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吳崧瑋(Sung-Wei Wu)
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巢狀群集離散資料新舊處理效果差異之強韌分數檢定 (Robust Score Test for Treatment Effects for Nested Cluster Categorical Data)
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摘要(中) |
本文利用強韌概似函數方法,在巢狀群集離散資料結構下,提出兩種檢驗處理效果間差異的強韌概似推論法。我們將根據兩個獨立多項式分配實作模型得到分數統計量強韌化,根據此強韌化的強韌分數統計量可在不需要針對巢狀群集間的相關性建構模型情況下得到正確的,有關兩種檢驗處理效果間差異的統計推論。我們也提出參數的概似比檢定統計量,及據此建構的信賴區間。我們用模擬來展示強韌概似方法的優點。 |
摘要(英) |
We establish robust likelihood inference for the effects difference between two treatments in the scenario of correlated categorical data with nested structure. More
specifically, we robustify the naïvecore test statistic based on two independent multinomial working assumptions. The robust score test statistic is able to deliver legitimate inference without the knowledge of the correlation structure.
In addition, robust likelihood ratio statistic and the test-based confidence interval are also provided for the parameter of interest. We use simulations to demonstrate the efficacy of our parametric robust method. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 巢狀群集 ★ 強韌分數檢定 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Nested cluster ★ Robust score test |
論文目次 |
2.1 廣義估計方程式-6
2.2 變異數估計量-7
3.1 最大概似估計量之一致性-9
3.2 修正項A-11
3.3 修正項B-15
3.4 虛無假設之強韌分數統計量-25
4.1 檢測結果為三類型之兩個多項式模型-27
4.2 在不同層次相關性下 諸項的差異-35
4.3 只有層次一的相關性而無層次二的相關性-40
4.4 只有層次二的相關性而無層次一的相關性-41
5.1 資料生成方式-42
5.2 廣義估計方程式-45
5.3 模擬結果-47
參考文獻 |
Liang K.Y. and Zeger S. (1986). Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models.Biometrika; 73(1): 13-22.
Obuchowski N. (1998). On the comparison of correlated proportions for clustered data. Statistics in Medicine,17: 1495-1507.
Royall, R. and Tsou, T. S. (2003). Interpreting statistical evidence by using imperfect models: robust adjusted likelihood functions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 65(2):391-404.
Tsou, T. S. (2017). A robust likelihood approach to inference about the difference between two multinomial distributions in paired designs. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 0(0): 1-15.
指導教授 |
鄒宗山(Tsung-Shan Tsou)
審核日期 |
2019-7-5 |
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