodes are made according to the status estimation
of each cluster and the location of these high-power mobile sensor nodes.
Finally, we illustrate the performance of proposed scheme through
experimental simulations. We also discuss and compare the performance of
the moving algorithm with location-aware .and without location-aware in
our simulation results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 感測網路
★ 中央控制
★ 移動感測節點
關鍵字(英) ★ LEACH
★ Centralized
★ Mobile
★ Sensor networks
論文目次 第一章 緒論…………………….…………………………….…… 1
1.1. 前言…………………………………….…………… 1
1.2. 研究動機……………………………….…………… 2
1.3. 論文架構介紹………………………….…………… 3
第二章 無線感測網路介紹……………………………………… 4
2.1. 無線感測網路概論……………………….. ………… 4
2.2. 無線感測網路架構…………………………………... 6
2.3. 無線感測網路研究議題……………………………... 8
2.4. 感測器硬體元件……………………………………... 10
第三章 相關研究背景………………………………………........ 12
3.1. IEEE 802.15.4 通訊協定…………………………….. 12
3.1.1. IEEE 802.15.4 架構…………..……………… 13
3.1.2. IEEE 802.15.4 特性及介紹……………….…. 14
3.2. 感測網路之路由協定………………………………... 19
3.2.1. The first order radio model……………………. 19
3.2.2. 路由協定之特性分類………………………... 20
3.2.3. 叢集式基礎架構 – LEACH……………….… 22
3.2.4. 鏈基礎架構 – PEGASIS…………………….. 26
3.2.5. 樹狀式基礎架構 – PEDAP………………..… 29
3.2.6. 擴散基礎架構 – Directed Diffusion…………. 30
3.2.7. 其他………………………………………...… 31
第四章 高能量移動節點之應用……………………………….. 33
4.1. BCM 模型架構………………………………………. 33
4.2. BCM 運作流程………………………………………. 35
4.2.1. 叢集分配……………………………………… 35
4.2.2. 基地台計算階段……………………………… 39
4.2.3. 移動式感測器設定階段………………………. 40
4.2.4. 資料通訊階段…………………………………. 42
4.3. 移動式感測器之能量消耗……………………………. 42
第五章 模擬結果與討論…………………….……………………. 44
5.1. 模擬架構………………………………………………. 44
5.2. 模擬結果與分析……………………………………… 46
5.2.1 Case 1 之模擬結果………………………….… 46
5.2.2 Case 2 之模擬結果……………………………. 50
5.2.3 Case 3 之模擬結果……………………………. 53
5.2.4 综合比較之模擬結果…………………………. 56
第六章 結論與未來工作…………………….……………………. 61
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………... 62
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指導教授 陳彥文(Yen-Wen Chen) 審核日期 2005-7-20
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