摘要(英) |
Because the market of the LED industry and the semiconductor industry are prosperous, the market of their suppliers, lead frame industry, also grows up. While the lead frame industry is expanding and competitors are coming up to separate the business opportunity, how could they stand out from the competition? This research attempts to analyze the financial ratios from their public financial statement. Dividing the ratios into five aspects: profitability, stability, activity, growth and productivity, we summarize the performance standards and the best financial structure by using the “Financial Five Forces” analysis method. Finally, the improvement suggestions are explored by four internal and external financing methods: profitability, working capital, capital expenditure and shareholder equity. |
參考文獻 |
一、 中文文獻
洪振義、江啟正、蕭宇君,股權結構、財務比率與總體經濟因素對公司績效關係之研究¬¬¬-以台灣銀行業為例,全球商業經營管理學報,2016,8: 69-78。
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